Angrymuscles - The return of the comeback, 2011 version


New member
Hello board. AM here, wanting to let you guys and gals know that I'll start posting pics again after my rehab (april 18th)

As much as I ruined myself completely for almost 4 years with alcohol and drugs, I'm on a road to total rebuilding.

Yes, I am yet to lift my previous lifting numbers, but I'm quite positive that it will all come back with me bursting through it and going heavier than before.

here's me almost 4 months in rehab and haven't yet lifted weights at all. just pigging out and sleeping and such.
i think this was my last update pose set, dated january 2007

i believe i was like 180-200 lbs here with bf% around 15-18 or a solid 20.

mom said im a lot bigger now and looked way better than my last time being huge.

will take pics. you be the judge :)
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will continue

thought they'd be good and a lot, but end up with only 2. sad cam died and didn't get to take pics during the outing.

there are still some more cams I have my pics on but they have yet to send me the pics
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glad you cleaned up, but come on you can't be serious with "my mom said" lol. Keep working bro. You do appear to be leaner this time. How old and how tall are you?
29 and 5'9

yes, i am leaner this time. back then, I was on high carbs and fats. now i have more protein and balanced carbs. so basically, more quality muscles now than before. also, i feel a lot stronger nowadays than before.

i was misguided back then by the belief of more fat/carbs = more strength/power
Good to hear you are on the road to recovery my man and that there is a solution out there for people who have drug and alcohol dependency.

Hello board. AM here, wanting to let you guys and gals know that I'll start posting pics again after my rehab (april 18th)

As much as I ruined myself completely for almost 4 years with alcohol and drugs, I'm on a road to total rebuilding.

Yes, I am yet to lift my previous lifting numbers, but I'm quite positive that it will all come back with me bursting through it and going heavier than before.

here's me almost 4 months in rehab and haven't yet lifted weights at all. just pigging out and sleeping and such.
here we go

this is me currently after, i think 2 to almost 3 months of training with steady diet of high protein/med-low carbs

cam was cellphone. the outdoor pics proved to have better lighting.

apparently my leg size never really left me ever since I started training them from back then.

weight here is 185-190 with way less bf% than the 2007 pics
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here we go

this is me currently after, i think 2 to almost 3 months of training with steady diet of high protein/med-low carbs

cam was cellphone. the outdoor pics proved to have better lighting.

apparently my leg size never really left me ever since I started training them from back then.

weight here is 185-190 with way less bf% than the 2007 pics

you are improving fast bro. If you just keep your diet in check the results come SUPER fast. I see that you always ask me about cardios affect on strength. If I wouldnt worry about a little strength loss to shed some fat. Then when you get in the lower bf range, start bulking. It is really hard to bulk and cut simultaneously. You are my age, and we are still young. Strength is easily gotten back, but fat and diet is the the more complex piece of the puzzle for most. Good work.
thanks for the much needed info and motivation, jb

yes, having a good strict diet is definitely the most important thing in the lifting universe. i cannot stress it enough.

back then, i was just eating anything...a lot too. blew me up to fatass city

i also cannot stress this enough: the hardest part in weightlifting is eating.