Any point in running Tren-a at higher than 700 EW?

I've gone higher, sides weren't any more noticeable than 700mg/wk which for me was mostly sleep issues.

Cutting pretty hard right now, this week and next are 1g tren E and 350mg tren A per week........four weeks after that will be 1g tren E and 700mg tren A
I've gone higher, sides weren't any more noticeable than 700mg/wk which for me was mostly sleep issues.

Cutting pretty hard right now, this week and next are 1g tren E and 350mg tren A per week........four weeks after that will be 1g tren E and 700mg tren A

i hope you get some bloods to show us where your at
I've gone higher, sides weren't any more noticeable than 700mg/wk which for me was mostly sleep issues.

Cutting pretty hard right now, this week and next are 1g tren E and 350mg tren A per week........four weeks after that will be 1g tren E and 700mg tren A

I'd seriously question my source if sleep issues are the extent of problems from that much tren. Sure, maybe you're exceptionally lucky and don't see sides, but almost 2g of trenbolone should be making life tough from blood pressure issues alone. Definitely would like to see bloods on that too.

OP: More isn't always better, and there is definitely a point where cost exceeds benefit. I cannot exceed 800mg/wk of tren in any form personally as I start to develop mental sides (the cough gets all the attention, but ask anyone in a relationship how tren works ;)) as well as intense lethargy and sweats become unbearable. Cardio gains unicorn status as there's no way the lungs want to play nice at that point too.

Take baby steps, and you'll find your sweet spot.

My .02c :)
I've gone higher, sides weren't any more noticeable than 700mg/wk which for me was mostly sleep issues.

Cutting pretty hard right now, this week and next are 1g tren E and 350mg tren A per week........four weeks after that will be 1g tren E and 700mg tren A

Holy crap brother 1700 Tren. Man, i leaned out and got so dry and grainy looking, very lean on 700. Sides were ok too, but i couldnt imagine sides at that dose, especially BP!!
I've never done over 75mg ed I have 3 bottles of ace at the house. Shredder how long did you run it at 700? You think 4 weeks @ 700 would be as effective as 6 weeks at 75 for cutting.
I've never done over 75mg ed I have 3 bottles of ace at the house. Shredder how long did you run it at 700? You think 4 weeks @ 700 would be as effective as 6 weeks at 75 for cutting.

neither 4 or 6 wks is long enough to "cut"... no matter what the compounds you are running... I mean a "real" cut, calorie deficit, leaning out week by week

running close to 2 grams of tren, as mentioned above, is just stupid... sorry, but that's not just me thinking that. If you are cutting there is no reason whatsoever to be running dosages that high

OP... why are you considering running tren so high? how about putting more energy/thought into your diet, instead of thinking more gear = more gains
I've never done over 75mg ed I have 3 bottles of ace at the house. Shredder how long did you run it at 700? You think 4 weeks @ 700 would be as effective as 6 weeks at 75 for cutting.

What i did was 4 weeks at 350 then 4 at 700. I had Masteron at 700 as well, and ill tell you the muscle built and fat shed by the day it was unreal. Of course everyone is different but Tren does wonders for me as far as what I look like and quality LMM gain and leaning me out, it happens very fast. I personally think you will see some decent changes in 4 weeks, i could see visual changes within the first week, but after week 4 is really when I found my gain solidify. Imho brother I think 75ED for 6 weeks would give you a better end result. Next time I run it will only be 6 weeks I find thats great amount of time especially if diet is in check, which i know yours is. Oh and hey, ive read great things about running IGF alongside Tren. Keep that in mind.
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neither 4 or 6 wks is long enough to "cut"... no matter what the compounds you are running... I mean a "real" cut, calorie deficit, leaning out week by week

running close to 2 grams of tren, as mentioned above, is just stupid... sorry, but that's not just me thinking that. If you are cutting there is no reason whatsoever to be running dosages that high

OP... why are you considering running tren so high? how about putting more energy/thought into your diet, instead of thinking more gear = more gains

