Any news on our favorite

Man there is a lot of roid rage on this board..lmaoCant see the big deal he does advertise openly everywhere I dont use him but thought we were here to help each other with sources and bb... Of course with sources need to be pm'd and not talked about openly but he wasnt...idk
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Man there is a lot of roid rage on this board..lmaoCant see the big deal he does advertise openly everywhere I dont use him but thought we were here to help each other with sources and bb...

no sources on open board pm people and dont let this thread shoe you away man it was all bullshit
Oh I'm just talkin shit I could really care less other then I think all the threads about z are ridiculous and shouldn't be allowed. Mind as well allow open source checks. Who cares if he advertises, that's his business. It's not anybody elses job to do it besides the people that he hires to advertise for him.
thiss ^^^^

repo bro....sorry but these threads are f'n annoying as hell....I am totally on the side of pm...I will preach pm left and right....just pm someone with your illegal purchasing activity....repo is a very good start

there is no need to talk about any sources on this board on the open forum....

I totally understand what you're saying.

However - it was these threads that gave me a reliable source when I was fucked - so I just understand where these guys are coming from when I see these questions.

Shit, many questions for many members can be answered from one of these threads.

There's a lot of threads that I don't care for as well - (one could be Naps threads) - but I just pass over them and move on...

These threads help the members who consider using Z - and they help Z as well ..."so it's a win-win situation."

Plus, the members still have the option to PM other members as well.

You are right Cobra - I'm a good place to start if you guys have any questions...

The only problem is - most of my PM's are just as long as my posts and my time is very limited right now - but I do the bast I can with my time.

Just say'n - there's no harm either way. :)
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