Anyone really know what the pros are using?


New member
Seriously here, does anybody have a relationship with a pro or top ranked amatuer and know what they use as far gear goes? I hear so much things being said about what they use and I just want to try and get a good idea thats all.
Supposedly there are pros on a handfull of boards, your best bet is to try and get info from an NPC guy, which I've been kind of trying to do as well, just curiosity if nothing else.

From what I can tell, they use basically what anyone else would use, just a lot more and alot more frequently. However its this long term cycling that has me curious.
They just use larger amounts of what we use. Most have sponsership so they get the best cycles and most also have their own doctor to monitor their cycles.
They use the same stuff as the rest of us ,but in far greater amounts. And 99% of them probably never come off. NOONE knows for sure how much the pros take. They probably dont even tell there doctors and gurus the exact dosages they take. They need to feel as though they have some kind of edge.

I know of about 1 that just turned pro and one that is about to. Most don't take as much as you would imagine. I know some guys on these boards that take almost twice as much as these guys.
Well, I am buddies with an NPC Nationals competitor in the light-heavy division and his bulking cycle was exactly this:

1000 mg/wk of Cyp
750 mg/wk of Omna
600 mg/wk of Deca
45 mg/day of Dbol
6 IU's/day of GH 4 days a week
Slin post workout.

He's about 5'6" and in the offseason he gets up around 240-250 pounds. Crazy strong. Flat benches 5 plates. Come time for the show, he comes in at 187-190. He has had some very good amateur success and is still pretty young at 28 years old.
nautica said:
The same thing non pro's use.


EXACTLY!! There is no 'secret' concoction that turns dudes into pros! You have the genetics, or you dont... simple.
what also has to weighed is their ability to utilize the gear. Some of us are more responsive than others to AAS. Some of us get less sides than others. So I think genetics coupled with the ability to use large amounts of gear efficiently... and of course intense training and excellent nutrition.
BiggieSwolls said:
Well, I am buddies with an NPC Nationals competitor in the light-heavy division and his bulking cycle was exactly this:

1000 mg/wk of Cyp
750 mg/wk of Omna
600 mg/wk of Deca
45 mg/day of Dbol
6 IU's/day of GH 4 days a week
Slin post workout.

He's about 5'6" and in the offseason he gets up around 240-250 pounds. Crazy strong. Flat benches 5 plates. Come time for the show, he comes in at 187-190. He has had some very good amateur success and is still pretty young at 28 years old.

No antiestrogens? No antiprogesterone/prolactins? Wonder what his liver and kidney profile looks like? Wonder if he is rapidly becoming insulin resistent? Lipid Profile? No recovery cycle? He obviously has great genetics if his blood testing comes back normal. Hopefully his rewards are far greater than the risks.
Genetics certainly do play a role, most of us could shoot 3 grams of test a week and still never get big enough to be a pro
BiggieSwolls said:
Well, I am buddies with an NPC Nationals competitor in the light-heavy division and his bulking cycle was exactly this:

1000 mg/wk of Cyp
750 mg/wk of Omna
600 mg/wk of Deca
45 mg/day of Dbol
6 IU's/day of GH 4 days a week
Slin post workout.

He's about 5'6" and in the offseason he gets up around 240-250 pounds. Crazy strong. Flat benches 5 plates. Come time for the show, he comes in at 187-190. He has had some very good amateur success and is still pretty young at 28 years old.

Cycle looks fairly similar to several NPC competitors that I know but they have added (150 mgTren/50 mg.WinnyED 10 weeks out from show ) (Arimidex and NolvadexEOD)
Gimp said:
I know guys who are still amateurs, but, could turn pro eventually... one guy uses everything and anything he can get his hands on, no joke. He'll shoot a gram of test/day if he's got it.
:eek: a gram a day:p

I know what you mean some people will do what ever it takes to be a pro. But where do you go from there, if they become a pro, will there be any thing left to help add more size.
