Calf enhancing sneakers

She is right. I intended no ATTACK on you. But I did intend to challenge your point a little to provoke some healthy debate. I don't post in this forum enough to remember to when I'm here. I'm usually the one telling the guys to cool it. I'm so sorry if I offended you.

i have no problems with differences of opinion, i am aphysical therapy Mod at another BB site, and people question and challenge me all the time; we discuss stuff, give our opinion, learn from each other, and sometimes agree to disagree.
none of us ever tells someone their opinion is "totally crap" though. Women's forum or not, that is not a good way to start a discussion.

allright, with that said, yes muscles are very adaptive, and yes especially for calves, as some people have mentioned, genetics play a huge role.
wearing high heels for instance does not improve calf strenght, in fact, it reduces the ability of the tricep saura(the calf muscle complex) to go through full range of motion, therefore reducing itts ability to produce force.
it will however tighten the tricep saurae muscles, reducing their range even when out of elevated heel shoes.

i have some people i work with who have such tight heel cords they can only walk on their forefoot, slightly bouncing. this is not good for their knees hips or lower back.

so when you are building any muscle, i also suggest to incorporate stretches and full range of motion exercises, to maintain functional range around a joint.

IM :)