Anzels' Sarmsearch LGD log.

It's way past my bed time. I'm afraid I'm gonna feel like shit tomorrow for training in the morning .
Today was an early morning arm workout and tonight was legs.
I'm going to sleep ....later!
Most of the logs I'm reading. Guys are eating alot more. Full on bulk. I'm managing my calories at a very conservative number while training like a madman.
I have really been pushing myself and I may be using up alot more calories than I account for.
But I recently upped my cals and tonight was a full blown feast of feasts. So hungry from trying and twice!
Diet dictates mostly everything.

I was going to mention that you're diet and calorie intatake may be playing a big role in the weight gain you were expecting. I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment above bro.
I was going to mention that you're diet and calorie intatake may be playing a big role in the weight gain you were expecting. I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment above bro.

Oh yeah. Big time. But I'm not bulking. A recomp is less calories.
And on that note at work last night I broke down and crushed some pizza and ice happy and crying at the same time!
But I am primed for some High carbs once in awhile . Especially since I did arms and legs in 2 seperate workouts and I work a physical job. I also knew I was gonna hit the gym early this morn for a serious chest workout.
So when I woke up I was up a whole 1.1 lbs !
And on very little and very poor sleep I went to town on my chest workout. At then end I didn't want to stop.
I don't know what it is but I am an animal with my training!
Maybe the LGD bit even more so it's like a switch in my head got flipped or even better like I discovered a switch for nitrous and I'm just flying.

DB flat bench drop sets
Smith incline RP
Dips.... 4x8 body weight! Wow that sucks for me but I went hard on previous 2 exercises.
Pec dec drop sets
Tri rope Pushdowns down drop sets
And decided to do 3 sets of DB flat bench again heavy for 3 2 1 reps.
No cardio... not enough sleep to support it.
just read your full log, very detailed and resourceful, bro. I'm glad your getting good results from ss, keep us updated and good luck!
just read your full log, very detailed and resourceful, bro. I'm glad your getting good results from ss, keep us updated and good luck!

Thanks man. Once this LGD is done I'm gonna keep my log going as I add in AAS.
I wish I was getting those 10 to 15 lbs gains others claim to get. I would never touch dbol again! Lol.

Today was a good back workout.
I was able to knock out a good solid Deadlift session at 5x5. For me 5x5 just works better because I can maintain solid form.
Then I did...
Pull ups superset with WGPD dropset
Seated close grip cable row drop sets.
Donkey calf raise 4 sets
Seated calf raise 1 x 100
Hyper extension 3 x 10
Rotary calf press drop set

Machine row. Start really heavy and cruise the rack all the way down....dropset
Sorry you said you used ss well maybe that's why you didn't see results until day 10 it's not my opinion that ss are shit it's what I've been told by people who used to represent that company even that dildo Dylan gemeli sorry don't know how his name is spelt has turned and ran away from them for selling underdosed Sarms

damn, for real B?
Ez bar curl
Super set with
Overhead DB tri ext 4 sets

Incline DB curl
Superset with
Verizon bar tri push downs x 4

Cable Curls
Ez bar skull crushers x4

Preacher Curls
Superset with
Tri rope Pushdowns downs x 4

30 min cardio
Thanks man. Once this LGD is done I'm gonna keep my log going as I add in AAS.
I wish I was getting those 10 to 15 lbs gains others claim to get. I would never touch dbol again! Lol.

Today was a good back workout.
I was able to knock out a good solid Deadlift session at 5x5. For me 5x5 just works better because I can maintain solid form.
Then I did...
Pull ups superset with WGPD dropset
Seated close grip cable row drop sets.
Donkey calf raise 4 sets
Seated calf raise 1 x 100
Hyper extension 3 x 10
Rotary calf press drop set

Machine row. Start really heavy and cruise the rack all the way down....dropset

whats your AAS cycle?
yeah dboll def blows a person up.
so you are saying lgd isn't all that?
whats your AAS cycle?
yeah dboll def blows a person up.
so you are saying lgd isn't all that?

