Blend esters compounds vs one ester compounds


New member
hello bros ,,
i have experience to share with you and please give your ideas so we all get benefits
i have seen good results from mixed or blend products better than one product ester
for example
both cycles are same dose & same period of time (12 weeks)
i have seen better results of cycle : sust (test blend ) & deca mix over cycle of enenthate / deca duraboline
i have seen better results of cycle : test mix 600 weekly / tren mix 300 w over test prop 600 weekly /tren acteate 300w
i dont know, but i find mixed esters compound is more effective than one ester compound
if you have any experience or idea share it
Test is test. Only difference would be the ester. To say you got better gains off of a blend is debating. Too many different variables. I will say blends aren't really preferred. To difficult to dial in ancillaries and steady blood levels.
I had better results on TRT than a 2g blast of testosterone with 800mg of tren and 800mg of masteron.

Granted I only ate candy bars and cottage cheese on the cycle.

Not seriously, but I hope that drives home tbonexl's point. I don't care for blends either, as it takes the ability to fine tune things out of your hands.
What are Esters and why are they Important
By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

The purpose of this article is to educate those who are new to the anabolic world about steroids, their esters, and their correlation to half-life and peak levels of the compound in your bloodstream. Lets go over some basic terminology before we get into the details.

An ester is simply the oil that the steroid is mixed with. Oil is used because it takes time to break down in your body. When you inject Testosterone Enanthate you are injecting the compound testosterone with an oil called Enanthate. There are many esters you can choose from: Cypionate, Enanthate, and Propionate are usually the most popular ones. When you choose an ester, you are also choosing how quickly the drug enters your system, or the half-life of the drug.

The half-life of the steroid you inject is based on the ester its mixed with. In the world of medication and drugs the half-life is the time it takes the body to reduce the medication by half. Here is an basic breakdown to help you understand.

Bob has just injected 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate into his muscle. There is now a depot of testosterone in the injection site that is being broken down by the body. The half-life of Enanthate is about 10.5 days. In 10.5 days, there will be 125mg of testosterone Enanthate left in the depot site. In 21 days, there will only be half of that (62.5mg) and so on and so forth till the compound has been eliminated from the body. It***8217;s the Enanthate ester that controls the release of drug in the body. It takes a certain amount of time to break through the Enanthate oil and as the body breaks it down it also releases the drug into the system. Here is a list of Esters and their respectable half-life

Formate 1.5 days
Acetate 3 days
Propionate 2 days
Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
Butyrate 6 days
Valerate 7.5 days
Hexanoate 9 days
Caproate 9 days
Isocaproate 9 days
Heptanoate 10.5 days
Enanthate 10.5 days
Octanoate 12 days
Cypionate 12 days
Nonanoate 13.5 days
Decanoate 15 days
Undecanoate 16.5 days

Now, when you start to inject a steroid the golden rule is to run the steroid at about half the half-life of the ester. You want the most steady levels as possible so that you don***8217;t experience side effects of anabolic use like high estrogen and acne. For that reason Cypionate and Enanthate are usually injected every 3.5 days. Propionate and acetate is usually injected every day or some choose to inject every other day, which has been deemed acceptable but not optimal.

So what happens when you start injecting Enanthate every 3.5 days? The drug starts to overlap itself and the actual amount of the drug that***8217;s in your system goes up. As stated before within 10 days of the injection half of the 250mg has been eliminated. But within those 10 days you should have injected about 3 250mg shots. There is a slow but steady rise of the drug in your system that usually started to peak out around the 5 week mark. When injecting a shorter ester like Prop or Ace you will see lower peak values but the drug is entering your system much quicker. This means you peak your dosage in your cycle much quicker and can run shorter cycles.

To give you an idea of how the levels rise, here is a chart of someone injecting 100mg of a compound that has a 7 day half life:

Day 0- 100mg (Injected) / 0mg (Active)
Day 3.5- 100mg (Injected) / 100mg (Active)
Day 7.0- 100mg (Injected) / 150mg (Active)
Day 10.5- 100mg (Injected) / 187.5mg (Active)
Day 14.0- 100mg (Injected) / 212.5mg (Active)
Day 17.5- 100mg (Injected) / 231.5mg (Active)
Day 21.0- 100mg (Injected) / 244mg (Active)
Day 24.5- 100mg (Injected) / 253mg (Active)
Day 28.0- 100mg (Injected) / 259mg (Active)

So remember, Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are both the same compound, testosterone! The only difference is in the ester!! Also, the ester holds weight. When injecting 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate you are actually only putting in 175mg of testosterone in your system. The Enanthate takes up 75mg of the whole weight! The shorter the ester, the less weight it will take up in the total mass of the compound.
its not better to have blend but it does make it more complicated IMO.
unless the blend is on sale crazy cheap, stick to single ester like teste.
Why? Short ester aas are for a quick blood level build up, but I see no advantage using a test e and prop blend in a cycle, for instance. They are used for different purposes.
What are Esters and why are they Important
By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

The purpose of this article is to educate those who are new to the anabolic world about steroids, their esters, and their correlation to half-life and peak levels of the compound in your bloodstream. Lets go over some basic terminology before we get into the details.

