Anavar powder

karin shirts are badass...

i hear some crazy shit about mcvicar and his boys though, i hear they do some wild shit when out of town at competitions
In my experience, there is no way to get Var to dissolve in Everclear at a 50mg/ml ratio. The best concentration I have achieved is 20mg/ml and even that has to be shaken vigorously before using.

I have tried other solvents PEG, Glycerin and it matters not in increasing the concentration. Var is a biotch to dissolve.

muslhead said:
In my experience, there is no way to get Var to dissolve in Everclear at a 50mg/ml ratio. The best concentration I have achieved is 20mg/ml and even that has to be shaken vigorously before using.

I have tried other solvents PEG, Glycerin and it matters not in increasing the concentration. Var is a biotch to dissolve.


why does it have to dissolve? just need someway to suspend it. shake the piss out of it and draw up with a 20 or 18g and dose it orally.

However it will clear if you heat it enough. sometimes with winy you may have to heat to solution 1-3 times th get it to be a nice suspension after cooling.

var and stanous have similar melting points and molecular weight. I have stanous in everclear @ 100mg/ml suspended. works great.
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grafix-gnc said:
karin shirts are badass...

i hear some crazy shit about mcvicar and his boys though, i hear they do some wild shit when out of town at competitions

jeff has been known to take a drink. he is a stand up guy though. he is one of my best friends. I dont drink and party but that dont affect our frindship. we talk on the phone 2 or 3 times a month now that he has moved from down here.
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doubtful as my wife is disabled so i stay close to home. part of the reason i havent competed in over a year also. family first as you know.
hey ifrit, you have any luck with your var powder delimma? i have the same?
I must have been away on business for a couple of weeks because I never say this post. Damn, never saw PB get riled up that much before. Good times.:D
grafix-gnc said:
just for shits and giggles, lets bump this thread back up... first time i met PB he attacked me, lol.... memories :)

yeah but we patched things up that night you got drunk and i had my way with you.

damn thats an old post. i forgot all about how we met. :D oh well alls well that ends well. esp if its my all in your end. :eek:
thanks they got weigh in wednesday for the friday lifters. we got three competing from this area (2 220s and a 242) but one of them told me jesse wasnt lifting. travis mash is a local 220er from here and he has ht his first 700 bench in training a few weeks ago. he also has a 800 dead to his credit with a 2303 total in an apf meet. he got injured last year at this meet. and won it in 02. we also have a 220 junior with a good shot at postig 2200+ is gary lifting?