Anavar powder

I didnt reject shit bro. Im only saying that I choose to run moderate (less than a g/week) cycles and seem to be doing quite well.

I sincerely hope you are neither banned or leave this board. You add a LOT to the chem forum bro, Ive learned a lot from you I just think this whole thread got sour.
Wow bro flip a switch why don't you,lol. I really don't care that much to debate on the issue and I don't have any studies to show but I have never heard of people using 100mgs. If I am 100% sure on anything I will debate the fuck out of anyone but I nore anyone else is ever 100% sure on anything. I don't know why your getting so pieved about the Var,lol. Chill bra.
Oh yah, I got all my oil, bottles and everything yesterday and now I am just waiting on the friggin powder. Just a little rant on my own thread, instead of opening up a new thread about nothing,lol.
pullinbig said:
this board is a joke ............. ban me if you like i really dont care.

Once again, the only thing that is a joke around here is you.

Ban you......., not yet........., it's too much fun seeing you dig this little hole you're digging.
pullinbig said:
ifit how many powerlufters you know? i dont know any powerlifters that take var other than woman, why cause it is so mild.

well since you asked, quite a few :)

Jesse Kellum
August Clark
Kenny Palazola

they all currently like anavar, and are taking only 60mg/day, oh yeah, and they probably have a higher total than you :eek:
pullinbig said:
this board is a joke when the mods are lost. ban me if you like i really dont care. i'll sleep like a baby tonight knowing that the truth has been spoken and rejected by the three amigos.

oh and 3g/w test is not a big cycle. arnold knew that in the 60s.

Well we don't ban people here just because their ideas differ from the mods.

I agree on the cholesterol level and have for years. A few doctors have admitted that cholesterol levels don't correlate with anything. This is kind of the same thing about dietary cholesterol and blood levels, there is no correlation there, either, however many were telling you to not eat eggs a few years ago. However, there may be something to the good/bad levels.

Maybe for you ox at anything less than 100mg/day is a waste, but I think that needs to be qualified. I've taken ox at 40mg/day and it wasn't a waste, I gained some muscle, shed some fat, and got stronger. I wasn't trying to add 20lbs of muscle, but then again, I don't compete and moderate levels are fine by me.

I think advocating dose ranges without knowing the person or their history is not going to do anybody any favors. And for the most part when you see dosages, they are going to be moderate. Why? Because for the most part, after you've been cycling for a few years, odds are good you aren't going to ask what to do with 2 bottles of eq and 7 amps of test.

Most asking for cycle advice are first timers, or damn close. And most of the time, they do as little research as they can get by with. So if you were to recommend a cycle of 2 grams of test and 100mg/day of Winstrol (winny), if they ran into any problems, they'd be fucked.

I know that many have tried Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/day and prefer that over Winstrol (winny) at 50mg/day, however fukkenshredded over at AF got jaundice during his Winstrol (winny) cycle for running it too long. There might have been other factors invovled, but the point is, there is not a 'perfect dosage' for a cycle.

Most of the posters here do not compete in anything or for anything. Again, it helps if you qualify recommending dosages...if you are a powerlifter and competing and you've done a few cycles, etc., etc. But 90% of the guys here have probably never done more than 2g/week of total gear. And those that have have probably worked their way up to those levels.

For a user who has never taken more than a gram of gear/week, 40mg/day of ox will be noticeable. You ask why on taking moderate doses, the answer is simple, if you don't compete and you don't want to bother with the sides, you don't want to look obscenely massive, moderate doses are perfect. Also, for somebody just starting out, if you can get similar gains with half the gear, why not?

I will say this, it is interesting to hear about dosages from a competitive lifter and one who knows other lifters and what they take.

As a side note, I have been enjoying your posts and would like to see more of them. But just because I enjoy them doesn't mean I won't say something if I think differently. After all, this is a discussion board.
grafix-gnc said:
oh, and cholesterol does contribute to arteriosclerosis (not even debatable) which, in turn is very serious...

