why use this lab when there is reliable ones so easily availible
why use this lab when there is reliable ones so easily availible
I ordered stuff from BD a few years ago and saw nice results. I've been wanted to reorder but not sure what the stuff is like now! Let me know if anyone orders anything and the results you get!!
Both AsiaPharma and new BD fucked I think because new owner of both brands got busted not so long ago. I only tried new BD halo and wasnt impressed. Actually I tried different Halo brands and didnt like any. I tried AP tren, NPP and few other products and I really like them. Both brands were produced at the same plant in India so I guess quality of new BD line was the same as AsiaPharma quality.. However I think both brands are finished now... I might be wrong, but one thing is for sure, main guy behind BD and AP got busted..
So it was AP after all!
As far as BD Ret, there are so many crooks putting out their own copies. IP for one and WP is another. I knew AP was making them also.
New to it all...just prchsd BD 25ml vial w/mfg date of 02/2010 use by date 02/2016, I can't get an understanding reading these threads, I'm scared as hell now. Yesterday was my first inj., so is my shit not real?