best f00d after workout?

Kim the Swede

New member
Normally i drink 3 protein shakes per day. 1 in morning, 1 after workout and 1 before i go to bed.
Now, I read in a book this fitness guy said after work out is your most important meal. Which sounds fair. He also said after workout you should try to drink 30% proteins and 70% carbs....
I only drink protein....can someone give me some info on this or just say what you drink after your workout...what is best that is...
Add some dextrose and/ro maltodextrin to your post workout shake for your carbs. Both are dirt cheap and within a week, you'll be able to tell a difference.
YellowJacket said:
Add some dextrose and/ro maltodextrin to your post workout shake for your carbs. Both are dirt cheap and within a week, you'll be able to tell a difference.
I agree. Getting insulin levels back up ASAP after workout is my #1 goal (unless on low carb), so my shake is 25 or 30g prot and 50g carb (with some creatine if I'm using it at the time)....

Then a big balanced meal when I get home.
I use 50g of Glucose mixed with 25g Whey Isolate which is packed with Eastern Bloc Adaptogens and BCAAs. My recovery is Awesome!
I usually get a shake in....but my buddy that I train with sometimes his parents own a restuarant and I eat for I go over there and eat my ass off!!!! But usually I try to get a shake.

I am just a fat ass!!
I definitely agree with everyone on the 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein post workout. It is so important to refeul your glycogen stores after you train. Dextrose and/or Maltodextrin being the best choices.
I mix some powdered gatorade together with some whey protein after a workout i find it works pretty well.Then about an hour and a half later ill eat a meal
Just some plain whey mixed with grape juice works well. I do recommend some fats also to help with the muscle repair.
Jetrob said:
Just some plain whey mixed with grape juice works well. I do recommend some fats also to help with the muscle repair.

Never include fats in your post workout shake.
i do a malto/dextrose/protein shake post workout and a good meal about an hour and a half later.

then a protein/1%milk shake before bed
Post workout nutrition!

Well this is an intricate subject. The best plan for a post workout meal is dependant on what your goals are and what exogenous "supplements" you are taking.


1.Dieting- Fat loss
- if fat loss and muscle preservation is your goal then immediately after your workout consume 8 oz water plus a 20 g whey isolate protein preferably an isolate with a high fraction of alpha lactalbumin whey derived from membrane cross flow microfiltered process. These proteins are the quickest to be absorbed and raise amino acid blood levels faster resulting in enhanced anabolism, they are lactose free, they better stimulate glucagon which stimulates fat burning, they stimulate the livers release of somatomedins (IGF-1) which control muscle growth rate, they increase immune response, and they contain a small protein compound called GMP or glycomacropeptide which decreases appetite levels by stimulating the hormone CCK cholecystokinin...30 min later have another shake consisting of 40 g protein with fresh fruit(berries), organic flaxseed oil, and organic raw honey(1-2 tbsp) This suggestions allows for maximum anabolism by keeping hgh and test levels high post workout and insulin levels low...the second shake allows for repair as well as glycogen replensihment for a natural athlete.

2.Dieting-fat loss (AAS assisted)-
the above suggestion works well for natural athletes because it enhances natural hormone levels...the assisted athete can be less stringent because hormone levels are controlled exogenously(ie AAS) therefore a slightly different plan is used. Immediately after consume 40 g pwhey protein(same as above) with 50g dextrose and 50g glucose mix plus 10 g creatine and 10 iu insulin. The hgh and test levels will remain artificially high and the insulin will shuttle the carbs and protein into the muscle cells leaving the bloodstream relatively glucose free...thus keeping glucagon levels much as possible...the preferred insulin would be humalog as it is fast acting and the half life is very short...thus getting back to a level of high glucagon...1.5 hours later consume your regular protein and low carb meal..limiting fat intake until the following meal.

3. muscle gain-
As above for a natural athlete use the same method above only the second shake will contain more protein and carbohydrates than above- say 40 g protein and 80 g carbs.

4. muscle gain (AAS assisted) us ethe same formula just keep carbs levels higher with both shakes ie. 100-150 g per shake.

I hope this helps!

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Do things change if you add CREATINE? For example, I have been using whey + dextrose for my post work-out shake. I want to start creatine. Should I just toss some into to shake ? I have read opinions that creatine and protein should be taken at different times, but nothing emperical. The opinions range from "don't do it, the protein will slow down the creatine " to "just mix it all in the dextrose will help the creatine digest".
So what does everyone think??
The problem I had with drinking my protein shake with dextrose is my bodyfat got higher, my belly started to grow beyond recognition, now I have to cut down the fast carbs after workout so I dont gain all this extra fat around my belly.
Coz that´s not what I call healthy & well trained look, I mean it´s good and cool to look like u r actually working out at a gym.

moremass99 said:
I mix some powdered gatorade together with some whey protein after a workout i find it works pretty well.Then about an hour and a half later ill eat a meal

yes you want some fast acting carbs. this is due to the fact that after a workout your insulin level is very low...hence catabolic. if you spike your insulin level it gets you back into the anabolic zone.
as long as your not gonna sleep around the time that you do it, there is little risk. just keep some simple carbs in close reach, in case you go hypo.