anavar only what to expect?

Im using the anavar for slight strength increase and lean muscle and slight fat burn. I dont want the bloat or the possible side effects from test .
Some people need to make their own mistakes before being able to learn from others advice. Theres been some great advice on these forums that I wish I would've followed, and I'm seeing you in my shoes right now. Either don't waste your money and natural test on Anavar (var), or run a proper cycle. Its taxing (a bit hormonally and liver, and very financially) for such slight strength gains on its own. why bother? A good pre workout and good rest would honestly be more effective. Good luck bro.

Also, I never saw var give me any definition when running it at 80mg daily for 2 months, but definitely got pumps. I'm 12% bf, 6'2", 205lbs. Its not going to get you shredded like a good diet will.
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still no one can tell me why i need test by the reaearch ive mad all I found is anavar is mild next to no sides why wud i poison a almost safe cycle (which is what i want) with a compound that could mess me up and of which i dont want the benefits of. Once someone can answer that I will sit down happily im not arguing im trying to get a real answer.
i dont mind using testif I have to but why? so my test levels wont lower whilst on my cycle? but then potentiallh destroy my natural test in the long run? it doesnt make sense to me if someone could make sense of why i should take it then great I will but im not going to use when the only thing people are saying is " use test dont be stupid" thats not a logical answer.
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Look down.... Do you see a penis or vag? Do you like sex and do you value your testicles? It's safer for women and we are the ones who don't need to take anything with it... Dude, wake up and listen... Do your research and not one that was done on rats but you got tons of people on here that are speaking from experience, nothing compares to first hand advice....
When you introduce anavar into your system your body stops producing testosterone. If you are not adding it in from outside at that point you will cease to be fully male since you lack any amount of testosterone in your system.

Erection problems, mood issues and possibly depression can set in. All for what? 5 lbs of LBM that you might gain from anavar? consider your body will need to restart natural test production after the cycle, some gains are always lost. What will your net gain be then 2lbs?
When you introduce anavar into your system your body stops producing testosterone. If you are not adding it in from outside at that point you will cease to be fully male since you lack any amount of testosterone in your system.

Erection problems, mood issues and possibly depression can set in. All for what? 5 lbs of LBM that you might gain from anavar? consider your body will need to restart natural test production after the cycle, some gains are always lost. What will your net gain be then 2lbs?

this is absolutely correct ... what more dose anyone need to know ..
Im using the anavar for slight strength increase and lean muscle and slight fat burn. I dont want the bloat or the possible side effects from test .

Test isn't that bad. I got a huge strength increase and went from 214 to 226 so far.
<-----do I look bloated?
i have researched i found a study ill link it when i get home. My question is wouldnt test do more long term damage than what anavar would do at 50mg day im sure ill get suppressed but wouldnt takin test be potentially alot worse post cycle? Every single tgread ive read about var only (with men) they have had little to no test issues if run with post cycle therapy (pct) every person i know irl have said the same and the study I have read also sais the same. some people dont run post cycle therapy (pct) with anavar and im sure then that would cause issues. Anyway if I was to take test would a low dosage be wise just to maintain test levels or doesnt that matter , will it replace my natural test even at low dose?
oh and I forgot to mention.... YES definatelly! YOUR DIET is key! It may be all you need before you play with big boy toys.... so make sure you save your money and get that in check before you start anything.... and be prepared.... plus hard work and determination pays off... so work hard and stay focused on the goal! :)

One thing you need to realize is that EVERYONE is different and each person will have a different opinion....having said that, it's quite amusing how many people chime in on what you should be doing instead of actually commenting on the thread.
I researched and read for a long time before i started my Anavar (var) only cycle....I'm doing 40mg ed split into 2 (20 morning/20 afternoon). I started at 187lbs and 14% bf. Today, 6 weeks late I weigh 185 at 10% BF. I am not a BB but play a lot of sports. I did not want to get big and bulky but I wanted lean, strong and worked......I feel amazing. But I must say that diet is key. I would have never gotten to where I am today without Anavar (var) but I really counted calories making sure my fat and protein content were as high as possible and limiting carbs to pre workouts only.
Anywhere you read it will tell you that Anavar (var) is only slightly suppressive but I haven't noticed it at all. I wake up every morning having mega thing to also note, I am in my mid 40's.
Diet is the key to controlling side effects and your libido as well as many of the desired results you are looking for.
For me, Anavar (var) worked...but I was very strict and still am.......I have 4 weeks left.

Good luck
im going to be starting an ana Anavar (var) only cycle (inb4 "slam some test in"). Im going on holidays in 4 months, so i just want a slight boost to intensify my workouts abd i heard ana Anavar (var) increases strength greatly. I have no desire to bloat or to get the steroid look im going to use it simply as a boost and a supplement more than a steroid. I know people on a personal level running Anavar (var) only with no negative effects and good result's. I dont care for beefcakes claiming they know it will shut my test down or what have you i know its a popular babdwagon on this forum. However every thread i have read about people doing Anavar (var) only cycles they praise it. Anyway what id like to know is should i bother with pct or hair protection taking 50mg for 8 weeks? an should i increase my intake at some point during the cycle i have 50mg tabs by jllabs (apparently a bew lab) not sure what the half life is they are powder capsules.
Also has anyon heard of jlLabs? u realize u just said u don't wanna use a steroid as a steroid? Only u ANA Anavar (var) ONLY guys say stupid shit like that!
What I mean is in comparison to an over the counter supplement it is going to be better. And in terms of it low sides I dont see whats wrong with looking at it this way. If I was interested in the effects of any other steroids then I would use them but Im not thats why I chose anavar. To say "dont use anavar" is just stupid imo its like me saying " dont use test cause you WILL noy be able to get hard after yout cycle" the chances of me suffering from low test post cycle is alot lower than if I took test.
Good to hear . My diet is pretty strict my diet is based on similar neutitional intake as yours. As I said Im only 21 i got 4 weeks novla to run which im going to start 2 weeks before the end of my cycle I think I should be all good im queit confident. Me and my buddy started taking it yday and we both said we felt slightly more pumped might be placebo but we will see.
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