Hi there I'm 3 weeks into my 2nd cycle I'm 20 years old, 6,1 started at 191lbs at around 13%bf. My cycle is dbol 25mgs week 1-5. Sust 600mgs a week1-14 deca 275mgs a week1-12. I also have my pct soted, my question is should I up my carbs from about 80 grams a day to around 250grams or even more to maximise muscle growth or will it still be the same if my carbs are low and continue trying to lower my bf%. Some additional information im now 202lbs instead of before I ate 5 meals a day in having 6 or 7, I'm loving the strength gain. I use most of my carbs with either white or brown rice when I'm trying to add size and I try to always eat clean. Sorry if there is information iv missed im just doing this on my phone, I always like criticism so if you see anything I could do better please say. Thank you very much