Arimidex AND Nolva for PCT?


New member
Ok, Ill make it quick, I have always just used Nolva itself for post cycle therapy (pct), 20mg for 4weeks....I seem to bounce back fine. I mean, my cycles arent crazy ie: Test e 500mg for 10weeks.

Anyways, Couple meat heads :p in my gym, say they run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Arimidex throughout PCT? I always thought this was a BAD idea, as you want some estrogen circulating whjich would casue the body to start producing TEST in respone?

So, is it a GOOD or BAD idea to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during PCT?
Nolva makes a-dex weaker . I wuld use aromasin 4 post cycle therapy (pct). U won't have 2 worry about a rebound effect. 12.5 mgs ed all threw out pct
I wuld use aromasin it's a suicidal inhibitor. Ur serms will weaken letro or a-dex . With aromasin u won't have 2 worry bout estro rebound
This is a very good question that I have yet to read a good response to. It seems to me that you will certainly want to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during the bridge from your last pin to the start of your post cycle therapy (pct) (or a week before). However, during your post cycle therapy (pct), you want high estogen levels to force the HPTA to produce test to balance out the system. SERMS taking during post cycle therapy (pct) will keep the estrogen levels high while preventing the estrogen to bind to receptors that will lead to negative sides. I guess you could take a small amount of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct), but it seems to me that you are diminishing a more rapid recovery of test levels because the system won't be so out of balance.

Just my 2 cents. Anyone else?