Are this gear Fake? British Dragon Andropen 275


New member
Manufactured 02 2008. Any help would be great. I know they closed in 2006 or whenever so I'm wondering how they still manufactured in 2008.
well its not REAL BD thats for whether or not its LEGIT, thats another question
Currently facing the same situation myself with some BD manufactured in '05 but still its hard to tell. If its a knock off but is still good thats one thing, if its totally fake then thats another. Only one way to find out right? :)
this is shat that I posses. what you think we have same shat?:40oz: manufacturing in 07 2007. Some one told me that my shat manufactured by IP,
I have the same stuff dude. If you look at the legit BD and yours youll see that your 2 and 7 numbers are different fonts. The original ones look fancy. Also Kane told me that the 2008 lot did not exist. As for if its good or not i have a few buddies on the same stuff that i got and they seem very very pleased with it. I think youll have a good time with it, i hope i do lol
has anybody ordered Enzyte?

I have considering buying it, just to give it a whirl and watch what comes of it
I gotta say, I've sat through that silly Enzyte commercial a thousand times...
I have done british dragon products with the same type of labelling and have gotten great results However this doenst not mean yours is real. Depending on the batch it could very well be fake. BD lost its steam a while back and from what i recall it was replaced with Axio
i have the same stuff mastabol and boldabol. was very sketched when i bought it, its been 4 weeks and good results. mine came out of eastern europe. i know its not real bd but works just as good hell i think even better.
did it work?

Manufactured 02 2008. Any help would be great. I know they closed in 2006 or whenever so I'm wondering how they still manufactured in 2008.

just picked up 2 bottles of the same andropen with the same date son it, looks really clear as well, let me know if it worked
Its not the original BD but a certain china man bought the rights to it and sells it.
Its good to go. My boys love it.

Another product rights that were bought out by Chinese investors is QV. Again not the original mex stuff but its still good I hear if not better because its made in china not dirt bag Mexico.

I suggest you ask IP about the BD line, and I believe O still carries it. Again ITS NOT THE ORIGINAL BD but a knock off using the rights to the name and labels etc.
I have done british dragon products with the same type of labelling and have gotten great results However this doenst not mean yours is real. Depending on the batch it could very well be fake. BD lost its steam a while back and from what i recall it was replaced with Axio

Oh, got it. :sleep:
I have the same exact gear that socalguy has in the first pics, i just took my 3rd prick and i noticed that my butt isnt really sore like it gets with other gear (like the next day) also its very hard to push out, like thicker... anyway if any used that gear in the first pics let me know if it worked or not, dont wanna keep putting olive oil in me:confused:
Got the same trenbolone depot have noticed that with most tren I piss really dark yellowish brown. With this BD Tren only light yellow, so I'm a little suspect of it
Its not the original BD but a certain china man bought the rights to it and sells it.
Its good to go. My boys love it.

Another product rights that were bought out by Chinese investors is QV. Again not the original mex stuff but its still good I hear if not better because its made in china not dirt bag Mexico.

I suggest you ask IP about the BD line, and I believe O still carries it. Again ITS NOT THE ORIGINAL BD but a knock off using the rights to the name and labels etc.

QV, now thats a name I haven't heard in a long time. I loved the old mex QV var, best I ever had. IMO
I think there a lot of Fake BD stuff around the world that have been reported to be good quality. But I have no personal experience

QV was also know to be knocked off a bit back in the day.
I just ordered 60 bottles of BD from IP. I never have problems and the gains are good. My gym boys also like them, they won't even use another brand.

just my 2 cents