Bromo question, anybody tried?


Bring the pain
Maybe i will add some Bromo to my upcoming cycle but i wanna hear with you guys about the effects and so on.

I've tried Bromo and I liked it. I prefer Permax (Pergolide) it's a little more potent and longer acting but Bromo is good stuff as well. I't made me leaner or so it seemed and it made me more aggressive. Start off with a low dose to get adjusted because it especially at first can really kill one's appetite. The best thing about it was the unbelievable increase in sex drive and harder climax during sex. It really turns on the brains pleasure center and really increases libido. Try not to consume alcohol when you first start, wait like a week or so because if you drink on it to soon before adjusting you will get really sick. Another thing I heard is that it decreases prolactin which is a good thing as well.
gabriel said:
I've tried Bromo and I liked it. I prefer Permax (Pergolide) it's a little more potent and longer acting but Bromo is good stuff as well. I't made me leaner or so it seemed and it made me more aggressive. Start off with a low dose to get adjusted because it especially at first can really kill one's appetite. The best thing about it was the unbelievable increase in sex drive and harder climax during sex. It really turns on the brains pleasure center and really increases libido. Try not to consume alcohol when you first start, wait like a week or so because if you drink on it to soon before adjusting you will get really sick. Another thing I heard is that it decreases prolactin which is a good thing as well.

nice info bro!
what dose is okey to start off with?
YOu really get mixed reviews about bromo. SOme saay stay away and others love it. A friend I have now uses cabaser (cabergoline) for prolactin and says it is far superior without any sides.
Kreuzheben said:
higher doses
You'll definately want to use either Bromo or Cabergoline because you'll be using both NPP and Tren. If you choose Bromo, you should split the dose, 1.25mg in the morning and 1.25mg late afternoon. Bromo can cause nausea for most users so splitting the dose will avoid that.

I have found that using Vit b6 while on cycle prevents gyno from the use of Tren and NPP. I do use Cabergoline during post cycle therapy (pct) because it helps my system recover faster. As roccodart440 pointed out, Cabergoline is stronger than Bromo and doesn't cause nausea.

BTW,the four compounds you intend to use happen to be my four favorite compounds, you should get great results. Also, nice username Kreuzheben, (Deadlift)!
roccodart440 said:
YOu really get mixed reviews about bromo. SOme saay stay away and others love it. A friend I have now uses cabaser (cabergoline) for prolactin and says it is far superior without any sides.
I wouldn't go that far.
I have used bromo and cabaser (cabergoline, Dostinex) and while I'm probably the only one this has ever happened to both substances while they do everything they claim as far as increase strength , improve sense of well being, incredible sex, etc. after being on them for about 4 to 6 weeks my joints start hurting something awful. If I continue to use it after the pain starts, my tendons become very tight and I end up injuring myself using weight that I have used many times in the past. When I quit using those substances, the pain subsides and i can use my previous weights again withoput injury within about 2 to 3 weeks. Like I said, I'm probably the only person this has ever happened to.
Deepglute said:
I have found that using Vit b6 while on cycle prevents gyno from the use of Tren and NPP. I do use Cabergoline during post cycle therapy (pct) because it helps my system recover faster. As roccodart440 pointed out, Cabergoline is stronger than Bromo and doesn't cause nausea.

IF b6 does enough than why use caber?

Also how does caber help you recover faster?

Is nausea the only side that guys complain about?

what role does increased prolatin levels play in sex drive and performance? OR is it something else that causes the sexual disfunction some get on tren? I know a guy who actiually says tren gets him going.
roccodart440 said:
IF b6 does enough than why use caber?

Also how does caber help you recover faster?

Is nausea the only side that guys complain about?

what role does increased prolatin levels play in sex drive and performance? OR is it something else that causes the sexual disfunction some get on tren? I know a guy who actiually says tren gets him going.
I don't use both VitB6 and cabergoline while on cycle, only Vitb6. IMO, VitB6 works as a prolactin antagonist, where as Cabergoline works to prevent an increase in the production of prolactin. I could use cabergoline both during my cycle and PCT, but since cabergoline is expensive, I choose to use it only during PCT.

I have never read of any sides other than nausea from the use of Bromo, but that doens't mean other sides don't exist. Bromo does cause an increase in Leptin levels which is why it is quite benefical to use while on a prolonged reduced calorie diet.

Hopefully the following study will answer the other questions:

"Hyperprolactinemia induces hypogonadism by interfering with the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus (Figure 2).4,5 The resulting decrease in serum T is believed to be the cause of the erectile dysfunction, although there may be an end-organ effect of prolactin on the penis.4 Surprisingly, not everyone with hyperprolactinemia has a low serum T level or complains of erectile dysfunction.6,7 However, when the serum prolactin is corrected in patients with an elevated prolactin level and a low serum T level, the serum T level usually returns to a normal value, and erectile function is usually restored (if erectile dysfunction was present).2 Simply treating the patient with exogenous T does not usually correct the erectile dysfunction (unless the prolactin levels are returned to normal)."

We have all read of or experienced the dreaded Tren-Deca dick. The above study seems to indicate that the increase in prolactin levels brought on by the use of Tren and or Deca may be the cause of "Deca dick".
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what if your not using a progestrerone? just test and tbol. can this still increase your sex drive and lowert he refractory period?
roccodart440 said:
So I take it your preference is bromo?
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, especially since I stated in my previous post that I use Cabergoline.
Deepglute said:
I don't use VitB6 and cabergoline while on cycle. IMO, VitB6 works as a prolactin antagonist, where as Cabergoline works to prevent an increase in the production of prolactin. I could use cabergoline both during my cycle and PCT, but since cabergoline is expensive, I choose to use it only during PCT.

THis lead me to that conclusion. It says you don't use it during your cycl and youdon't use b6 so that leaves bromo
Bromo gave me nausea and lowered my BP causing significant orthostatic hypotension, drove me nuts! I couldn't sit up after doing a set of bench presses without getting dizzy and nearly falling over. Currently, I'm running .5mg/week of cabergoline and no problems whatsoever.
DocJ said:
Bromo gave me nausea and lowered my BP causing significant orthostatic hypotension, drove me nuts! I couldn't sit up after doing a set of bench presses without getting dizzy and nearly falling over. Currently, I'm running .5mg/week of cabergoline and no problems whatsoever.

good to hear doc