Anyone used mk677? Rui? Results?

Anyone used mk677? Been thinking about giving it a go

Two weeks in myself, but it's with ipamorelin, so I can't say if what I'm seeing is the mk or the synergy between the two. I can say that vascularity is up, tendons are crying less, and getting up at the ass crack of dawn has been a little easier.

I hope to have better results to report in a few months, but those are my notes so far. :)
Thanks half. Got a nagging shoulder that I wouldn't mind a lil help with. Yeah I think I want to run it solo for the maiden voyage. What dosage are you runnin
I am using it with cjc1295. Got some impressive BW results. Both IFG and GH came back very high. I am suer imressed. I never thought an oral ghr would woulk but mk677 has proven me wrong. I love this stack btw. Im getting gh benefits at a great cost and only injecting the cjc e3d. I am doisng the mk at 25mg/day, at night, before bed. 5 days on, 2 days off. (cjc 750mch E3D). Its (mk) good stuff.