Annoying tendinitis.!!!!!!!!!!

You can try good old Glucosamine Cholate. It is what you find in the OTC joint suppliments. I cannot take it, it makes my fasting glood sugar level skyrocket, but most people have no problems with it.

Will look into it, thanks.
The whole idea about Deca 'lubing the joints' -- is irrelevant in this case (yes deca does help the joints,, but..) because "tendons" are not joints and Deca will not do anything for your actual tendons or tendonitis.

Deca has helped achy joints, but only thing that ever helped my tendonitis,, UNFORTUNATELY was taking a lot of rest and time away from the gym and then lifting extremely light when coming back.
if its bad in your elbows,, don't do any pressing exercises for a month, just take the time and work on your legs and cardio and give the elbows time to heal,, you'll come back with stronger legs and better feeling elbows.
I had this problem for years especially in my elbows. Its gone now and i do believe i have the answer for you. First one is diet. Trust me, its more of a factor than you think. Foods high in fat and very processed cause inflammation everywhere and make tendonitis occurences much more frequent. The next big thing is ego lifting. Just cuz ur juicing and ur bench goes up 100 lbs doesnt mean u should bench that much more in such a short period of time. You need to slowly work up with weight and focus on form and control. I am growing like crazy and i dont do anything weight wise that i cant do 12 times. In fact, i do reps of 20 and i am growing like a mad man. Just my .02 cents

Good advice, funny thing is I was just reading yesterday a case on how a guy is doing a cycle to treat tendinitis.