can dbol kill me??



been on it for 3 days, dbol only cycle and keep thinking i might die :(.... im only doing it for 6 week cycle, is this irrational.....

will it kill me, isit only people who abused steroids for years that die

only on 20mg a day at the moment..

your responses would be helpful!! thanks J
wow.....It can kill really high doses over a long period. However at 20mg a day for 6 weeks, youll be fine.

shouldn't be doing a dbol only cycle anyways...go read the stickies.
So welcome to the shit storm. You about to get hit with a whole bunch of negative crap from the locals. They will range from why would you do seething that you though could kill you to Dbal only cycle will not do anything for you. I will will say just stop and do some research before you do anything that could hurt you.

Welcome to the site hang out read make some friends. So your not ready for steroids. Not by a long shot. Educate yourself really well before you even try to plan a cycle. get your diet and training in check. ( diet is 80% of the challenge. ) If you can eat to grow with out steroids you won't grow with them. Make sure you know how to avoid growing a pair of tits. DBol is great for growing tits on a man.

Listen to what people are saying and then research why they are saying what they say.
I understand that you'll flame me, im not bothered about losing gains after, just trying it out...but I just don't wanna die from this stuff!! i'm only doing 6 weeks...and that's it!!! why would it kill you long term and not short term though?? I just dont wanna die from a 6 week cycle lol...

Welcome to Ology. There is a wealth of information on this site and many senior bodybuilders that can help you out once you do a little homework. Ie. sticky on oral only cycles.
no one really answered my question only asking because all you guys seem to know...would a 6 week cycle of dbol kill me on 20/30mg..
Yes you will die if you use dbol for 6wks @ 20/30mg, instead try 75mg/day for 12 wks, way better results, if you turn yellow after 7-8 wks don't worry, just drink hard liquor every chance you get (get drunk) and you'll turn into a pro.
I just have a fear of dying anyway...dont hate at me guys, just wondered what the best dosage would be??? and i got milk thistle to protect liver!!
I swear that some of these have to be a joke. Who starts taking something then asks if it will kill them, lol.
I just have a fear of dying anyway...dont hate at me guys, just wondered what the best dosage would be??? and i got milk thistle to protect liver!!
try liv.52 (aka livercare) if you can get your hands on it, works way better than milk thistle
R u asking bc u don't have hair on ur balls and u shouldn't be on the board? Oh and welcome was a joke. U WELL NOT DIE. I do 50to 60 mgs of dbol a day when I take it but never oral only cycle.
seriously tho...would a 6 week cycle kill me??? scared of death in general...