best mass building exercise for tris...

Phil9999 said:
Depends on what part of the tricep you are trying to build
the tricep is trained as one muscle. there is a wrong notion that you can train the outer tricep, inner bicep, bicep peak etc. the shape depends on your genetic not whether you do kickbacks vs CGBP.
silver_shadow said:
the tricep is trained as one muscle. there is a wrong notion that you can train the outer tricep, inner bicep, bicep peak etc. the shape depends on your genetic not whether you do kickbacks vs CGBP.

not true. the long head of the triceps crosses the shoulder joint, and thus assists in shoulder extension. therefore, tricep work with the shoulders in flexion (i.e. behind the neck extensions) will place more tension on the long head.

as for the biceps, EMG studies show clear compartmentalization based on forearm position. depending on whether you are pronatated, neutral, or supinated, you will recruit different MU compartments in different heads of the biceps.
i like weighted close dips. my chest and front delts get crazy looking from these also. i bought an inexpenisive but great one for my room from ny barbells and i do them when i cant sleep. I save the gym for other exercises that i dont have equitment for.
SCG2 said:
not true. the long head of the triceps crosses the shoulder joint, and thus assists in shoulder extension. therefore, tricep work with the shoulders in flexion (i.e. behind the neck extensions) will place more tension on the long head.

as for the biceps, EMG studies show clear compartmentalization based on forearm position. depending on whether you are pronatated, neutral, or supinated, you will recruit different MU compartments in different heads of the biceps.

that is bullshit , i been training for a long enough time to know that you cant change the shape of your muscles... You get what you get
i don't recall saying that you could change the shape of your muscles. i recall saying only that you can recruit different heads of the triceps or biceps to varying degrees, and i'd be happy to point you toward the EMG studies that illustrate this if you'd like.
there are studies and there are more studies, most of them on untrained teenagers (at least when it comes to weightlifting/bodybuilding related issues). in the real world kickbacks DO NOT give you huge triceps, heavy compound exercises DO - aka pressing at least once a week, multiple times depending on your conditioning. worrying about which head your hitting and doing the appropriate iso movement is only going to compromise the amount of weight you move. for a natural athlete, moving micky mouse weights is only going to result in micky mouse arms. with biceps, the best mass builders are not preacher curls, reverse preacher curls, etc, the best mass builders are heavy rowing, weighted pullups (with an underhand grip) and a few sets a week of good old BB curls.
silver_shadow said:
there are studies and there are more studies, most of them on untrained teenagers (at least when it comes to weightlifting/bodybuilding related issues). in the real world kickbacks DO NOT give you huge triceps, heavy compound exercises DO - aka pressing at least once a week, multiple times depending on your conditioning. worrying about which head your hitting and doing the appropriate iso movement is only going to compromise the amount of weight you move. for a natural athlete, moving micky mouse weights is only going to result in micky mouse arms. with biceps, the best mass builders are not preacher curls, reverse preacher curls, etc, the best mass builders are heavy rowing, weighted pullups (with an underhand grip) and a few sets a week of good old BB curls.

This is bullshit, and one thing i have never and will never agree with. People always say that rowing gives you big arms, i say bullshit. It may help, and maybe the extra work is good, but my arms were at thier smallest and i was at my heaviest when i was powerlifting. I was doing no arm work, and i was rowing quite a bit and at my strongest in those movements. If you want big arms you better hit your fucking arms hard and heavy. Not your rows.
jcp2 said:
This is bullshit, and one thing i have never and will never agree with. People always say that rowing gives you big arms, i say bullshit. It may help, and maybe the extra work is good, but my arms were at thier smallest and i was at my heaviest when i was powerlifting. I was doing no arm work, and i was rowing quite a bit and at my strongest in those movements. If you want big arms you better hit your fucking arms hard and heavy. Not your rows.
hence, i do pullups over chins and BB curls too. so what's the problem with that then?
skarhead1 said:
heavy rows will definately thicken the back up though

Yes i understand that, but we are talking about bis. I constantly hear people talk about squatting for the arms, and doing rows for the arms. How about some curls, lol. Granted you will have to put on overall size for the arms to get big, but they are not going to get huge as a biproduct of training, in most people.
jcp2 said:
Yes i understand that, but we are talking about bis. I constantly hear people talk about squatting for the arms, and doing rows for the arms. How about some curls, lol. Granted you will have to put on overall size for the arms to get big, but they are not going to get huge as a biproduct of training, in most people.

Amen! If you want big tris. Do heavy tri exercises. If you want big bis, do heavy curls.

