Anyone else occasionally get folliculitis from steroid use?


New member
I've been cycling for a few years now. I think it was back in 2005 that my acne was very bad. But it wasn't just bad acne which I've dealt with my entire life: it was folliculitis. A round of antibiotics cleared it up. That is, I still had acne after similar to be acne before, but my acne no longer went down to my ass. Folliculitis is just different although I suppose I'm not aware of a definitive way to always determine if acne is just bad acne for if it is folliculitis.

Anyway, I'm curious if anyone else has dealt with this one (or hell, off) cycle.
Been there done that. About 10 years ago I had this problem on my neck. I use to wear a lot of sweaters to help hide my aas usage.
I would think accutane or antibiotics would help. I've been lucky to not get acne from gear, considering I had bad acne as a teen. I think I have been dealing folliculitis now since I've been taking this generic propecia from India. I thought I had ingrown hairs from shaving my head, so I let my hair grow out. Then were a couple completely bald spots the size of a dime on my head for a few months. The main problem follicle was red and puffy. I ended up draining it with an insulin need a few times. Then I used rubbing aclohol and it's healed and hair has grown back. I should probably see a doc once in a while, but my insurance sucks and I hate going anyway.
interresting. the only thing i get is my back and chest try to push little pieces of bacteria out of my pores. little tiny white heads. never had an acne issue until test...
The only compound that gave me trouble was Tren. I got zits the size of dimes! And they hurt like hell. Tren is off my list forever. After this cycle of Sus , I'm sticking to more mild gear like primo and var.
Good Luck GL