Another Death blamed on steroid abuse on Tv.


Professional Beer Drinker
Just for kicks i thought i would post this, i dont know what it was sixty minutes or the news or something tonight they had a kid who died , a high school baseball player, they blamed Steroid Depression or wahtever on his death.

the media is full of shit. Their antics are getting old. It is really bad when i see more on steroid use than cocaine or any other narcotic or drug anymore.
"This boy used steroids, then it took his life, tonight on 60 minutes"

That was the pitch line if I believe correctly. Youd have to be pretty stupid to belive that.
I think i saw that awhile back. they blamed his suicide on depression from coming off the roids.

Champ said:
they blamed his suicide on depression from coming off the roids.

I'm sure the reporting was at least somewhat irresponsible but let's not kid ourselves... it's not impossible that something like that could have happened.

And before people go on blaming chemical imbalances, just remember that no one is perfect, everyone has issues, and the catalyst to those issues surfacing is just as much at fault as the issues themselves.

yes i will admit, i had a bit of depression anxiety or wahtever theh ell you want to call it after the roids were gone / out of my system, i was coming off them right, didnt take any therapy or such as, ive learned, but it was nothing to the fact that i thought living was a mistake, They need to take a look at the kids life "beyond" steroid use...
Champ said:
I think i saw that awhile back. they blamed his suicide on depression from coming off the roids.

So what they should've recommended was liftetime hrt. "Testosterone would've saved my boy!" the father could've said.
the worst thing is people who dont know any better actually believe this. Its the news isnt it? Its supposed to inform people to help us. BUt as of late its just rateings thats wanted. And drama brings that, and juice being a hot topic why not. And all they mention is he juiced, maybe he did other drugs as well, his dad touched him when he was little or something. Fuck them!
they even had this stupid as special on news radio yesterday. how pathetic. even the fucking guest speakers. fucking pathetic. it makes me sooo mad. one really wimpy sounding boy is introduced. sounds like hes a buck 15, say that when he was playing college football, everyone was doing steroids, so he did too. he said it was apart of the culture. another wimpy boy said that his coach wanted him to gain a few pounds in the off season for high school ball, so he started to do steroids. what bullshit guests. and im supposed to believe this bullshit. HAHA, i though not.

Yet again, a nonrepresentative spokesperson (albeit posthumously) for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. They didn't say what he used, but they did show deca and anadrol. His psychiatrist made the "obvious" and "clear" link that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) played a role is his suicide and backed it with...........wait, she didn't back it up with anything.
he was a 17 yr old kid that had no business using AAS. Independent of his age, he was someone completely uneducated in the proper use of AAS, which itself is a reason for him to not be using.

There is absolutely nothing that the government can keep from people....demand always creates supply. Education (truth) is what needs to be disseminated; not this completely unfounded, biased misinformation that makes the medical professionals speaking against Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) look like fools. If the cycle implied really was that kids cycle, then he was a prolactin factory....inhibition of dopaminergic effects would be rampant. i guess I'm contradicting myself in saying that the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) he used actually could (and probably did) contribute to his depression, but I'll go one step further and say it was his lack of education on the subject that was the major contributor.

I'm not sure if everyone appreciates just how valuable these boards are. We all see that kids cycle and roll our eyes....we know better....he didn't. What's the only difference between him and us (besides a pulse)? education....we know better..

So, the government can keep preaching the "steroids will kill you" and the media can follow along with the same crap, but kids are too smart for that. They know pro athletes use AAS, and how many pro athletes die? Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will always be available.....let's not fool ourselves. Educated, proper use of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is relatively safe....certainly moreso than cigarettes and alcohol use and even more so than a fast-food-oriented diet. The paradox here is....we're using these "deadly" compounds, but what other demographic is this meticulous about their health? Vitamins, monitoring BP, cholesterol, blood sugar, making sure we get proper rest and water intake, etc
The whole interview pretty much "puts the cart before the horse".

I would bet dollars to doughnuts that the kid had a serious problem with depression before he ever decided to use steroids. Steroids were probably going to be his avenue to get out of this depression by making him bigger,stronger, and of course more confident.

The parents are using steroids as a scapegoat ,due to thier not wanting to have to deal with the issue that his death might could have been prevented if they would have taken the time to talk with him and find out if there were any existent problems with school,drugs, self, friends, image etc..Teenagers certainly aren't the easiest people to talk to but i can be done.

Now the kid is dead and it of course isn't due to anything but "depression due to steroid use" not "he used steroids because he had a bad self-image and was depressed".

this happened a long time ago, atleast 4 or 5 months. I seen it on tv last night too, there parents are now trying to put out a message to get rid of steroids because they say (your) child will commit suicide on them.
see its fucked up parents like that that make all the other parents in the world start sayijng shit! some parents blame steroids for their sons death and soon enough other parents are worrying and talking about their son might be taking juice. jus becaus he goes to the gym and is getting bigger and shit. it pisses me off to see these bad parents out there fucking everything up for the rest of the people in the world. they jus want to cover up that they were worthless parents and couldnt recognize that their precious son was depressed and they let it get so bad that he killed himsel! its sad, it really is.