My current is trt plus lgd. My blast will be test 200 deca 800 and 30 to 40 mg dbol.
As far as my opinion on LGD.... I don't seem to respond to it. Others seem to respond. I have not found many posts saying they Don't respond. I seem to be in the minority.
But when the guys saying they are putting on weight seem to be bulking big diet wise. I'm not. I was going for a recomp which the description of LGD says it's good for. But go find a log where a guy is recomping like I am.... can't seem to find one. So my fairest opinion is that lgd isn't really great for a recomp.
My current is trt plus lgd. My blast will be test 200 deca 800 and 30 to 40 mg dbol.
As far as my opinion on LGD.... I don't seem to respond to it. Others seem to respond. I have not found many posts saying they Don't respond. I seem to be in the minority.
But when the guys saying they are putting on weight seem to be bulking big diet wise. I'm not. I was going for a recomp which the description of LGD says it's good for. But go find a log where a guy is recomping like I am.... can't seem to find one. So my fairest opinion is that lgd isn't really great for a recomp.

yeah some people don't respond well to it i guess, depends on the person. i was thinking of going for LGD right before my cycle but i changed my mind to s4 and osta.
but you have a killer cycle, im guessing you will be bulking, deca and dbol with test is a great combo bro. good luck
Thanks will do fit guy!

So arms early morning and legs late afternoon! Another productive day of training!

I'm contending with some quad tendinitis in my left leg.
So heavy squats are out. In fact any squats are out. I can handle any leg exercise as long as it's a lunge or leg press where I can position my feet way forward. I suppose a smith machine squat is doable cause you have to have your feet out ahead of you to do the exercise.

So today workout...

Sigler leg leg press. This was just light work to more or less Guage the knee issue and get some good warm up.
All high rep.
Leg ext pause reps x 4
Leg curl drop sets x 4

Leg press pause reps. 3 or 4 ?sets by 15.
Leg press calf raise.

I have done more but this shorter workout was ideal considering the long day.
Legs felt pumped.
I feel like I should have done some sldl or rdl's but I had to make dinner otherwise there would have been angry people looking for me.
Tried to sleep in a little but to no avail.
Chest and abs and cardio.

Heavy DB bench press...4 sets
Pec dec dropsets sets x 4
Incline smith pause reps x 4
Dips superset with decline situps x 4

30 min of cardio on bike

Decided to mess around a little and do RDLs on the Smith super set with BB SLDL just the bar.

Had a little bon voyage party at work last night and I ate about 2.5 cups of ice cream. But I also ate my 1 c of Greek yogurt too.
Too much dairy!

I read a post or 3 of some guys using LGD at 20mg/ day so I decided to try that out instead of the 10mg.
I wish I had another bottle to keep it going for a little while longer but can't pay that much right now. I wonder if one day the price will come down a little on these sarms.
First time in a few weeks I slept passed 6am and it was not so bad. I needed that.
Today may be a rest day but I will play that by ear.

So I'm looking a little more pumped since I raised cals and I also realized I have not been watching sodium intake too much either. That can certainly help fill a person out too.
But the biggest visual changes happen when you get in some additional calories. Diet is king.
LGD at 20mg/day now for second day in a row. Keep plugging along.
Got in early and crushed back and calves.

Pull ups superset with donkey raise x 5
Pull up static hold 3 sets hold forn20 sec.
HS Low row RP x 4
HS High row RP x 4
Seated calf super set with back extensions x 4
Rotary calf press drop set x 4 been going heavier on this exercise... one day my calves will wake up!
But I ain't winning any shows with what I have now!

Lgd still a 20mg/day... this will cut my 8 week cycle to less than 7 weeks but I want to see if I can see a little change happen at this dose.
Log has Been awesome very informative bro keep up the good work this is exactly what a log should be. Keep killn it
Work today so up at 330 am to get it in...

Shoulders & calves & abs

DB shldr press drop set x 4
Superset with
Cable kneeling Crunches x 4

Cable upright row drop set
Superset with
Leg press calf raise x 4

Smith machine shrugs
Superset with
Planks x 4

Reverse Flys
Superset with
DB side bends x 5

If all goes well I will get in 30min of cardio and some hamstring work later today.