Hollywood Cole
Damn Herm if you need someone to take one for the team brother just pass 'er on over here and I'll fill in for ya!!Here's a little update. Strengths through the roof and at such low doses as well. All my muscles are getting super hard and everything is on the rise. Well not everything. So I had this pretty little thing over last night and i had my game up like Jordan. So shit starts poping and BAM erection malfunction. Wtf never happened to me before so i need to do some investigations. I have aromasin but i don't ever get high e and I'm running such a low dose I'm not tanking it. I'm thinking its probably protactin sides so o got the caber pills and I'm gonna start running at .5 every 3 days and see what happens. Never had prolactin sides before.

J/K bro, hopefully you get everything worked out quick.