An ester is simply the oil that the steroid is mixed with. Oil is used because it takes time to break down in your body. When you inject Testosterone Enanthate you are injecting the compound testosterone with an oil called Enanthate. There are many esters you can choose from: Cypionate, Enanthate, and Propionate are usually the most popular ones. When you choose an ester, you are also choosing how quickly the drug enters your system, or the half-life of the drug.

The half-life of the steroid you inject is based on the ester its mixed with. In the world of medication and drugs the half-life is the time it takes the body to reduce the medication by half. Here is an basic breakdown to help you understand.

Bob has just injected 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate into his muscle. There is now a depot of testosterone in the injection site that is being broken down by the body. The half-life of Enanthate is about 10.5 days. In 10.5 days, there will be 125mg of testosterone Enanthate left in the depot site. In 21 days, there will only be half of that (62.5mg) and so on and so forth till the compound has been eliminated from the body. It***8217;s the Enanthate ester that controls the release of drug in the body. It takes a certain amount of time to break through the Enanthate oil and as the body breaks it down it also releases the drug into the system. Here is a list of Esters and their respectable half-life

Formate 1.5 days
Acetate 3 days
Propionate 2 days
Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
Butyrate 6 days
Valerate 7.5 days
Hexanoate 9 days
Caproate 9 days
Isocaproate 9 days
Heptanoate 10.5 days
Enanthate 10.5 days
Octanoate 12 days
Cypionate 12 days
Nonanoate 13.5 days
Decanoate 15 days
Undecanoate 16.5 days

Now, when you start to inject a steroid the golden rule is to run the steroid at about half the half-life of the ester. You want the most steady levels as possible so that you don***8217;t experience side effects of anabolic use like high estrogen and acne. For that reason Cypionate and Enanthate are usually injected every 3.5 days. Propionate and acetate is usually injected every day or some choose to inject every other day, which has been deemed acceptable but not optimal.

So what happens when you start injecting Enanthate every 3.5 days? The drug starts to overlap itself and the actual amount of the drug that***8217;s in your system goes up. As stated before within 10 days of the injection half of the 250mg has been eliminated. But within those 10 days you should have injected about 3 250mg shots. There is a slow but steady rise of the drug in your system that usually started to peak out around the 5 week mark. When injecting a shorter ester like Prop or Ace you will see lower peak values but the drug is entering your system much quicker. This means you peak your dosage in your cycle much quicker and can run shorter cycles.

To give you an idea of how the levels rise, here is a chart of someone injecting 100mg of a compound that has a 7 day half life:

Day 0- 100mg (Injected) / 0mg (Active)
Day 3.5- 100mg (Injected) / 100mg (Active)
Day 7.0- 100mg (Injected) / 150mg (Active)
Day 10.5- 100mg (Injected) / 187.5mg (Active)
Day 14.0- 100mg (Injected) / 212.5mg (Active)
Day 17.5- 100mg (Injected) / 231.5mg (Active)
Day 21.0- 100mg (Injected) / 244mg (Active)
Day 24.5- 100mg (Injected) / 253mg (Active)
Day 28.0- 100mg (Injected) / 259mg (Active)

So remember, Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are both the same compound, testosterone! The only difference is in the ester!! Also, the ester holds weight. When injecting 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate you are actually only putting in 175mg of testosterone in your system. The Enanthate takes up 75mg of the whole weight! The shorter the ester, the less weight it will take up in the total mass of the compound.

These half-lives are questionable. For instance I have read test e is anywhere from 6 days to as you say 10-11. There is so much miss information online that one can not be sure of anything they read online. It makes starting pct difficult doesn't it? I used a half-life of 6 days when starting my pct, before I started trt. It would be cool if we had a definitive source.
So tell me about Sustanon 250. Its all ive ever used as my base and I add some NPP to start off my cycle . Any disadvantages vs Enanthate ?
if running a 10 week cycle of test e with a 10.5 day half-life, one could not begin pct until week 16-17? Off the top of my head with a 6 day half life it is half that.
So tell me about Sustanon 250. Its all ive ever used as my base and I add some NPP to start off my cycle . Any disadvantages vs Enanthate ?

