Started my Lower Volume Phase yesterday, it was pretty basic, not too intense unfortunately, but it will get harder. This weekend I did cardio, light jog for 20-30 minutes because it was nice outside, tanned a little :)

Front Squats (Perfecting technique)
135 X 10
155 X 5
175 X 3,3,3
Speed Deadlift
175 X 5,5,5,5
Reverse DB Lunge from Deficit
30 X 8
40 X 8
45 X 8
Palloff Iso Hold
30 seconds each side

Bunch of Mobility and core exercises.

Stretched: 10 minutes

Into week 6 now of my cycle. noticing results, chest has filled in slightly and muscle tightness and fullness is REALLY there. Water weight has been an issue, but it is expected, especially with Test E. I'm skeptical about upping the cardio because that would result in having to eat more and right now night shift is messing with my eating patterns that getting in over 3000 cals is just manageable. Once my body adjusts to nightshift, from what it is possible, I'll start upping my cals and adding in some cardio.

Weight: 184lbs
Starting Weight: 174lbs:axe:
If anyone is following, I'm sorry that i haven't posted in a while. I don't get the chance to use the internet everyday lol.:wiggle:

anyways, i'm going into week 7 next week and i'm happy to say that my gear is legit, don't think its human grade, prob UGL. Which is pretty good i guess, less expensive.

Symptoms: slight moodswings, strength increase,muscle tightness, acne is prominent on lower legs :S, fatigue sometimes.

I'm stuck at 183lbs. I need to increase my carbs but i want to avoid the bloat. Hard to manipulate. i'll try carb rotations. increasing calories slowly.

Updated Training Log:


A1) Hex Bar Deadlifts
380 X 5, 5
420 X 5, 5
A2) Ankle Mobs
3sets X 8/side
B1) DB Lunges
40 X 8, 8, 8, 8
B2) Quadruped Chin-tuck
3sets X 5
C1) Side Bridge Wallslides
3sets X 10/side
C2) Glute-Ham raises
135 X 6, 6, 6
D1) Adductor Stretch
2sets X 30seconds
D2) Kneeling heel to butt stretch
2sets X 30seconds


A1) CG Bench Press (Slow Eccentric)
205 X 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
A2) Wide-grip Pullups
25 X 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 (Slow Eccentric)
B1) Incline DB press
85 X 6, 6, 6
B2) Chest-supported Rows
40 X 10, 10, 10
C1) Prone-bridge arm march
3sets X 10/side
C2) External Rotations
3sets 10/side
D1) Wrist Flexors
2sets X 30seconds
D2) 3-way Band Ham stretch
2sets X 15/15/15seconds

If anyone is interested, I am using Eric Cressey's Show and Go training.

My diet has changed somewhat, carbs are being tossed around quite frequently, Calories are also fluctuating. With the stress of work, finding a place to live for school this fall and family drama, packing in meal prep and proper nutrition is becoming a handful. I need to have more self-control and control my environment if i really want to see gains on my first cycle.

Weight is 183lbs, I kind of plateau'd and it's obviously because my calories aren't high enough. I'm going into week 8 and for the last month i really want to hit at least 188-190lbs. This means no messing around, prepare the meals and shove them down the trap. XD

I\ll post my workouts in brief detail since i haven't posted them in a while.


A1) Front Squats
4 X 3: 205, 205, 205
A2) Scapular Wall slides
3 X 8
B) Speed Deadlifts
6 X 2: 195, 195, 195, 195, 195, 195
C1) DB Reverse Lunges from Deficit
3 X 8: 45, 45, 45
C2) Palloff press iso-hold

10 minute Stretching


A1) Flat Barbell Press
4 X 5: 230, 230, 230, 230
A2) Neutral Grip pull ups
4 X 5: 55, 55, 55, 55, 55
B1) Incline Weighted Pushups
3 X 10: 55, 55, 55
B2) Seated Cable rows
3 X 10: 225, 225, 225
C1) DB Hammer curl
3 X 8: 45, 45, 45
C2) Crossover Reverse flye
3 X 10: 35, 35, 35
D) Ab Wheel
3 X 8

10 minute Stretch


A1) Trap Bar Deadlifts
4 X 5: 380, 380, 380, 380
A2) Ankle Mobs
3 X 8
B1) Walking DB Lunges
3 X 6: 50, 50, 50
B2) Quadruped chintucks
3 X 8
C1) Side Bridge Wall slides
3 X 10
C2) GH Raise
3 X 10

The first time out of my cycle i had to pin on a Friday instead of the usual Thursday. I don't believe it makes much of a difference because it's still 3 days before my next pin.