Arteriosclerosis: Hardening and thickening of the walls of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis CAN occur because of fatty deposits on the inner lining of arteries (atherosclerosis), calcification of the wall of the arteries, or thickening of the muscular wall of the arteries from chronically elevated blood pressure (hypertension).

There is overwhelming evidence that high blood cholesterol increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis; but cholesterol is not the damaging mechanism. In fact, the risk of atherosclerosis is more accurately assessed by measuring the proportional relationship between HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff). Although not yet clear how, this relationship must in some way reflect each individuals ability to minimize free radical damage to the interior walls of the artery.

they say something and donyt even know if its true. they cant explain it but asume its true. lolololol they even close by changing over to limiting free radicals. anybody can do this by drinking several cups opf green tea a day. beta carotine. grape seed extract. the list goes on and on.

got any data proving thgat Winstrol (winny) has anything to do with this? no! you just running your mouth.

not even debatable? another moron in the house.

the three PLers you mentioned mentioned are obviously taking var to make weight. they too would benenfit beter from Winstrol (winny) or tren. odd that all three are taking the same dose.
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long horn if some one says something blatantly wrong you gonna let it slide? as a mod i hope not. mode have more responcibilty on these boards than anyone else. they are a direct reflection on the board, all its members and advertisers. if you continue to allow mode to spout off incorect information you asking for trouble. opinions are one thing, if stated so, but incorrect data is another. i have no patience for stupidity from these keyboard giants. easy to sit back and talk a lot of big boy stuff, but its always different man to man. the internet is a wonderful place to gather info on any subject. do a google search and you;ll be amazed at what you can find ( the truth most of the time if you read enough). this board prolly has the biggest concenmtration of teens and early 20 guys of any board i post on. they need good info, not someones opinion based on what someone else told them or what they heard on bob costas sports show.
pullinbig said:
no one even asked you anything bitch.

Heeeeeeeey, cool it with the flames. This is a discussion forum, you don't need a personal invite to add in your thoughts.

I think the point is that there is no one best amount of gear to do. There are going to be times and places for small amounts and large amounts, not to mention that everybody is different, and different people have different goals.

And I still agree with you on the cholesterol thingy. On the dosages, I think it's a bit overstated saying you won't get anything from ox or Winstrol (winny) at less than 100mg/day.
pullinbig said:
they need good info, not someones opinion based on what someone else told them or what they heard on bob costas sports show.

lol, I agree, however there are tons of doctors who still think that cholesterol levels are important, and no way in hell am I going to 'play doctor'. I will tell you what I think, but it's not that black and white, if it were, we would know what actually is the problem and be able to hopefully fix it. Instead we have barometers like cholesterol levels thay may or may not tell us anything. I am one of those who think it doesn't tell us anything, or at least not much. But I am not going to tell somebody their doctor is wrong.
i never said you dont get anything from 50mg of Winstrol (winny). as a matter of fact thats a good dose. much more effective than 50mg Anavar (var). i said i do 100mg Winstrol (winny) a day because of my size and tolerance and also that i use Winstrol (winny) to help block E and its sides. esp when doing tren along with it.
pullinbig said:
i never said you dont get anything from 50mg of Winstrol (winny). as a matter of fact thats a good dose. much more effective than 50mg Anavar (var). i said i do 100mg Winstrol (winny) a day because of my size and tolerance and also that i use Winstrol (winny) to help block E and its sides. esp when doing tren along with it.

This I have no problem with. But I wouldn't recommend anybody run it even at 50mg/day for 6 months. I think the dangers to the liver on 17-aa steroids are overstated for the most part, but again, I would err on the side of caution. If somebody wants to do it for 6 months, great, but I am at least going to tell them to get blood tests, etc. that way if they do run into trouble, they can fix it before their eyes turn yellow which is what happened to fukkenshredded.

