
Borderline Insane
Yooo Everybody! Today was my first injection of my 12 week cycle.

Height: 5'10 feet
Weight: 175lbs
Age: 22
Bodyfat: 12%

First Cycle Log:
-250mg test E 2x week (Monday/Thursday)
-Adex 0.5mg EOD
-HCG: 250iu 2x week throughout cycle, stop before PCT.
-Clomid: 100/50/50/50
-Nolva: 40/40/20/20/20

Diet is posted in 3J's forum. In brief, macronutrient content: 40/30/30
Protein: 250-300g ED
Carbohydrates: 150-400g ED (Depending on low-day/high-carb day cycle)
Fats: 80-120g
Calories: 3520

Goal: To gain lean body mass while trimming BF if possible.

Lifting Stats Before Cycle:
Flat Bench Press: 235x1
Incline Bench Press: 210x1
Deadlift: 395x1
Back Squats: 315x1
Military Press: 170x1
Bent-Over Row: 225x1

Injection 1: I injected 250mg/1ml of Test E into my right quad today using 25g 1 1/2 inch needle. While injecting I was very nervous and I ended up aspirating twice even though the first time, there was no blood. On the way in, my quad muscle twitched a little, which freaked me out, not sure if i hit a vein. Immediately after pulling out the needle I almost threw up because of the stress, so splashed cold water in my face. Felt much better lol. Hopefully I can get over the stress the next pin lol.

Only side effect that i'm experiencing atm is a raise in Body temp, i feel hot as fuck XD

Before Pics:


I'll keep this updated as much as possible! Wish me luck guys! and I appreciate ALL feedback!

Cheers brothas :40oz:
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good luck my brother... and get ready for some INSANE PIP quads are hard to get used to but thats all i use now due to being super easy to get to lol...

maybe u wont get pip.. just maybe lol
in 24 hours it should start
Thanks guys :) I'll keep you updated. And now i'm stressed about PIP in my quads LOL. Whatever i'll man up and take the pain.

I wanted to train Shoulders/Calves/Abs today but I actually have a cold (Coughing, headache, chest congestion, fatigue) Should I have gone to the gym anyways and push through it, or is it better to rest up for a day/two?
X ! Happy u did ur first pin. Pin delts it's a little easier but aspirate is tricky. U have to get use to using one hand to aspirate but with quads its more easy since one hand can hold the syringe while the other aspirate. Glutes for me its just a bitch. I tried once and it was hard to aspirate. Just got to find what makes it easier for u but aspirating is a must .
X ! Happy u did ur first pin. Pin delts it's a little easier but aspirate is tricky. U have to get use to using one hand to aspirate but with quads its more easy since one hand can hold the syringe while the other aspirate. Glutes for me its just a bitch. I tried once and it was hard to aspirate. Just got to find what makes it easier for u but aspirating is a must .

Thanks bro :) and yea aspirating is definetly key, i might try delts for my third pin but the one-handed deal is going to be a bitch

Goodluck - it looks like you got a great foundation and understanding of what it takes . You"ll do well .....~Bo

Thanks Bo, appreciate it :) I will not give up!
I took my first dose of Adex today. Split my capsule into 4 equal parts (0.25mg each) and mixed the 0.25mg in a small glass of water. Yesterday i trained my upper body, the workout was:

-T-bar rows:
3x6-8: 180x8, 205x7, 225x6
-Wide-grip pull-ups (weighted)
3x6-10: 25lbsx10, 25x8, 25x7
-Incline Barbell Press
3x6-10: 185x9, 185x7, 175x8
-Weighted Dips
2x8-10: 45x10, 90x8
-Rack Deadlifts
3x8-12: 315x10, 365x8, 405x8
-Barbell Curls
3x6-10: 105x10, 115x7, 110x8
3x8-12: 70x12, 80x10, 90x8

Followed by 15min Low-intensity cardio and stretching.

If anyone is interested, i'm using Layne Norton's PHAT training (Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training)
Located here: Mega Feature: Layne Norton Training Series + Full Power/Hypertrophy Routine (Updated 2011) |

I alter several exercises based on preference and injury.
2nd injection today into left quad. Overall it went well, I was less nervous and didn't feel like throwing up towards the end, it hurt a little 5-10minutes later i think because the angle of the injection was different on the way out. Also, this time i was pushing pretty hard on the plunger to get the test in, not sure why i had to push harder, maybe it's in my head LOL.

Tonight I'm training Quads/Hams/Calves, Right quad is still a little sore from the injection on monday, i'll push through it though.

I hope you guys can give me some support, i'm gonna need it :)

Leg Extensions (Pre-Exhaust Method)
2 Warm-up sets
100 X 25
150 X 20
230 X 15
2 X Warm-Ups
185 X 12
225 X 8
255 X 8
275 X 6
Leg Press
360 X 15
430 X 10
540 X 8
Stiff legged Deads
135 X 20
225 X 15
315 X 9
Glute Ham Raise Superset with Lying Ham curls

Seated Calf Raise
135 X 20
225 X 14
315 X 9
Standing Calf Raises
225 X 15
315 X 8

Cardio: 10 minutes Skipping
Stretching: 10 minutes

That was my leg workout, legs are fried, left quad stung throughout half the workout, right where i pinned.

Any thoughts?
okay brothas today i hit it hard at the gym. Pumped Biceps+Triceps+Forearms+Abs. It felt like i had more energy, could be the placebo effect but man, i was smashing up those weights.

10 minute Dynamic Warm-up (Joint Rotations)

-Machine Preacher Curl SS Dips
90 X 12/70 X 12
110 X 10/70 X 12
Dropset: 100X10-70X10-40X12/70X12-25X10-BWX7
-Rope Extensions SS EZ Bar Curls
100 X 12/65 X 12
120 X 10/65 X 12
Dropset: 100X10-70X10-40X12/75X10-55X12-35X12
-Close-grip BP SS Hammer curls
185 X 8/35 X 12
165 X 12/35 X 12
-Cable Curl SS Tricep Pushdown
120 X 10/140 X 12
110 X 12/150 X 11
BB Reverse Wrist Curl
100 X 15 (3sets)
One-handed Wrist curls
30 X 15 (3sets)

Renegade Rows
30 X 20, 40 X 12, 40 X 15
Hanging Leg Raises
BW X 15 (3sets)
Air Bike
BW X 20 (3sets)
2 setsXFailure

10 minutes Stretching

I need to add in some cardio after my workouts but i'm so drained by the end lol. But i need to be careful with my joints, any HIIT while on AAS will tear up the tendons' i'm sure.

Any feedback? anything i can work on based on the pics. I'd REALLY appreciate it guys
I cheated today and went to the buffet with my family. I didn't stuff my face fortunately lol, I ate some lasagna, green veggies, spareribs, turkey, shrimp, salad, and some jello. Couldve been worse. i still felt guilty afterwards, but i can't beat myself up, i don't see my whole family very often.

I'll just do some HIIT tommorow and i should be back on track lol.

Has anyone ever done this and felt guilty?
Today was Shoulders/Traps/Cardio. It was an intense work out. So far i've had some pretty good workouts, i doubt it's from the gear cause im only in week 2.

-Side Lateral Raises
35 X 10
30 X 12
25 X 15
-Barbell Shrugs
225 X 20
275 X 15
315 X 10
-Shoulder Press
45 X 20
55 X 15
75 X 7
50 X 20
-DB Shrugs
80 X 15
90 X 12
-Cable Raises SS Plate Raise
20 X 15/45 X Failure (3sets)

Cardio: Skipping: 15 minutes. HIIT