I also just recieved my knee wraps so now i have no excuse for heavy lifting and roller blading. :D
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Today i was supposed to hit it hard doing front squats but i only managed to get in some HIIT and mowed the lawn at a fast pace. Motivation as really been hard for me lately, having to dig deep is taxing mentally. There are days when i wake up i question myself why, i constantly need reassurance. Hopefully this coming week will get better and i'll start thinking more positive.

Going into week 9, yeaa buddyyy.
Back to town. I was out of town for a week or more and didn't have access to the internet. Since then, i've continued my training at a constant pace and with this nice weather, mood has been getting better. I am now in week 9 and i am still gaining strength and width. I'll be getting bloodwork done before entering PCT to see where my E2 levels are at and test levels to know how long to prolong PCT and at what standard dosages.

MY workout is the same for this last week and i will write down my lifts in brief to keep track.

06-11-12 - 06-17-12
Front Squats
215 X 3 (3 Sets)
Speed Deadlifts
245 X 2 (4 Sets)
DB Reverse Lunges
55 X 8 (3 Sets)
Flat BBB Press
245 X 5 (3 Sets)
Weighted Chin-ups
60 X 5 (3 Sets)
T-Bar Rows
245 X 10 (3 Sets)
DB Hammer Curls
50 X 8 (3 Sets)
Reverse Cross-fly
45 X 10 (3 Sets)
Trap-Bar Deadlift
435 X 5 (4 Sets)
225 X 5 (3 Sets)
Incline DB Press
100 X 6 (3 Sets)
Chest-supported Row
50 X 8 (3 Sets)

Mobility + Stretching exercises daily.

I'm in the process of making my mom a workout and nutrition program because she is interested in losing a few pounds and cutting up as well. If she can lose 10-15lbs. This will be an amazing leap forward for both us and will give me the extra motivation I need to finish my cycle with a positive attitude.
June 23rd 2012

240 X 3 (3sets)
Wide-grip pullups
60 X 3 (3sets)
Incline DB press
100 X 6 (3sets)
External Rotations
Prone Bridge Arm March
Mobility Exercises

I'm having to deal with back acne lately and it is getting to me. I think i might join a tanning salon and get dark enough that blemishes are barely visible lol.
Whats happenin' Its been a while since ive posted. I busted my finger up 2 weeks ago at work with an exacto knife, 3 stitches needed, so i've been hitting more cardio lately and legs because my grip is fucked atm.

I'm in week 11, next week is my LAST WEEK BEFORE PCT. Overall i would say i am very happy with the stength gains, confidence boost, and overall hardened muscle.However, i am kind of dissapointed with the end result, i have more BF than desired, but I am the only one to blame, my diet wasnt completely consistent and my cardio was minimal at times.

Heading into PCT is going to be a challenge, keeping my gains will require more effort than ever before, and i'm going to have to eat an excessive load

Starting weight: 174lbs
Ending weight: 187lbs

Gained 13lbs in 11 weeks.

Side effects: Acne on all of back, depression, mood swings, aggression.

All the normal side effects expected.

I wish the acne would go away though, might throw in another cycle of accutane, we'll see.
Hey guys,

it's been too long since my last post. but my cycle is now finished, I finished my last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection of 1500iu a couple days ago, and this thursday i'm starting post cycle therapy (pct). post cycle therapy (pct) consists of Clomid; 100/50/50/50 and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20 along with Adex at 0.35/0.5mg. I expect to be feeling down throughout post cycle therapy (pct) but I won't let it get the better of me. I believe it's a mind game and the more you think you will be depressed, the likelyhood increases tenfold. On a positive note, I have been tanning quite a bit and muscle definition is more prominent than before. I'm starting to retrack my dietary goals since i will be going to school soon and living with highly motivated individuals that will kick my ass to eat right. I've been doing some cardio with a military friend EOD and it seems to be working nicely.

I'll post when i can to update any diet information as well as post cycle therapy (pct) effects.

Here is a look at my Max Lifts. These were recorded about a week ago.

Incline BB Press:
250 X 1
Flat Barbell Press:
285 X 1
BB squats:
385 X 1
435 X 1
Incline DB Press
120 X 1
Leg Press (Full ROM)
860 X 1

Until next time brothas :)