If you are doing a tren/winny only cycle, there shouldn't be ANY estrogen at all, tren gyno is caused by prolactin as far as anybody can tell since it doesn't aromatize and your body's production of estrogen should be at pretty much zero. And if the Winstrol (winny) is helping against gyno from the tren, you are lucky, because it didn't ever do shit for me in that department. For tren gyno, bromo was the only thing that ever helped, however next time I try tren, it will be with vitamin b6 to stop the gyno.
TxLonghorn said:
lol, I agree, however there are tons of doctors who still think that cholesterol levels are important, and no way in hell am I going to 'play doctor'. I will tell you what I think, but it's not that black and white, if it were, we would know what actually is the problem and be able to hopefully fix it. Instead we have barometers like cholesterol levels thay may or may not tell us anything. I am one of those who think it doesn't tell us anything, or at least not much. But I am not going to tell somebody their doctor is wrong.

i recently read a study stating that doctors are resonsible for 1/3 of all deaths in the USA. my gp told me i had hep years ago before i ever did any juice. so i took the screen and it came back negative. i explained to him that high doses of protein will cause elevated liver values. he told me i was wrong. i sent him the data and now he wont talk to me. he's a gp. he stitches people, draws blood, writed scripts fo colds. believes everything can be cured with a pill. he is older so is not aware of the newest medical data avaiable. why, cause he wont read. The ama just admitted that they have no idea what part cholesterol plays in heart disease. all these years they been giving folks meds to lower cholesterol and making them sicker. and i'll bet something else too that in the next 10 years we gonna see more and more of this happening.
TxLonghorn said:
This I have no problem with. But I wouldn't recommend anybody run it even at 50mg/day for 6 months. I think the dangers to the liver on 17-aa steroids are overstated for the most part, but again, I would err on the side of caution. If somebody wants to do it for 6 months, great, but I am at least going to tell them to get blood tests, etc. that way if they do run into trouble, they can fix it before their eyes turn yellow which is what happened to fukkenshredded.

If you are doing a tren/winny only cycle, there shouldn't be ANY estrogen at all, tren gyno is caused by prolactin as far as anybody can tell since it doesn't aromatize and your body's production of estrogen should be at pretty much zero. And if the Winstrol (winny) is helping against gyno from the tren, you are lucky, because it didn't ever do shit for me in that department. For tren gyno, bromo was the only thing that ever helped, however next time I try tren, it will be with vitamin b6 to stop the gyno.

i didnt say that was all i was doing. i am doing a boat load of test with it. i prefer ana @1-2mg/d for an estro block. the Winstrol (winny) does make a differnce. oht is another powerful anti e with moderate anabolic activity. clo @100mg/d 1 out of every 3 weeks keeps the boys up and runnin as well.
its an injectable PH( hydroxy testosterone). to be honest it is a close second to ana in anti e properties with added feature of anaboic activity. not as potent as m1t or 4ADne depot but still effective and safe for women too. it stacks very well with the 4adne depot. tremendous results. since the 4adne is so potent an anti e is needed. severe gyno with out. i will say this, stock up on m1t and 4adne now because it will be schedulesd soon. these two are as potent as any real juice i have ever done. esp the m1t that stuff is whicked.

another quality of the oht is that it keeps the boys up and running. it does not shut you down but has the same effects as clo in this regard. very intersting hormone.
pullinbig said:
its an injectable PH( hydroxy testosterone). to be honest it is a close second to ana in anti e properties with added feature of anaboic activity. not as potent as m1t or 4ADne depot but still effective and safe for women too. it stacks very well with the 4adne depot. tremendous results. since the 4adne is so potent an anti e is needed. severe gyno with out. i will say this, stock up on m1t and 4adne now because it will be schedulesd soon. these two are as potent as any real juice i have ever done. esp the m1t that stuff is whicked.

another quality of the oht is that it keeps the boys up and running. it does not shut you down but has the same effects as clo in this regard. very intersting hormone.
