Before and After!

Even though I disagree with juicing after only 10 months nice job. You look like a different person. I'll spare the rest of my thoughts I'm sure you'll hear enough from others

what gear did you use? Mg? Length? Weight before & after?
ill be honest the only cycle iv'e done was the first month training, my mate's doc gave me
week 1: 300mg deca
week 2-3 :500mg test e
week 4: 250 test e
weight was up and down due to short cycle losing fat while building muscle but from memory at end of cycle i was at 207lb around a month after i was at 202lb
i know i know stupid.. but i don't regret it one bit because it made me serious about training and eating right ect..
i do have my next cycle ready which im saving for mid next year, will be:
1-10 sus250 500mg/week
1-10 deca 300mg/week
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Im not sure if I believe this. I mean you're no Arnold schwarzanegger but it's quite a transition for only a month. Not sure how long esters did this in only 4 weeks. Do you mean you worked out for 10 months & used the gear for 4 weeks? That might make a little more sense...this doesn't happen in 4 weeks with long esters
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sorry if im confusing you iv'e been training for 10-11 months.. so first month i did cycle and all natty from there
Aha that's what I figured. Keep up the hard work. My advice is stay off the gear for a good year or more, get serious with eating, lifting, & lifestyle. You're in a good direction but if it took gear to get you to buckle down you're putting the cart before the horse. Work hard then consider gear. You look young too and I'm sure you could get great gains without the gear. Good luck whatever you do
thanks, its just that i see guys at my gym that have been going for 2-4 years ect and if you saw them on the street you wouldn't think they've lifted a dumbbell in there life , so i guess what im trying to say.. the gear made me realize if you give it everything you got anything is possible.
This is true but bad role models should not be your reference point. Stick around bro. Start reading...
nice work bro. diet, cardio and lifting is the game and it looks like your pinning correctly. way to go man :bowdown:
the only thing what comes in my mind is that youre stupid!

you have no muscle maturity, you don't even worked out long enough. you prolly dont know lots about steroids and you are WAY TOO YOUNG !

your body will thank you, cause most likely you did some good permanent damage to it at that young age
glad to see you worked on your tan bro!!! LOL. Your body image transformation is amazing bro just for that short amount of time... mad props for ya!!!
I agree your to young and way to un experienced in the gym. I have been working out for about a decade now and its taken many years to perfect a good form,routine,diet,cardio, and base build. I have no mentors to show me anything. dude I would wait a few years for the next cycle and use this as a nice platform to start from and learn from your mistakes brother. on the flip side you have transformed nicely but WAIT a few years !!!!!!!!
Nice difference. Agreed, you need to hit cardio HARD w/ a good weight routine and with your naturals you will be just fine. Come back to gear a few years later...NO Need for it at this time.