best mass building exercise for tris...

jcp2 said:
This is my issue.
ok, i'm not disagreeing with the fact that rows on their own do not build big bi's. but along with pullups (narrow underhand grip) and no more than BB curls - that's my entire "bicep workout"... i don't think you'll disagree that they do aid the other two in building the biceps, as opposed to one hour a week of cable curls, concentration curls, reverse preacher curls and what have you. there's a limit to how much the biceps can take and yet i see guys beat the crap out of them as much as they would their chest or even quads.
silver_shadow said:
ok, i'm not disagreeing with the fact that rows on their own do not build big bi's. but along with pullups (narrow underhand grip) and no more than BB curls - that's my entire "bicep workout"... i don't think you'll disagree that they do aid the other two in building the biceps, as opposed to one hour a week of cable curls, concentration curls, reverse preacher curls and what have you. there's a limit to how much the biceps can take and yet i see guys beat the crap out of them as much as they would their chest or even quads.

I do agree thay you have to lift heavy to maximize arm growth, i think the one thing people forget most about arm growth is that you are not going to put 2 iches on your arms and stay the same weight. You have to start putting muscle on everywhere to get the arms to grow, in all but the most beginner of trainees. I have begun to have a real problem with all the people on the boards who have comletely gone the other way with their trainign philosophies, the "all you have to do is squat and you will get huge" guys. This is not as bad as the homo gym goers, but you have to take what you read and apply it to your training, and actually use your brain.
Here's how I built mine:
1. Pullovers (DB & BB)
2. Close Grip Decline Press
3. Standing Military Press
I think this is a whatever works for you like everything else. I don't believe kickbacks are a great mass builder. I use skull crushers, pushdowns, and dips.

Also on the "big arm" thing, if your trying to build big arms through bicep exercises you have been wasting your time all this time. Triceps make up 2/3 of the upper arm. If you want big arms then get big tris!