Borderline Insane
Yesterday I pinned my left delt with a 23G 1 inch needle. I was shaking like a leaf but was able to aspirate properly XD. minor pip today, thought it would be worse. I also trained.
Rope Extension SS Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns
100 X 12/150 X 20
120 X 10/210 X 12
140 X 10/230 X 9
Overhead DB extension SS Hammer Curls
65 X 12/40 X 10
80 X 12/40 X 10
Close-Grip BP SS Cable Lats
185 X 12/120 X 15
205 X 10/130 X 12
Barbell Curls SS Tricep Push-ups
105 X 10/BW X Failure
95 X 12/BW X Failure
Standing Calf Raise
225 X 15 (2 sets)
Seated Calf Raises (One-Legged)
300 X 12
Stretching: 15 minute
Rope Extension SS Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns
100 X 12/150 X 20
120 X 10/210 X 12
140 X 10/230 X 9
Overhead DB extension SS Hammer Curls
65 X 12/40 X 10
80 X 12/40 X 10
Close-Grip BP SS Cable Lats
185 X 12/120 X 15
205 X 10/130 X 12
Barbell Curls SS Tricep Push-ups
105 X 10/BW X Failure
95 X 12/BW X Failure
Standing Calf Raise
225 X 15 (2 sets)
Seated Calf Raises (One-Legged)
300 X 12
Stretching: 15 minute