Anavar powder

Ifrit said:
I'm still not taKing 100mgs a day fucker,lol. J/K.

OK. keep us posted of your results. if you need a good program to put on mass and loose BF at the same time let me know and I'll PM you with the magical way of life. if you arent that crazy about watching your food intake then i can give you a routine to put on some serious mass on ya (Juice or no Juice).

bear in mind that var is basically only effective if stacked, esp at low doses. it was originally develped to help children with stunted growth problems. that is why it is so mild. it does have some anabolic activity but zilch for adro activity. thats why the sides are almost nil. but even with the andos sides are preventable if armed with the proper knowledge.

sorry if i came off like an asshole before. I am passionate about weight traing and health issues. good luck grass hopper.
Ifrit said:
I'm still not taKing 100mgs a day fucker,lol. J/K.
Hey bro ...what ever happened to that last var cycle good.....what ever happened to ******** anyhow?
That Var cycle sucked ass. I did 40mgs for 4 weeks of Perutech. Never again, Perutech sucks. I got nothing at all from it not any strength. I think it was bunk.
pullinbig said:
Although not yet clear how, this relationship must in some way reflect each individuals ability to minimize free radical damage to the interior walls of the artery.

Ok, so you are agreeing with me? All i did was make a simple, gneeral statement that cholesterol levels do have some correlation to arteriosclerosis. You just went more in depth with how the ratio of HDL and LDL somehow effect the inner-lining of arterial walls.

High serum lipid levels, especially the elevated level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), have been shown to be strongly related to the development of atherosclerosis.

PMID: 15052339

got any data proving thgat Winstrol (winny) has anything to do with this? no! you just running your mouth.

what are you talking about? did i ever make a statement about wintrols correlation to arteriosclerosis, or anything about Winstrol (winny) at all? IMO, i would use Winstrol (winny) over anavar any day of the weeks considering price, availablity and ease of dosage... where did this statement come from bro?

not even debatable? another moron in the house. .

Hmm, i guess so, its a shame, being a biology major and all... maybe i should go to class right? :(

the three PLers you mentioned mentioned are obviously taking var to make weight. they too would benenfit beter from Winstrol (winny) or tren. odd that all three are taking the same dose.

First, i know all three PLers mentioned personally, they all train together, thus which is why they all like to do the same things, including gear dosages. Did i debate with you on the fact that Winstrol (winny) or tren would be better for their goals? (not making weight, believe it or not). NO! Like i said, i would use Winstrol (winny) over var anyday, and i would use tren over most anything any day of the week as well. no debate about that. You simply mentioned that you dont know any powerlifters that take var.. well i do, and two of them are the best in the world at their weight... not saying its ecause of the car, cause its not, it is their training and genetics, i firmly believe this. i could give August Clark IM injections of B12 and he would still grow and maintain his incredible level of strenth. his trianing and diet is incredible to watch.

So seriosuly, calm down and stop trying to attack everyone tonight. You obvioulsy have too much knowledge and you are wasting it with this crap, and if you are as serious intpo training as you say you are, then share some of that vast knowledge and wisdom you have picked up along your way, it will help alot of these "teenagers and early 20's guys". And btw, i do nto make posts on what someopne told me, i do my own research in correlation to my academic curriculim (sp?)?

The only reason i made the smart-ass remark about the three plers taking var and having higher totals than you, i admit, was a cheap shot, but i have never seen you before, yet you attack people i know with your short temper... i felt compelled, as i see your temper has subsided a little, i will gratefully retract that comment, as it was very tasteless and should reflect this board. And who the fuck is Bob Costas? Lol, im too young for him... j/k
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Ifrit said:
So how bout that Var in everclear?
pullinbigs explanation was correct, was there another question?:
5g powder added to 95ml everclear will yield 100ml solution at 50mg/ml. may be off a ml one way or the other
also, Ifrit, i am a bit curious as to your current diet and goals and expectations of a var only cycle, as it commonly used in conjuction with other drugs...
I used it along with EQ a long time ago. I will never do that again. My diet is nearly perfect honestly. I start at 3,500 calories a day and gradually increase it as I stop gaining especially since I just came off a diet. I am just surprised no one is using the Var powder because it is so cheap and easy to make so it seems. I am now doing a Test propionate 100mgs EOD and EQ 800mgs for 12 weeks. I was using the light Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) because I was a newbie to this and didn't know how much or little I would gain. You hear guys saying Var and EQ are weak but then again alot of us probably have body dysmorphic disorder,lol.
mild, but not weak. I like EQ. It is weak when you compare results to that of test or tren, however strong when compared to NO2 :) i think EQ and var have their roles
if you getting var powder cheaper than stanous powder i would be a little weary. its normally 5 x 10 times the price of winny.
grafix-gnc said:
Ok, so you are agreeing with me? All i did was make a simple, gneeral statement that cholesterol levels do have some correlation to arteriosclerosis. You just went more in depth with how the ratio of HDL and LDL somehow effect the inner-lining of arterial walls.

