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28 years old 190 lbs 5'11'' 18% bf juicing for 3 years

haven’t walked through a gym door in 6 months.

my question is this. my cycle is ready to go. 50ml 5mg liquid dbol 2 vials of deca 100mg 20ml and 2 vials of test cip 250 20ml also 1 bottle of nova

any ideas on my beat approach with this cycle?

thanks guys!
meatrocket said:
any ideas on my best approach with this cycle?

Put the cycle on hold until you've re-established yourself in the gym. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't recommend jumping on cycle right from the get-go after not training for six months. Train for a few months, get back in the groove of things, then think about cycling.

Just my 2 cents...
HeHateMe said:
Put the cycle on hold until you've re-established yourself in the gym. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't recommend jumping on cycle right from the get-go after not training for six months. Train for a few months, get back in the groove of things, then think about cycling.

Just my 2 cents...

Exactly !!
ya the best way the get full use of roids is to wait until you have plateaued naturally. then start a cycle and you will blast through that plateau and then some. probably a 20 lb gain on average.
HeHateMe said:
Put the cycle on hold until you've re-established yourself in the gym. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't recommend jumping on cycle right from the get-go after not training for six months. Train for a few months, get back in the groove of things, then think about cycling.

Just my 2 cents...

I agree. Get your foundation back first. I've done what you are thinking of doing and the cycle sucked. I was about your age at the time too.
HeHateMe said:
Put the cycle on hold until you've re-established yourself in the gym. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't recommend jumping on cycle right from the get-go after not training for six months. Train for a few months, get back in the groove of things, then think about cycling.

Just my 2 cents...

please believe it.....
HeHateMe said:
Put the cycle on hold until you've re-established yourself in the gym. I know it's not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't recommend jumping on cycle right from the get-go after not training for six months. Train for a few months, get back in the groove of things, then think about cycling.

Just my 2 cents...

This has been beat to death, but if you go full on with a cycle, you can do damage to ligaments/joints/tendons, whatever as they haven't had time to adjust and build up to the heavy weights you will lift. I have personally fucked up my elbows by going too heavy on skull crushers before I should have.