Anybody who cycled early? 18 years old here!

Well I have been at this for a long time. I've seen many come and go over the last 15 years and I've seen people destroy there health and lives. I've seen people go into depression that eventually cost them there lives. This shouldn't be taken lightly. Wait till you've hit 25 . Chances are you will have already put on the pounds you want and it won't really matter to you anymore.

Still looking for where in these studies says that they're gunna need trt now. All I see here is they did a study of beforeand after. Not before after and a few months down the road after all there hormons snapped back to normal. Show me the proof that if a guy under 20 runs a reasonable cycle that he's fucked up from it still lets say 2 months later.the last link you posted is a study done on rats for heaven sakes.
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Still looking for where in these studies says that they're gunna need trt now. All I see here is they did a study of beforeand after. Not before after and a few months down the road after all there hormons snapped back to normal. Show me the proof that if a guy under 20 runs a reasonable cycle that he's fucked up from it still lets say 2 months later.the last link you posted is a study done on rats for heaven sakes.

Followed up 21 years later. All subjects had significantly lowered TT levels. Not everyone will wind up on TRT, but most will want it because of how shit you feel going back to mid-low levels.
Still looking for where in these studies says that they're gunna need trt now. All I see here is they did a study of beforeand after. Not before after and a few months down the road after all there hormons snapped back to normal. Show me the proof that if a guy under 20 runs a reasonable cycle that he's fucked up from it still lets say 2 months later.the last link you posted is a study done on rats for heaven sakes.

The problem is, is that a lot of guys' hormone DONT 'just snap back to normal'. The biggest issue with AAS use at an early age isnt that you might fuck your T levels up, its that you might fuck up development of your brain, and your endocrine system as a whole. You indroduce hormones while the system is still developing and it alters and/or stops its normal function and the course it was intended to run. Simple as that. Instead of saying you guys are full of shit and post up a study why dont you go hop on google and google endocrine system and how early AAS useage effects it. And educate yourself on an important matter and possibly one of the reasons AAS had a bad has evolved to a point now where we dont have to 'hope for the best' we can use it to help us avoid mistakes we might have made without it. Maybe take a different approach to this and embrace a new thought.

And 'it didnt happen to me, or I know guys who are ok' is an ignorant approach to take on this subject and probably not the best thing to base an opinion or decision on.
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Followed up 21 years later. All subjects had significantly lowered TT levels. Not everyone will wind up on TRT, but most will want it because of how shit you feel going back to mid-low levels.

This still doesn't convince me sir. If you read what I said carefully and didn't jump on the mike43 does t know shit about shit bandwagon you'd have read where I said a reasonable cycle. You posted up a study where they used some poor saps in a super high dose of sex hormones laboratory experiment. Not a reasonable dose 6 week cycle that I outlined previously. What I'm getting at here is if you use these reasonably theres no proof its going to fuck you up at a young age. A high dose of any drug except weed maybe is gunna fuck you up but we still use them under 20. We use all kinds of garbage like the doctor will give a kid purple cough with codiene. I'm sure a high dose of that is gunna fuck you up too but at a reasonable dose its fine. I personally believe my use at an early age helped me grow bigger and stronger than I would be if I hadn't.Like I said I enjoy on and off AAS in the gym till this day. And being on those AAS back when I was 18 was fucking amazing. Banging so many girls nobody fucking with me anymore because I was skinny and nerdythe whole nine yards. I am not suggesting someone do what I did I'm just saying prove that a reasonable low dose short 6 weeks cycle is going to fuck you up forever.Not to mention they were already fucked up to begin with or why would they be getting high dose sex hormone treatment to begin with.
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I'm not hating on you mike, but you have a very specific set of demands when it comes to showing you why use of AAS at an early age is frowned upon here.

You want us to find you a long-term study regarding pubescent males that ran a 6 week course at slightly supraphysiological doses, and the effects on the HPTA. (The biggest risk isn't even that - it's the mental development that suffers FYI)

Think about that for a minute and realize that the odds of finding a single study under those parameters is going to be improbable at best. I too was part of the crowd that cycled hormones (I was too scared, how ironic) and out of the dozen or so guys that did cycle, 2 are not on TRT to this day.

