Bump Test E from 500mg to 750mg per week for 2nd half of cut.


New member
Im in the middle of a cut, 10 weeks in, 10 weeks to go.

Was thinking of bumping my Test E to 750mg, as retaining strength/muscle will be harder as I will have to make another calorie deficits, ill bump AI accordingly.

I wouldn't bump your test on a cut. I'm sure your not eating enough cals to make it work due to your cutting. Yeah I'd add mast if our looking to harden up. Or even tren if your not already on it.
I love test and some of my BEST cycles were Test "E" and "P" together at high doses. DO not need another compound for it will take time for and of the synergistic changes to work together.

IF you really wanna cut then for 3, 4 weeks plug in some Test "P" EOD 100mgs. Remember Test is Test and it is working already. Then at the last 6 weeks left add Winstrol and drop calories accordingly as per what you are already doing.. ? At 4 weeks out and with the added Winstrol drop your test to a total of only 250mgs week. You cannot run Winstrol for 10 weeks.

The first two weeks ( out of 6 weeks ) the Winstrol will just begin with it's synergism and the last 4 will you see it working.

IF your diet is right after 2-3 weeks of Winstrol and lower test you should get a much harder and leaner look with some added vascularity. Add some high reps to your routine and not just the last set of an exercise but with most all. This is similar to getting show ready. You can always do the low rep heavy weight in your routine but add the other high reps. You must understand that when in a true cut cycle a guy should be happy ( temporarily) with his current muscle mass and the cutting to bring it out to show and see what ya got. Always fun :) You are not on a mass building cycle at this time even though we still can grow more mass with the heavy low rep sets.

Good Luck
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Hey Copaseet, I forget your stats ??

But listen , so many guys don't pay enough attention to changing their routines when bulking or cutting. It is a very important function with the two different concepts.

The high and slightly faster reps will burn more calories and bring more ( and faster) fluids to feed the muscle. The glycogen will increase and you will get a fuller look. Yep a pump but a useful pump at that by keeping the muscle hard. Winstrol has been used for athletics and if you look at most athletes they are hard and lean. This will help the slow twitch muscle fibers to have more endurance and to stay in state of hardness more then not. Gotta know the difference in the muscle fibers and what stimulates them. Slow twitch and fast twitch.
Hey Copaseet, I forget your stats ??

But listen , so many guys don't pay enough attention to changing their routines when bulking or cutting. It is a very important function with the two different concepts.

The high and slightly faster reps will burn more calories and bring more ( and faster) fluids to feed the muscle. The glycogen will increase and you will get a fuller look. Yep a pump but a useful pump at that by keeping the muscle hard. Winstrol has been used for athletics and if you look at most athletes they are hard and lean. This will help the slow twitch muscle fibers to have more endurance and to stay in state of hardness more then not. Gotta know the difference in the muscle fibers and what stimulates them. Slow twitch and fast twitch.

Hi Mike...

6"0 tall, currently 205, down from about 216, 10 weeks ago. 40 years old, on TRT. Estimate 15% BF.

First 10 weeks was
- 500mg UGL Test E spilt over 2 weekly inj
- 600ML UGL Maste E 2 weekly inj
- 500 IU pharma HCG 2 X a week
- 0.25mg Adex EOD pharma

Next 10 weeks will be:
- 220 mg Pharma Test E, EOD (770 a week)
- 0.5mg Adex EOD pharma
- 500 IU HCG EOD

With 6 weeks left in the diet, I'll add anavar or Winstrol injectable.
Ah haaa, I love Winstrol injectable and hope that's what you use. When I was doing shows back in the 80's a Vet I knew would have Winstrol V injectable in cartons sent directly to me...ah haaa what a trip that was back in my day. The White injectable had a little sting to it but I was doing at 4 weeks out 100mgs EOD.

You do the Winstrol Injectable and if you follow my advise to some degree you will be happy, take my word. But please my advise includes the training routine also. The last 4 weeks cut the Test dose and high reps...burn and burn till it hurts. do 3sets of burn out with each exercise after overload sets.

Been there done this ...That's my .02 cents
Ah haaa, I love Winstrol injectable and hope that's what you use. When I was doing shows back in the 80's a Vet I knew would have Winstrol V injectable in cartons sent directly to me...ah haaa what a trip that was back in my day. The White injectable had a little sting to it but I was doing at 4 weeks out 100mgs EOD.

You do the Winstrol Injectable and if you follow my advise to some degree you will be happy, take my word. But please my advise includes the training routine also. The last 4 weeks cut the Test dose and high reps...burn and burn till it hurts. do 3sets of burn out with each exercise after overload sets.

Been there done this ...That's my .02 cents

Ill give it a try.... I use to use only Winstrol back when I didnt know any better, 8 weeks of winny V or winstrol Depot, the glass ampules from Zambon that came in a bock of 3.

Whats the longest you took Winstrol Inj? how is the hepatoxicty compared to orals Winny?
Ill give it a try.... I use to use only Winstrol back when I didnt know any better, 8 weeks of winny V or winstrol Depot, the glass ampules from Zambon that came in a bock of 3.

Whats the longest you took Winstrol Inj? how is the hepatoxicty compared to orals Winny?

I'm sorry I can't answer your Q's. Most of all my use was way back when I was competing. I can only remember doing at least 6 weeks max. But so I was getting ready for shows and it all had to do with that type of timing and dieting. I had to wait till my body comp / leanness was ready for the Winstrol and then to have all of my composition to peak at the show. After the shows it was a done deal. Pizza :elephant: So 6 weeks was my thing. Two weeks out from show time I was doing 100mgs EOD of Winstrol injectable. Pharm grade straight from the Vet pharmacy.

I've only done the orals of Winstrol a few years ago and it was a low dose and I was just playing with it :insane: yea that's just me. LOL