Test decanoate which is used in sust or at least the human grade version, has a half life of 15 days. You are using only 100 mg of that compound each 250 mg though. For that reason, you could probably start pct around the same time as using test e or cyp. I haven't ran the numbers though.
I had better results on TRT than a 2g blast of testosterone with 800mg of tren and 800mg of masteron.

Granted I only ate candy bars and cottage cheese on the cycle.

Not seriously, but I hope that drives home tbonexl's point. I don't care for blends either, as it takes the ability to fine tune things out of your hands.

candy bars? damn, hows your skin bro?
What are Esters and why are they Important
By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

The purpose of this article is to educate those who are new to the anabolic world about steroids, their esters, and their correlation to half-life and peak levels of the compound in your bloodstream. Lets go over some basic terminology before we get into the details.

An ester is simply the oil that the steroid is mixed with. Oil is used because it takes time to break down in your body. When you inject Testosterone Enanthate you are injecting the compound testosterone with an oil called Enanthate. There are many esters you can choose from: Cypionate, Enanthate, and Propionate are usually the most popular ones. When you choose an ester, you are also choosing how quickly the drug enters your system, or the half-life of the drug.

The half-life of the steroid you inject is based on the ester its mixed with. In the world of medication and drugs the half-life is the time it takes the body to reduce the medication by half. Here is an basic breakdown to help you understand.

Bob has just injected 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate into his muscle. There is now a depot of testosterone in the injection site that is being broken down by the body. The half-life of Enanthate is about 10.5 days. In 10.5 days, there will be 125mg of testosterone Enanthate left in the depot site. In 21 days, there will only be half of that (62.5mg) and so on and so forth till the compound has been eliminated from the body. It***8217;s the Enanthate ester that controls the release of drug in the body. It takes a certain amount of time to break through the Enanthate oil and as the body breaks it down it also releases the drug into the system. Here is a list of Esters and their respectable half-life

Formate 1.5 days
Acetate 3 days
Propionate 2 days
Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
Butyrate 6 days
Valerate 7.5 days
Hexanoate 9 days
Caproate 9 days
Isocaproate 9 days
Heptanoate 10.5 days
Enanthate 10.5 days
Octanoate 12 days
Cypionate 12 days
Nonanoate 13.5 days
Decanoate 15 days
Undecanoate 16.5 days

Now, when you start to inject a steroid the golden rule is to run the steroid at about half the half-life of the ester. You want the most steady levels as possible so that you don***8217;t experience side effects of anabolic use like high estrogen and acne. For that reason Cypionate and Enanthate are usually injected every 3.5 days. Propionate and acetate is usually injected every day or some choose to inject every other day, which has been deemed acceptable but not optimal.

So what happens when you start injecting Enanthate every 3.5 days? The drug starts to overlap itself and the actual amount of the drug that***8217;s in your system goes up. As stated before within 10 days of the injection half of the 250mg has been eliminated. But within those 10 days you should have injected about 3 250mg shots. There is a slow but steady rise of the drug in your system that usually started to peak out around the 5 week mark. When injecting a shorter ester like Prop or Ace you will see lower peak values but the drug is entering your system much quicker. This means you peak your dosage in your cycle much quicker and can run shorter cycles.

To give you an idea of how the levels rise, here is a chart of someone injecting 100mg of a compound that has a 7 day half life:

Day 0- 100mg (Injected) / 0mg (Active)
Day 3.5- 100mg (Injected) / 100mg (Active)
Day 7.0- 100mg (Injected) / 150mg (Active)
Day 10.5- 100mg (Injected) / 187.5mg (Active)
Day 14.0- 100mg (Injected) / 212.5mg (Active)
Day 17.5- 100mg (Injected) / 231.5mg (Active)
Day 21.0- 100mg (Injected) / 244mg (Active)
Day 24.5- 100mg (Injected) / 253mg (Active)
Day 28.0- 100mg (Injected) / 259mg (Active)

So remember, Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate are both the same compound, testosterone! The only difference is in the ester!! Also, the ester holds weight. When injecting 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate you are actually only putting in 175mg of testosterone in your system. The Enanthate takes up 75mg of the whole weight! The shorter the ester, the less weight it will take up in the total mass of the compound.

Explained it to me like I was a 4 year old child, well done! Thanks for this wealth of knowledge!