Yesterday I pinned my left delt with a 23G 1 inch needle. I was shaking like a leaf but was able to aspirate properly XD. minor pip today, thought it would be worse. I also trained.


Rope Extension SS Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns
100 X 12/150 X 20
120 X 10/210 X 12
140 X 10/230 X 9
Overhead DB extension SS Hammer Curls
65 X 12/40 X 10
80 X 12/40 X 10
Close-Grip BP SS Cable Lats
185 X 12/120 X 15
205 X 10/130 X 12
Barbell Curls SS Tricep Push-ups
105 X 10/BW X Failure
95 X 12/BW X Failure

Standing Calf Raise
225 X 15 (2 sets)
Seated Calf Raises (One-Legged)
300 X 12

Stretching: 15 minute
All the best man

Thanks buddy! I'll give you rep :)

Yesterday was Legs+Chest+Abs

Box Squats
185 X 12
225 X 10
255 X 8
275 X 8
Rack Squats
275 X 10
315 X 8
335 X 7
DTP Incline DB Press
35 X 50
40 X 40
45 X 30
50 X 20
70 X 10
Giant Set: (2sets X 15-20)
-Machine Flyes
-Cable Crossovers
-DB Pullovers

Kettleball swing (Core)
30 X 25 (2 sets)
Hanging Leg Raises
BW X 15 (2sets)
BW X 20 (3sets)

Stretch: 10 minutes

Any comments? I need some motivation :(
Right Delt today. Injection site is kind of sore due to the fact that its virgin muscle and i was shaking like mad lol, was able to aspirate tho fortunately.

I have a question though, when i pulled the needle out some gear came out with it, i left the needle in the site for 30+ seconds. Should i leave the needle in for longer?
Thursday: Back/Biceps/Triceps

Reverse Grip BB Bent-Over Row
185 X 10
205 X 8
205 X 7
Rack Deadlift SS DB Pullover
275 X 10/50 X 12
315 X 8/65 X 10
335 X 7/75 X 9
375 X 6/75 X 9
DB Rows
85 X 12
90 X 10
100 X 8
Giant Set (Bicep)
-Incline DB curls
-Rope Curls
-Chin ups
-->3 X 8-12
Giant Set (Tricep)
-Tricep pushdown
-Overhead rope extension

Stretching: 15 minutes

My triceps were so swollen towards they end that i couldn't do a single dip by my last set. Insane pump!

Never give up :)
Yesterday I trained Legs/Cardio. One of the hardest workouts I've ever done. i almost blew up chunks but was alright towards the end.

DTP Leg Extensions SS Leg Curls
5 X 50,40,30,20,10
5 X 10,20,30,40,50
Walking Lunges
BW X 15
30 X 12 (3sets)

15 minute Stair-stepper.

I've never done that much volume on leg day, i almost fell down the gym stairs on the way out lol.

Today i worked out Calves/Abs. I circuited every set without rest.

Circuit sets: 4X
-Standing Calf Raise
-Leg Press Calf Press
-Hanging Leg Raises
-Decline Crunch

Cardio: HIIT Punching Bag 15 minutes.

Starting weight: 174lbs
Current weight: 178lbs

Up 4 lbs in 2 weeks, going into week 3. Need to eat MORE. :)
This spliting a long ester onto two shot is stupid to me. Take the full dose every 5 days and u would 8 pound and not 4. But good luck
This spliting a long ester onto two shot is stupid to me. Take the full dose every 5 days and u would 8 pound and not 4. But good luck

Thanks for the input, i'm sticking to two doses a week to keep my blood levels stable and reduce symptoms. I might be risking quality gains but I'd rather be a little safer :)
Bro trust me every five days u will not drop blood level and plus u get a better spike out of the full dose. But anyways u call just wanted to explain ..
I recieved my HCG+Kit today. Now i just have to learn how to mix everything properly without fucking up dosage. I downloaded an instructional video from youtube onto my desktop for further reference. The video illustrates mixing 1ml of Bacteriostatic water into 5000iu's of HCG. Then transfer into a sterlized vial and add 9ml of Bac water to dilute the HCG which would equate to 500iu per injection. I hope this is right, i will review the video several more times to make sure i'm right. I want to inject 250iu 2X a week.
Don't know if anyone's interested anymore.. but i'm going to continue writing in hopes that someone is following :)

Today i injected 250iu's of HCG, SubQ, 1inch away from bellybutton. (If i calculated this correctly; Mixing 5000iu's of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with 5ml of Bac water would equate to 1000iu per ml. Therefore, using U-100 needles, 100 Units=1ml. 25 units=250iu's.)

I'm also continuing my Adex dosage at 0.5mg E3D, due to the fact that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is now being administered and can cause Gyno/Estro symtoms.

