New member
OK guys I just took a break juicing after being on for about 2 years. I took a month off, did Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at the end, pct with clomid and nolva. Everything went well, no muscle loss, no real depression, and balls came back fine. So I started taking Primobolan. I took about 300mg the first week and was fine. Then at the second week I took a shot of tren 50mg. I had an anxiety attack (had the symptoms), then I waited a couple days and took a shot of primobolan and I had another one. So I just stopped totally for now. What is causing this? I used to take caffeine everyday and every since the first attack I stopped taking caffiene. I had another with the shot of primo and wasn't taking caffeine. Is this mental or my hormones? Do I just need to take a long break from everything. It's so wierd. Also I weigh 230 pounds. Been juicing for 6 years. I have been on pretty much all types of juice. This was the first time trying primobolan. Any opinions? I don't even want to go to the gym because of the way I felt. It was like this huge surge of energy that just got worse the more I tried to work it off. I guess like adrenaline. Any advice is duly appreciated. I don't want to waste away. lol