Never said I was cutting in 4 weeks dude, I ask about tren use during a cut. Lol

thanks shred I'll stick to the 6 week plan then, i have a couple bottles of triumphalis hanging around I'll run them together for the 6 weeks. I plan on bridging this into a deca or eqi cycle I don't know yet, I guess it'll depend on how lean I get after the six weeks. The month before and month after surgery i was eating everything I seen that looked good I am a fat ass at the moment.
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i hope you get some bloods to show us where your at

I'll be coming off after the show, I always get bloods about 8 weeks post-PCT...not particularly interested in seeing just how fucked things are right now but I have an appointment to see a doctor (not my GP) in three weeks. Planning to ask for a full panel at that time as well.

BP is high, obviously...I'm usually 110-115/55-60, but last Monday was 133/72.

I'd seriously question my source if sleep issues are the extent of problems from that much tren. Sure, maybe you're exceptionally lucky and don't see sides, but almost 2g of trenbolone should be making life tough from blood pressure issues alone. Definitely would like to see bloods on that too.

If I ever had to put money on a source, it would be this one. Obviously there's no such thing as pharm tren, and no of course I didn't mass spec the shipment but all I can say is I have every reason to fully trust the legitimacy.

To be fair - I've been on 1050mg tren E (which is slightly less tren than the same dose of Ace) for the last three weeks...and the Ace was added last Monday (so, six days ago)

I've played with ancillary doses in the past, and after a lot of trial and error and prami basically making me it's bitch, I've come to the solution that for me, 0.25mg prami ED with 25mg exemestane keeps me acne and bloof free, my junk functions better than ever and since I had my glands out I *don't* really concern myself with gyno but still want to keep E2 in normal range for health reasons.

If the doctor agrees to order bloods AND gives me a copy (neither is guaranteed here, unfortunately) I'll post them for everyone to point & laugh at how fucked I am.
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2G of tren holy shit lol, blood would be as thick as syrup!

but ask anyone in a relationship how tren works ;))

Aha funny but fucking so damn annoying because it's true. I can not use Tren when there is a female+feelings involved! Solution? If you with a girl you care for, don't use Tren.
2G of tren holy shit lol, blood would be as thick as syrup!

Aha funny but fucking so damn annoying because it's true. I can not use Tren when there is a female+feelings involved! Solution? If you with a girl you care for, don't use Tren.

LOL - the worst thing about me being on tren - is pissing my wife off for the night sweets!!!

She washes the sheets and comforter... I soak'm. :D

She washes'm... I soak'm.
She washes'm... I soak'm.
She washes'm... I soak'm. :bash:
Lol I feel ya bro, my gf loved waking up to the bed being soaked in sweat on Tren! I ended up just putting one of those big ass beach towels on my side of the bed, it does help a fair bit.
LOL - the worst thing about me being on tren - is pissing my wife off for the night sweets!!!

She washes the sheets and comforter... I soak'm. :D

She washes'm... I soak'm.
She washes'm... I soak'm.
She washes'm... I soak'm. :bash:

I have night sweats on tren and they're pretty bad but nothing comparable to the sweats I had on dienolone ace. Id put a towel on my pillow wake up with it soaked, soak one side of the pillow then the other. It was fkn rediculous.
Wake up change blankets flip pillow.
2 hrs later. Grab spare pillow and spare blanket.
Repeat every night.
Girl loves the sweat smell lol.
Wake up change blankets flip pillow.
2 hrs later. Grab spare pillow and spare blanket.
Repeat every night.
Girl loves the sweat smell lol.

This is me, except for her being impressed with the sweat in any way.

1. go to bed, air conditioner pointed at lower body, fan at upper body...cover top half and pillow with towel
2. wake up 2-3 hrs later, rotate 180 degrees with pillow and air conditioner points at head, fan at lower body
3. repeat

Every morning, pull off pillowcase and throw comforter in the washer.