are gains dose related?


New member
just got off a cycle of tren/test/eq and drol the first 4 weeks. didn't get much out of it except for strength. only gained about 10 pds. for some reason or another i tend to get better gains with minimal doses and only 1-2 compounds. anyone else like this? this cycles doses were test blend 800mg/week, tren-e 500mg/week, eq 600mg/week with the drol at 50mg 5d/week, toward the end of the cycle (got tired of so many injections) went to 400/250/400 and seemed to pick up gains? is this strange, need some feedback.
IMO the gains are dependant on the ammount you're taking, but mostly on other factors such as diet, rest and training. You have to eat right, and that is different for each person, but usually a high calorie, high protien diet works best, rest is also essential, atleast 8-9 hrs of sleep each night and taking a sufficient ammount of time off of training each week to let your body recooperate. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usually allows your body to recover faster, but it doesn't mean that you don't need a rest peroid each week. Training is also important, you gotta be in the gym, and working hard to get gains.
800 is a lot, and 10 lbs isn't anything to be disapointed about either, how many cycles have you done? How was your diet on cycle? How many days a week do you train? How much rest do you get each night, and how many days off do you usually take each week?
appreciate the feedback. only able to go to the gym 3 days/week. wt is 270 (been over 300 before, injury sat me back 50 or so pounds) something so i ate 300 g plus daily. seemed to do better with solid food than with shakes. as far as with sleep, i'm on call alot, swo i haven't slept very good for the last five years. as for cycles, can't tell you how many. off and on for the last ten years. i guess i wish i still had the physique and abilities i had in college. all i did then was sleep, train, eat, and study. now all i do is work, stress, and more work. this stuff really isn't rocket science, but i wonder why i've done better on lower doses. was told that tren/test was the way to go, didn't think drol would hurt so threw it in as well. anyways. just wondering. thanks for the input.
There was a study done quite a few years ago before it became taboo to do performance research with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that showed a fairly linear graph in muscular bodyweight gains related to increasing dosages. If I recall correctly the graph didn't level off too much until they reached the 3-4 gram range. I'm not sure if I'll be able to track this study down but I'll try.....
A 10lb gain is nothing to scoff at, consider how long it would take you to gain 10 pounds of lean muscle naturally.

Your gains are somewhat dose dependant, but moreso related to quality and length of rest/sleep, workout intensity and most importantly your diet. Other things that may factor in are time between cycles, clogged receptors, quality of juice, ect.

Don't be upset with a 10 pound gain, thats 10 pounds of muscle you didn't have before.
  • 10 pounds in four weeks is a lot
  • Much of the testosterone, all of the tren, and especially the EQ you used was all long ester; gains for many people don't start to kick in until week 4 or 5
thanks for the feedback. need to clear some things up. on for total of ten weeks. used drol with the other stuff for the first 4 or five. sorry if i wasn't clear. i know 10 pounds is decent, but i thought with the stuff i'd done it would be more like 20 (i don't mind a little water bloat). doc-j, i'd like to see the study you reffered to. by the way, the stuff i used was from gtp. guy wants to give me some cream (test suspension + tren-a) is this stuff bogus or what. i have always loved suspension in the past.
well maybe you are a late bloomer on the test (my enanathate wont kick in till week 7-8 ), and also you shouldve run the eq much longer to get results....2 more weeks minimum is what you shouldve done. i honestly thing eq is worthless, ive done it twice and wasnt happy with either of the cycles.
In 4 weeks the only thing you even made gains off was the drol, if you were doing tren E and EQ and test blend(primarily long esters) then those three wouldnt even begin to kick in for 4-5 weeks. With that stack if youd run it for 10-12 youd get massive I think. I know I would.
lol gotta read the entire list of posts

but idk man, it could have something to do with the sleep, it could have something to do with the training (ammount, and intensity) and it could have something to do with the dosages. What do bodybuilders do when they plateau? they change it up. Maybe you could try changing up some different drugs, some different workouts, maybe see if u can finagle with ur schedule. Idk, move everything around a bit, see how it works, stick to the diet and train hard