Bigherm's tren hex test 400 log

Hey man, this will be my first cycle. I have read your log completely and from what I understand you're only doing two 200ml injections a week? Also, i'm about 5 foot 7 200lbs 16-18%bf started working out at about 120lbs. What dosages would you recomend for me? I have googled both and read a few articles but I would rather take advice from someone with experience. Thanks in advance
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Well is your first cycle or your first time using tren? First off how old are you? Secondly tren is a harsh drug and shouldn't be used by inexperienced users. There is issues with prolactin, and other sides including high blood pressure, acne, horrible dreams. That's just to name a few. Tren is the shit but some people can't use it cuz of the horrible sides. My sides are very minimal so tren is legit for me. Is recommend a test e or c only cycle for a first time user and should not experience with tren for a few cycles. You have to see how your body reacts with just test only. The reason for this is if you start getting bad sides you won't know what its coming from if your using multiple compounds. A test only first cycle, with a good diet, and a good workout routine can gain great results if done correctly. Most people get the wrong idea with steroids that they take a shot and they're huge. Nah doesn't work like that. You gotta have a good solid diet to help your needs. Bulk, cut, etc.
Well is your first cycle or your first time using tren? First off how old are you? Secondly tren is a harsh drug and shouldn't be used by inexperienced users. There is issues with prolactin, and other sides including high blood pressure, acne, horrible dreams. That's just to name a few. Tren is the shit but some people can't use it cuz of the horrible sides. My sides are very minimal so tren is legit for me. Is recommend a test e or c only cycle for a first time user and should not experience with tren for a few cycles. You have to see how your body reacts with just test only. The reason for this is if you start getting bad sides you won't know what its coming from if your using multiple compounds. A test only first cycle, with a good diet, and a good workout routine can gain great results if done correctly. Most people get the wrong idea with steroids that they take a shot and they're huge. Nah doesn't work like that. You gotta have a good solid diet to help your needs. Bulk, cut, etc.
Yeah this is my first cycle ever. My diet is pretty good just been getting really lazy with it lately and eating a lot of junk food. What would you suggest for my Test-400 cycle? I'm in no hurry to start, still have to figure out a post cycle therapy (pct) and everything. The reason I've been wanting to start is because I've been stuck at a plateau for the past 3 months or so, reading about how most bodybuilders and powerlifters are on stuff isn't helping my motivation either lol I'm 26 btw.
Yeah this is my first cycle ever. My diet is pretty good just been getting really lazy with it lately and eating a lot of junk food. What would you suggest for my Test-400 cycle? I'm in no hurry to start, still have to figure out a post cycle therapy (pct) and everything. The reason I've been wanting to start is because I've been stuck at a plateau for the past 3 months or so, reading about how most bodybuilders and powerlifters are on stuff isn't helping my motivation either lol I'm 26 btw.
Ok bro your age is cool. If your in no hurry is say try to drop your body fat a little before. Is that just a guess BTW? If you don't want to its cool. If i were you I'd do .75cc mon and .75 Thurs. So .75 if its 400mg/ml you'll be take 600/wk which is perfect. Make sure you grab some Aromasin, nolva, and clomid.
Ok bro your age is cool. If your in no hurry is say try to drop your body fat a little before. Is that just a guess BTW? If you don't want to its cool. If i were you I'd do .75cc mon and .75 Thurs. So .75 if its 400mg/ml you'll be take 600/wk which is perfect. Make sure you grab some Aromasin, nolva, and clomid.
Thanks a lot man I really appreciate it. I tried to pm you but it doesn't let me for some reason, sorry for the thread hijack.
Closing is April 27. Im up to 233 from like 220. Ya when i say 30 times I.don't mean 3 sets of 10. Lol.
Ya weights I can change my avi with pics from my phone but I have to buy computer to add pics on here. My computer was fucking up so i got mad and my tren anger kicked in. So i threw it out my window. Lol. I just bought a new house so funds are a little empty but there will be done new ones soon.
Closing is April 27. Im up to 233 from like 220. Ya when i say 30 times I.don't mean 3 sets of 10. Lol.
Ya weights I can change my avi with pics from my phone but I have to buy computer to add pics on here. My computer was fucking up so i got mad and my tren anger kicked in. So i threw it out my window. Lol. I just bought a new house so funds are a little empty but there will be done new ones soon.

Oh shit Herm we're weighing the same now!

Congrats on the new house buddy!
Thanks dood!! Ya I'm roughly 6'1 233. Bf around 12-13ish. It will drop when I'm done with this cycle. I'm gonna try and drop dome serious bf after this cycle. Today is ny last pin for week 11 and I got 1 more week if test only. I'm taking like 600mg a week of test e. I dropped my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and I'm just eating good. I'll be starting my pct of Clomid nolva and when my hpta starts to recover throw in some daa and some other supplements. Then my cut will start. I'm gonna get bloods done so i know when I'm recovered. I'll prob throw in a fat burner as well. I'm gonna run some Tek gear at the beginning of summer. May go with tren ace and test prop considering I have some tren ace already. Just call me young Arnold son. Lol