I like turtles.
Well my prolactin test came back pretty damn quick.
i'm at 33.5ng/dl with a reference range of 4.0-15.2ng/dl. I'd say my Caber is bunk or I need more than 1mg a week. I'm still waiting on my E2 and Test levels still.
I have prami on hand too but that shit sucks. I get bad sides from it. Guess I'm just going to have to bite the bullet on that.
How long does it take to bring prolactin down? I'll be starting with .1ml ed of prami.
0.25mg EOD for a week, then either move it to 0.25mg EOD, or 0.25mg ED. Try it with cottage cheese or Greek yogurt if not lactose tolerant at bed time. That helped me enormously.
It should come down in a week or so. You're not super high, so I can't see it taking much longer than two tops.
I bet your estradiol is going to be high too.