Anyone take time of TRT and felt it was beneficial when they got back on?


New member
I was thinking about taking 8-12 weeks off TRT in the winter, I have no science to back this, but im thinking it may "refresh" my "receptors.... which may not even be a thing".

Basically try to get a bounce back effect, when I get back on and maybe yield better results?
Um so what are you going to do about losing all your gains?

I'm so confused.

Are you attempting an HPTA restart?
I’ve heard of guys doing this (not many) in order to give their body a break and recalibrate. Of course there is no science behind this or any studies.

I say give it a shot (pun intended). Worst case if you feel like crap from close to zero testosterone In your body you can always inject your trt dose.
Isn't the reason you are on TRT is because you felt terrible due to hypogonadism? This seems counter productive when TRT was the answer in the 1st place.
If your HCT got extremely high going down to the bare minimum dosage can be helpful. Going off TRT completely wont give you some big increase in how your body uses testosterone when you get back on. I think if someone is constantly on the upper end of TRT like 1200 it might be beneficial to go down to 500ng/dl to 800ng/dl for a few months once every year or two just to let your body and mind relax a bit if you feel you need that.

You don't want to change your TRT dosage around to much because it can really just put you on a roller coster with your blood levels. If you want noticable better results while not doing a full on a cycle try just cruising at 300mgs for 3 months. It wouldnt be insane gains but if your looking for just a little bit of a boost that might give you what you want and you can maintain it on TRT. Long story short I think your idea of coming off to refresh receptors would only really help someone who has really over loaded there system for a few years with heavy anobolic cycles. It might just be something thag helps certain people cause it gives your body a chance to detox if you were using high dosages for a prolonged time.