im going to be starting an ana Anavar (var) only cycle (inb4 "slam some test in"). Im going on holidays in 4 months, so i just want a slight boost to intensify my workouts abd i heard ana Anavar (var) increases strength greatly. I have no desire to bloat or to get the steroid look im going to use it simply as a boost and a supplement more than a steroid. I know people on a personal level running Anavar (var) only with no negative effects and good result's. I dont care for beefcakes claiming they know it will shut my test down or what have you i know its a popular babdwagon on this forum. However every thread i have read about people doing Anavar (var) only cycles they praise it. Anyway what id like to know is should i bother with post cycle therapy (pct) or hair protection taking 50mg for 8 weeks? an should i increase my intake at some point during the cycle i have 50mg tabs by jllabs (apparently a bew lab) not sure what the half life is they are powder capsules.
Also has anyon heard of jlLabs?
Also has anyon heard of jlLabs?