Yesterday i trained Quads/Hams/Abs

DTP Leg Press
5 X 50,40,30,20,10
5 X 10,20,30,40,50
Giant Circuit (3X)
-Exercise ball-ins
-Jackknife sit-ups
-Weighted sit-ups
-Oblique twists

Cardio: 15minute skipping

I am also considering in adding some GVT (German volume) into my routine for some added mass/Strength gains

Any thoughts?
Left Quad injection DONE. going into week 4 and so far i'm experiencing mood swings, lethargic at times, water weight, some strength gains, and hot spells. I've read that Test E doesn't really kick in until week 5-6 so i'm being patient, maintaining a constant food intake and training like a beast

My lower back has been really tight lately and even bending over to do good-mornings aches. I've been looking into deep tissue therapy. seems like it would rub out the damaged muscle tissue for increased mobility. I might dump some cash into a good massage.

I'm also adding in a little bit of cardio to decrease some water weight. Adex is at 0.5mg but i've still managed to go from 174lbs to 181lbs in 3 weeks. My goal is 190lbs by the end of my cycle.
I found out recently that my work schedule is changing to night shift. I know this is going to fuck up all my training and eating patterns, but i'll have to adapt i guess. Might affect my mood as well...

Yesterday trained Shoulders/Traps/Abs/Calves

Military BB Shoulder Press
135 X 12
185 X 10
195 X 6
135 X 20
95 X 50
Side Lateral raises
25 X 12
35 X 7
30 X 10
External Rotations
30 X 12
25 X 10
25 X 10
Giant set: 3X 15-20
-Upright BB Row
-Seated Calf Raise
-Weighted sit-ups

Cardio: 15 minutes Elliptical

Stretching: 10 minutes
I just got through a week of hell, night shift really took its toll on my sleeping and eating patterns. Meal prep is challenging, and working out after getting minimal amount of rest is even more challenging. But i have to keep eating and training like a beast if i want to see gains, I know i'll have to adapt to any environment and push through. But fuck, it is hard :P

I'm going into Week 5 and what i've noticed is some muscle gains, libido is HIGH, joints are a little sore, water retention, mood swings, and still kind of fatigued.

I know no one is following and I don't really know why i'm writing this but for my own reflection.
trust me people are reading man, just no one posts. many many people go through logs like this one looking for insight into what really happens day to day with a steroid cycle, and to compare their own progress to someone else who is running something similar.
i work nights, you will adapt. just make sure to get your sleeping area blacked out so you can rest well. sounds like your gear is good. this shit will affect your emotions, try and remember that when your feeling down.
trust me people are reading man, just no one posts. many many people go through logs like this one looking for insight into what really happens day to day with a steroid cycle, and to compare their own progress to someone else who is running something similar.
i work nights, you will adapt. just make sure to get your sleeping area blacked out so you can rest well. sounds like your gear is good. this shit will affect your emotions, try and remember that when your feeling down.

Thanks man, this post made me feel real good :) Makes me feel like i'm not alone :D
Yesterday was the end of my triphase program which lasted 12weeks. I also re-did all my max lifts to see where I was at. To my surprise, strength has gone up quite a bit. :)

Flat Bench Press: (PR!)
Worked up to 260 X 1
3-rep Chin-up
105lbs X 3
Box Squats (PR!)
Worked up to 345 X 1
Didn't want to go too heavy because i've injured my back in the past.
355 X 3
Incline Bench (PR!)
210 X 1
Broad Jump

Next week is rest week before i begin strength training. Going to add in some extra cardio/stretching to make sure i'm fully prepared for heavy lifting.
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10th Injection done, left quad. Injecting is getting tedious. However, I'm more than halfway there, can't give up now, need to suck it up and keep EATING.

Weight is still around 182lbs. (Started at 174lbs) Up 8 pounds in 5 weeks. Could be a lot better, but eating has been challenging ever since nightshift has kicked in. I don't feel as hungry and i find myself force feeding almost every meal. Metabolism is fucked.

Besides the downsides of the cycle. Yesterday i trained Upper body and DAM, strength is getting there.

Reverse Flyes
20 X 20
30 X 15
35 X 12
Flat BB Bench Press
95 X 20
135 X 15
185 X 12
225 X 6, 5, 5, 5
Wide-Grip Pull ups
45 X 10
90 X 6
DB Shoulder Press
50 X 15
65 X 12
75 X 10
85 X 7
Skull crushers SS OH extensions
100 X 8/80 X 10 (3sets)

Stretch 10 minutes

I've been meaning to do some cardio after my nightshift. in the early morning, but i've been too drained. I work in a face pace environment so that's almost like my cardio.