To Skarhead,
If your working bis by doing rows then your not doing rows correctly!
And what the heak do you mean when you say you can't shape your muscles. What the hell do you think bodybuilding is all about? Kickbacks do not work the same muscles as skull crushers. Straight bar curls do not work the same side of your bis as inverted bar curls.
I know because I've got greatly shaped arms, at least thats what everyone tells me, lol. And I used to have skinny arms!
Everyone always ask me "How do get you arms to look like that", I always reply "Curls, curls ,curls and lots of heavy tri exercises"

Bodybuilding and powerlifting are two different things. The main foundation of bodybuilding is muscle isolation.
Heavy benching may help your tris, but only after you have well established tris and big pecs to assist you in heavy benches.

Watch a Ronnie Colman video for gods sake. You think he got bis on top of bis by doing freaking rows?

Oh, and by the way. I only did dips once in my life and I I hurt my shoulder bad. And my tris are not lacking at all!
LIsten you stupid fuck theres no fucking way you can do a row w/o involving your biceps.

b) i never said anything about rows and arm growth.

c) lets see a pic of these pro bb esque arms you claim to have...

d) i realize curls will assist in arm growth but overall you have to have mass to get bigger arms. ever see a 175 lber with 20 inch arms? I havent.
Far as I could tell ronnie bases his routine around classic powerlifting movements.

Look at it backwards. Ive never seen a guy with skinny arms deadlift 500lbs. I think thats what skar is getting at.
I didnt even say anything about DL-ing and getting big arms. I just meant that in my ex that you cant re shape a muscle
skarhead1 said:
heavy rows will definately thicken the back up though

a. you can't do squats without using your calves but thats not how I build calves
b. yeah you did, see your quote above
c. no I won't, I have nothing to prove to you.
d. Do you know who Larry Scott is? Probably weren't even born yet.
I'm only 180 and my arms are not 20", but I do continually get comments on them. And as a 39 yo amateur bodybuilder, women reaching out to touch my arms and guys coming up to me in the gym asking me how I do it, is all the positive reinforcement I need.

And if I could post links on this site I could show you endless videos of Ronnie Coleman doing traditional bi and tri exercises to build his arms. Go to his site and get the DVD.
Isolating muscles to shape them is the foundation of bodybuilding. Thats why bodybuilders look different than powerlifters.
If Ronnie Coleman only did traditional powerlifting exercise then he would look like a powerlifter, not the worlds most winning Mr O.
There are many powerlifters out there with tremendous arms. I saw a picture once of some powerlifters standing beside Arnold. Their arms were obviously bigger than his. And this was a picture of Arnold at least 25 years ago.

My point is that you can be lean and have large awesome muscles for your size by isolating and shaping them. Or you can have a powerlifters physic by doing heavy lifting against several muscle groups at once.

And don't call me stupid fuck. I'm an older, wiser, and well educated professional man.
Dickweed, asshole, motherfucker, and plenty of others will do. But using the word stupid when refering to me is only an embarassment to yourself. :wavey:
I'll throw this out there. I have done these about 10 times and they are wicked. Nothing makes my tris hurt post workout like these do. I'm not going to argue with anyone about this exercise until they have done it 5 times and learned the movement. Once you give this a try and get your form right, then you can TRY and tell me how shitty of an exercise it is

pjr said:
You can keep the arms bent the whole time pretty much. And that's what I do. There is always a bend in the elbow. Just pick up the bell with the arms a tad bent, then lower behind the head. Keep your hips OFF The bench. The only thing that should be on the bench is your upperback really.

Like so.

Now she's got the idea there, but what I do is let the elbows drop even just a hair lower than that. Then just do a pullover/extension type movement. It's not a lockout. Really it's just a regular ol bent arm dumbbell pullover, however most do these with straighter arms for more lat effect but once you bend the arms the triceps are going to fire like mad.

Check out Nassers tri's here and tell me they aren't screaming....

Skip LaCour

You can clearly see the tris contracting big time, so I never understand how some say your tri's aren't being hit with these. It's impossible for them not to be.

What you are NOT after is this.....

Frank here is doing more of the straight arm version. Again, anyone I get to do the bent arm type gets more sore in their tri's than anything else they do.

Here we go! Here is exactly what I am talking about. Although he's using a bar, the movement is perfect. The only thing that happens different is that when you use a dumbbell instead of the bar, it makes you do more of an extension at the top, because otherwise the dumbbell will hit you in the head. Where as with the bar, you can use it more for the lats.

have fun