PRoblem is a fat 6th grade boy is bullying my little brother (hes in the same grade)buy my brother is outweight by 40lbs but even if he wasnt hed be scared to fight back what should i do to help my little brother beat the other kids ass?
Tell your little brother to go up to him all humble & shy... Then kick that fat fuck square in his nuts !
If it was my little brother I dont care how old that fat fuck is I would have a nice face to fat face talk......
Kinda glad I'm an adult now and can use words to solve my problems. The joys of childhood...
man this thread is giving me an idea. Nunez and anyone else you can hire me and Bundy and we will go intimidate this little fat lousy bully for you.
well hold him down while your little bro stomps him. lol
Teach your little brother how to hold a roll of quarters, have him kick the fat fk in the balls as a surprise attack then have him beat the little bastard until his eyes are swollen shut and he has no teeth left.
When I was in elementary school I got bullied and was a tiny guy. When it comes down to it, you have to fight for yourself. Ironically I became friends with my bullies by middle school lol. If you really want to get devious you can do all kinds of psychological warfare to turn the bully into a putz...
Write retarded sounding love notes, or disgusting ones to the popular girls from the guy. Have your little bro plant them in the girls desks etc. Maybe even make it "Sexually provocative" so that the little fat fkker gets into serious trouble. Then step it up a notch, sneak racist stuff into the kids backpack and have your lil bro get one of his black friends to say he was shown that stuff and insulted and called the N word...Countless things you could do.
Maybe even create a fake love note from the fatso's crush that tells him to meet her in a certain park at night so she can kiss him because she is shy....Have your lil bro take the kids backpack or one like his that day...When the kid is out and about that night maybe bust a few windows out at the school then leave the backback behind filled with rocks and the kids name/stuff in it. He will have been MIA during the time it happened so both his own parents AND the authorities will think him guilty lol.
Its not all about the physical fight. People know I can devastate someones personal life to the point of no return if they screw with me. He should learn the art of indirect warfare. Teach him the art of long term planning and a dish or two that is best served cold
No one should ever be afraid of someone bigger. There are plenty of ways to destroy an opponent.
All just ideas though, of course. Man I used "Teach" too much in there and my grammatically correct side is going crazy. But its almost 6am and I am beyond tired so screw it.
As a mom of 3 school aged girls I talk to them everyday about bullying.... you see it as early as's a sad reality that most kids could be exposed to.... I am a hawk when it comes to my kids, I try to pay attention as much as I can when it comes to their school mates, etc..
and I'm constantly looking out for "sings" that this could be happening to them..
I strongly believe in helping kids build self esteem as this can "somewhat" protect them agasinst being bullied, usually kids who feel good abut themselves refuse to be bullied & showing that they are confident kids most of the time can send a strong message to the bullies to go pick on another kid...
Since they pray on who they believe to be "weaker " than them... we know bullies are no more than (insecured & kids with obvious problems & lacking self esteem)..
I haven't had to face this yet, and I understand the kid here is a boy & older... but teaching him to beat the $hit out of the other kid might not the end of it, or the solution here.. I think getting to the root of the problem & going through the propper channels might be a better way, schools now days have 0 tolerance for bulling.... most kids stay quiet when being bullied or handle things "their" own way & this could backfire & empower the bully even more... Can't say that if thishappened to my girls I would react totally "proper" but u have to teach them to face & deal with these situations & know how to deal with them on their own.
Hope u find a solution to this soon.