Anyone Done GH By Itself


New member

Just seeing if any fella's with deep pockets have done it by itself for a period of a few months.

Yes, I know it works better with Juice, Slin and IGF.............
from what I understand, it sounds like you might lose some bf, get a few good nights sleep, and have some pretty skin, but not much else running it on its own
I ran it for 3 months with nothing else... Great stuff but expensive, I ate anything I wanted as much as I wanted and was shedding bodyfat like I never ate anything.. I'm talking whole pizza's a couple of days a week, chesse fries you name I ate a lot of it.. the thing you need to watch out for is when you come off you can't eat like that and expect to stay lean..
MajinVegeta said:
What about IGF-1 by itself? or would that be almost the same?

Yes you can run it by itself and get good results but running it with something like juice would maximize gains even better but by itself is still good.
im using gh now without any juice (decided to drop var bridge). i personally wouldnt do it by itself for long. im going back on the juice in january. i wouldnt use it for long by itself. the shit is too expensive. get the most from it and use a little test and maybe throw in some slin.