Anzels' Sarmsearch LGD log.

Up at 330 am for a leg workout this morning before work.

Seated leg curl x 5
RDL x 4
Leg press calf raise heavy x 4
Superset w/
Light hi rep leg ext x 4

Light hi rep leg press x 4
Superset w/ light calf raise
Dumbell leg curl on incline x 4
You do these on a decline bench.
Flat bench dumbell leg curl x 3

I'm enjoying the log and I will continue it as I now start my low test high deca cycle.
Also dbol kick start.

I'm going to start a new thread of course.

So to finalize the LGD run I just did.....

It appears I am basically a non responder?
Maybe I should have ate more?
Maybe I should have trained differently?
Maybe LGD isn't the SARMS for me?

Overall I was able to lose some weight while on it and when I increased calories I put on some weight. Is this all from LGD? I would say since diet is king ... no. Adding or subtracting calories will change your weight. But I can report that during my LGD run I was giving my training everything I had. And I was kicking ass!

I appreciate the opportunity from Sarmsearch to run this log and hope anyone reading gets the info they need to decide what's right for them.
great log bro, thanks for updating it im sure a lot of people thinking about sarms will find this log helpful.
good luck on ur test/deca and dbol cycle; may the gains be with u :P
Up at 330 am for a leg workout this morning before work.

Seated leg curl x 5
RDL x 4
Leg press calf raise heavy x 4
Superset w/
Light hi rep leg ext x 4

Light hi rep leg press x 4
Superset w/ light calf raise
Dumbell leg curl on incline x 4
You do these on a decline bench.
Flat bench dumbell leg curl x 3

I'm enjoying the log and I will continue it as I now start my low test high deca cycle.
Also dbol kick start.

I'm going to start a new thread of course.

So to finalize the LGD run I just did.....

It appears I am basically a non responder?
Maybe I should have ate more?
Maybe I should have trained differently?
Maybe LGD isn't the SARMS for me?

Overall I was able to lose some weight while on it and when I increased calories I put on some weight. Is this all from LGD? I would say since diet is king ... no. Adding or subtracting calories will change your weight. But I can report that during my LGD run I was giving my training everything I had. And I was kicking ass!

I appreciate the opportunity from Sarmsearch to run this log and hope anyone reading gets the info they need to decide what's right for them.

The body and how it reacts to certain products is not always a certainty. I wish you would have gotten more out of it than you did, and even though it wasn't a grand experience, I appreciate you being 100% honest with all of us. We win 90-95% of the time it seems...that rare group of ~5 people out of 100 is mind boggling. As weird as it sounds, I feel it is not a waste, but actually shows that nothing is guranteed...but our overall results are pretty damn tough to top!
Here's another log in ran that I decided to re-read and after reading this again my thought is I should try LGD again but this time eat more. I was concerned with abs and cutting too much. I speculate that if I was eating about 500 cals more per day the LGD would have worked better for me.
The reason why is because according to this log when I ateore I quickly put on some weight. As of recently I am just on TRT and my diet has been off... I eat things like PB and rice cakes like I drink water! In other words I'm not carefully eating and I'm still showing abs...just not popping as much...but still have abs. I was eating so clean and so tight I didn't give the LGD a chance to help me.
I may have to try it again one day and maybe do a conservative bulk.
I'm not familiar with the concept of a conservative bulk
It's another way of saying that at 43 I can't bulk like I used to. If I eat like I want to inject gain fat more rapidly around my waist . When I was 28 I could eat tons and I remeber eating pizza every day! And I was natty. And my waist always stayed trim.
Those days are over!
So I have to carefully eat. Mayne not grow as much but keep some abs showing.

I am starting Euro-Pharmacies gray tops tomorrow though and I expect to see some help in this area.
Using hgh at 4iu a day should do fine for me.

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