Does that mean the other 10 did it wrong? Hell, I didn't even cycle at an early age and am on TRT - yet I still only have ONE obscure study showing the relationship between opiate abuse and hypogonadism that I had to spoonfeed to my doctor.

Or.... How about some folks win the genetic lottery and have a very robust pituitary gland. If you want more anecdotal proof, I wholeheartedly welcome you to surf through the hundreds of threads in the TRT forums from scared 19 year olds that have been shut down for a year and cannot get their HPTA restarted no matter what they do. The saddest part of that tragedy is that most doctors they see absolutely refuse to treat them for hypogonadism, but offer up antidepressants instead.

I feel for these kids, and absolutely cannot recommend AAS use to them given the risks they would be taking on top of the permanent changes they can do to their still developing brain. Any responsible adult/parent should feel this way.
I did my first course when I was 18, a Dbol only course in 1991. I used Dbol only throughout the 90's and then in 2004 I had the worst anxiety ever. The Dr prescribed me a high dose of Valium, Klonopin and Celexa. 2012 I got my Testosterone levels checked as none of the mental health drugs were working. My natty levels were 209. The Dr said he was not prepared to prescribe me Testosterone (Funs of living in the UK!) so I came on here and asked for advice.....I got fantastic help from the some of the moderators and Halfwit. My anxiety is now heaps better and I can live a normal life.....But.... Now I have to rely on UGL's to keep my Test levels normal, tricky game as with many UGL's you never know if it is underdosed or even if the raws have been cut.......So to the OP.....Be very careful bud if you do want to start using AAS at a young age as take me for example, having to inject myself twice a week to save me being dragged down by anxiety and depression.
This still doesn't convince me sir. If you read what I said carefully and didn't jump on the mike43 does t know shit about shit bandwagon you'd have read where I said a reasonable cycle. You posted up a study where they used some poor saps in a super high dose of sex hormones laboratory experiment. Not a reasonable dose 6 week cycle that I outlined previously. What I'm getting at here is if you use these reasonably theres no proof its going to fuck you up at a young age. A high dose of any drug except weed maybe is gunna fuck you up but we still use them under 20. We use all kinds of garbage like the doctor will give a kid purple cough with codiene. I'm sure a high dose of that is gunna fuck you up too but at a reasonable dose its fine. I personally believe my use at an early age helped me grow bigger and stronger than I would be if I hadn't.Like I said I enjoy on and off AAS in the gym till this day. And being on those AAS back when I was 18 was fucking amazing. Banging so many girls nobody fucking with me anymore because I was skinny and nerdythe whole nine yards. I am not suggesting someone do what I did I'm just saying prove that a reasonable low dose short 6 weeks cycle is going to fuck you up forever.Not to mention they were already fucked up to begin with or why would they be getting high dose sex hormone treatment to begin with.

You didn't even bother to read the study but decided to assume it was nonsense anyway?
Good to see that we have no chance of changing your pre-conceived beliefs regardless of the evidence :)

In WHAT way is 250mg per week of SUST a high dose hmm? Because that is EXACTLY the dose used in the study and the participants had significantly lower than expected TT levels 21 years later.

They were also NOT "fucked up to begin with" - they were getting the treatment because back in those days being too tall was seen as a bad thing so the steroids were used to stop you from growing.
That's another PROVEN side effect of cycling too young by the way - say bye bye to potential growing any taller.

Their are also plenty of studies suggesting a strong link between steroid use and incomplete brain development (since this is actually a process that continues on into your 20s):

Androgenic anabolic steroid exposure during adolescence: ramifications for brain development and behavior. - PubMed - NCBI

"...AAS exposure during adolescence alters normal brain remodeling, including structural changes and neurotransmitter function... The evidence suggests that the use of AAS during this critical period of development may increase the risk for maladaptive behaviors along with neurological disorders."

"Specifically, pubertal AAS abuse may contribute to abnormal brain development, or at least alter the normal trajectory of brain development, resulting in increased vulnerability for psychopathological and disorders and maladaptive behaviors

Its common sense that messing around with your endocrine system before it is fully developed is a very, very stupid idea - you shouldn't need any study or person to tell you this.