BF% personal observations


New member
Keeping my BF below 10% year round comes with a price.

I cannot impress my ego and other men with how much I can lift (trust women don't care about that shit).

I cannot eat pizza and drink beer (oh poor me how can I ever face another day).

I have to deal with guys acting like fucking idiots to defend their fat bellies in groups of people (I just call them lazy cunts and see if they want to fight).

Gawd Dame people cannot just let me be sometimes.

Yeah CFM needed a fresh rant.
I don't like many fat people. You can't trust them. If they can't control themselves enough to not be giant blubbering piles of crap, then how can you trust them to be there for you when you need them to exhibit some semblance of self control. They'll throw you under the bus for snickers bar.
I don't like many fat people. You can't trust them. If they can't control themselves enough to not be giant blubbering piles of crap, then how can you trust them to be there for you when you need them to exhibit some semblance of self control. They'll throw you under the bus for snickers bar.

lmao your right
Keeping my BF below 10% year round comes with a price.

I cannot impress my ego and other men with how much I can lift (trust women don't care about that shit).

I cannot eat pizza and drink beer (oh poor me how can I ever face another day).

I have to deal with guys acting like fucking idiots to defend their fat bellies in groups of people (I just call them lazy cunts and see if they want to fight).

Gawd Dame people cannot just let me be sometimes.

Yeah CFM needed a fresh rant.

I wouldn't make fun of out of shape people to much, because if everyone was juicing and had solid diets and training you would not stand out.
I don't like many fat people. You can't trust them. If they can't control themselves enough to not be giant blubbering piles of crap, then how can you trust them to be there for you when you need them to exhibit some semblance of self control. They'll throw you under the bus for snickers bar.

You know that carries much truth.

I just spent two with with my Moped Crew and everyone is normal to fit......only one fuckface made a comment about "body builders" and he wasn't with our group.

I told him " STFU Fat ASS"
I don't lift so I "stand out" in a crowd of fat d-bags. I do it because I have a job where I need to be stronger than the other guy/guys. I do it because I don't feel like me when I'm not in shape. Lifting to stand out from the obese masses, is like fucking strictly for exercise.

I would be happy if everybody was in amazing shape. I think the world would be a better place of people had the discipline to take care of themselves and refrain from their typically moronic self-destructive behavior.

You can't leave your house without seeing masses of giant chain-smoking fatties. It's an epidemic.
I was 16 years old the first time I heard "he on steroids". I had to ask what steroids were.

To this very day I can be covered up and some fat ass slob will make a comment about my I give a piss in hell about their heart attack next week.

Over 30 years of fat ass cry baby fucks and the fucks that defend them.

They have choices so fuck them!
I was 16 years old the first time I heard "he on steroids". I had to ask what steroids were.

To this very day I can be covered up and some fat ass slob will make a comment about my I give a piss in hell about their heart attack next week.

Over 30 years of fat ass cry baby fucks and the fucks that defend them.

They have choices so fuck them!

And I have had a similar experience in high school people saying I used steroids. But I do not get pissed over fat people they can go fuck themselves.

I don't really see what got to you but you shouldn't get annoyed over simple things or fat people. People have a choice to live the way they want its that simple.
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A few months back a fat fuck made a comment "I eat whatever I want".

I told him big fucking deal who asked.....certainly not me you fat pussy".

Last month he had a heart attack driving his 18 wheeler and killed people and himself.
And I have had a similar experience in high school people saying I used steroids. But I do not get pissed over fat people they can go fuck themselves.

I don't really see what got to you but you shouldn't get anyone over simple things or fat people. People have a choice to live the way they want its that simple.

I don't think CFM is mad about fat people lol, I believe he is saying "Fuck You" to people who take jabs at him for his eating/training habits...

I get it all the time with my friends when we go out to eat and I order grilled chicken every Fckin time, or when they ask if I want ice cream or a few beers and I reply Nahhh I'm cutting for summer! They laugh and say I'm missing out on life and all the delectable foods, but these are the same guys that go "Wow how did you fuckk that girl?!? and her sister?!?!?!?

The thing is I never harp on my buddies for not lifting 4x a week or having a clean diet, I don't give a fuck, so it's retarded when people talk shit about my life...Do want ever you want. If you wanna eat ice cream than cool fckin story bro, I rather attract hot females and still be able to knock dudes out..THATS WHY I TRAIN
finally cfm

I was wondering when you would let one go again

Speaking of people commenting on physiques, my gym is beside a liquor store in a mall, you should see the fcking idiots that like to comment when I'm on my way into the gym. They have their wife beaters on with their farmer's tans and tattoos of something stupid on their skinny arms, and think they're tough or something. usually they comment to each other and then all three of them will look over. the funny thing is, when I stop and give them the fck you look, and why dont you go back home and play video games and eat potato chips with your beer, they aren't long looking away in a hurry. fcking cowards to top it off. there is my rant, sorry to cock block your thread Mike but I couldn't resist