High serum lipid levels, especially the elevated level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), have been shown to be strongly related to the development of atherosclerosis.

PMID: 15052339

what are you talking about? did i ever make a statement about wintrols correlation to arteriosclerosis, or anything about Winstrol (winny) at all? IMO, i would use Winstrol (winny) over anavar any day of the weeks considering price, availablity and ease of dosage... where did this statement come from bro?

Hmm, i guess so, its a shame, being a biology major and all... maybe i should go to class right? :(

First, i know all three PLers mentioned personally, they all train together, thus which is why they all like to do the same things, including gear dosages. Did i debate with you on the fact that Winstrol (winny) or tren would be better for their goals? (not making weight, believe it or not). NO! Like i said, i would use Winstrol (winny) over var anyday, and i would use tren over most anything any day of the week as well. no debate about that. You simply mentioned that you dont know any powerlifters that take var.. well i do, and two of them are the best in the world at their weight... not saying its ecause of the car, cause its not, it is their training and genetics, i firmly believe this. i could give August Clark IM injections of B12 and he would still grow and maintain his incredible level of strenth. his trianing and diet is incredible to watch.

So seriosuly, calm down and stop trying to attack everyone tonight. You obvioulsy have too much knowledge and you are wasting it with this crap, and if you are as serious intpo training as you say you are, then share some of that vast knowledge and wisdom you have picked up along your way, it will help alot of these "teenagers and early 20's guys". And btw, i do nto make posts on what someopne told me, i do my own research in correlation to my academic curriculim (sp?)?

The only reason i made the smart-ass remark about the three plers taking var and having higher totals than you, i admit, was a cheap shot, but i have never seen you before, yet you attack people i know with your short temper... i felt compelled, as i see your temper has subsided a little, i will gratefully retract that comment, as it was very tasteless and should reflect this board. And who the fuck is Bob Costas? Lol, im too young for him... j/k

OK bro I apologize for my crude remarks. They were uncalled for and unnecessary. Apparently we agree on much so I am willing to leave it at that.

I will add that degrees and education don’t always make a lot of difference. There are PhD’s killing people everyday. I worked in the pharm business for years. (Biological division at that), but that in it self don’t make me knowledable. Continuing studying on my own I have learned far more than I did in school or at work. Technology changes daily as you know and what a book 10 years old says may or may not be true anymore.

For the AMA to admit that they dropped the ball on cholesterol is Fing huge, they been prescribing meds unnecessarily for years. You think they gonna pay the consumers and insurance companies back? My guess is no. :)

Sorry for the attack. It won’t happen again.

Gary Frank trains down in Louisiana as well. I didn’t know Augusta did too. I can out lift Augusta but not Jesse. There are only a few in the world who can. Unfortunately I am not one of them.

Also back to HDL and LDL. Every report I have read of current data always says Can or May lead to this or that. If free radicals are the culprit then that is very easily avoided. I didn’t agree with you on that. I may be wrong and if so the data I read is wrong. Nothing conclusive at best.

Any way thanks for the discussion and look forward to your response.
Jesse and August train in same gym together, in a small town (covington, LA) Gary Frank has his own facility he built at his house that he now trains people out of, but sometimes they meet up and train together. They both bump heads as their egos get in the way and dont wanna be exposed to training methods other than their own. I will agree with you on the PhD's killing people everyday, my educational background was not meant to say that im automatically smart, just saying im not some dumbass highschool kid that read something in FLEX magazine, that is all. But all the discussion you bring to the board is very, very good, and the only way we learn is through discussion and debates.
also, as far as case studies go, new results contradict older ones every week. Just as in the case of the LDL related arteriosclerosis study yo cited and the one i cited...
sounds good. gary frank is the man. 2800+ total. he out totals most with his squat and bench. i am glad he finally switched over to the new style of benching. he put 150lbs on his bench in less than a month.
pullinbig said:
sounds good. gary frank is the man. 2800+ total. he out totals most with his squat and bench. i am glad he finally switched over to the new style of benching. he put 150lbs on his bench in less than a month.

New style?
gary frank is a freak, word is though he feels threatened by that guy who benched 900 (forgot his name) he knows he wont touch his total, but threatened by all the press he is getting
gene rychek. gene has a good squats and descent dead too. but he is bench only now. hell gary has the biggest bench ever in a full power meet. he hit 880 something. dont know what he is woried about. he'll be hitting nine soon enough.
TxLonghorn said:
New style?

metal meltia. crawford has got it pegged. plus these guys are getting their shirts dialed in by inzer and karin. i trained with mcvicar quite a bit and he knows the scoop. he helped karin design the new shirts.