Can Letro cause Prolactin induced Gyno to get worse?


New member
I currently have prolactin induced gyno from taking Tren. I stared trying to get rid of it by taking just letro. Once I got up to 2.5mg ed they started hurting more then they were before I took the Letro. I dropped down to 1.25mg ed. They stopped hurting as much for a few days then started hurting pretty bad again so I dropped down to .75mg ed. I decided to order some research Prami and have been taking it at .5mg ed with the letro. The pain seems to be goin away somewhat, but lumps haven't decreased any. Do you guys think I should stop taking the letro and just take the Prami? Also what dosage should I be taking the Prami at, .5mg ed or more?
letro shouldn't cause it to get worse. If anything, lower estrogen levels usually lowers prolactin. Just stick with the prami at the dose for awhile. It'll go down.
I didn't think it would, but wanted to make sure. I only have about 7.5 mg of the letro left. Will I be ok to take the Prami by itself after?
I would suggest you still take an anti-estrogen...switch to aromosin if you have any. Not as harsh as letro and shouldn't affect your lipid profile.
Mass, funny you should ask this question. I have a bit of gyno, a small lump, I've had it for years and it flares up from time to time from Dbol and a couple other things. It's pubertal gyno. Anyway, I'm on Test/Tren/Dbol right now, taking .5mg of Prami, started taking 1.25mg of Letro to try to decrease the size of the lump, stop the itching etc. Well, the Letro isn't working for me currently. Been on it 2 weeks myself and I've got NOTHING good to say about it right now because all I've got is sore-ass joints and still have itchy nips and the lump under one is still painful. I'm probably going to jump back over to Aromasin pretty soon and just deal with it until the end of my cycle, get the surgery and knock the shit out completely. I'd advise you to do the same.
Epoxy, I feel the same way. My elbows and knees crack all day from the letro. I feel like an 80 yr old man. I only have enough letro for another 5 or 6 days then i'm going to run aromasin with the prami for another week or two to see what happens. I think I have too severe of gyno to cure with any medicine. Only the surgery will do. I went to the dr. a while back for it and he perscribed me Arimidex, but I have shity insurance and it would have cost me $400 for 30 1mg pills. I go back next Monday so i'll ask him then how much the surgery will cost. I was chubby as a kid so I'm pretty sure it's pubertal gyno and when I took the Tren it just made it worse. Even before I took any AAS i would be able to loose bf in my stomach from a strict diet, but could never loose much fat in my chest. It just looks like crap when you can walk around with abs, but have bitch tits. I basically have to keep my nipples hard when I walk on the beach or anywhere w/o a shirt.
Just make sure you tell the Dr. that your gyno HURTS. Tell him it's painful to the touch and that you can't sleep on your stomach due to pain, etc. Tell him it itches and is uncomfortable all the time. Obviously don't hint at any AAS use, etc. See if you can get your insurance to cover at least PART of the surgery. If its pubertal, and painful, sometimes you can get away with it depending on the insurance company. Yes, it's a 'cosmetic' procedure, but if it causes pain and discomfort, it should be covered.
When I went for my last visit I told him that he flares up retty often and that I can't lay down on my chest unless it's a really soft surface. I think I'll wait until after the summer to get the surgery done.
tren gyno

i took tren 12 weeks 45cc 75mg i know to much evertthing was great until 2months when i got off nipples started hurting and burnning i didnt realize they had to types of gyno i got prolactin gyno i started taking liquid letro 3 weeks liquid prami 2 weeks and b6 pain is gone not sensitive to touch feels fine but the problem is that i have one puffy nipple i cant get rid of and its pissn me always had tight nipples do yall know anyway to get rid of this i went to the doctor and got an ultrasound she said i had no lumps but the mamulary gland was inflamed how to stop this please give me some feed back
shouldnt make anything worse if anythign only help a lil bit.
I take 0.6mg letro every3-4 days (2 times a week) on cycle and it works perfecly for estrogen controle.
first off... make sure you have legitimate letrozole and/or prami... ie letrosolut and pramisolut being guaranteed by independant testing of materials...

though if joints are bothersome and progress not forthcoming then increasing prami and switching to exemestane (eg exemsolut).

look at other factors... high insulin spikes will not help... high red meat/arachidonic acid will not help... may need to go off offending drug until tissue calms down... may also need calorie deficit (definitely will need for most true treatment/regression therapies)...

unless sides are too much always reccomend 1mg of prami... better to crush prolactin.. you just dont need it.. its roles are redundant and generally it only causes issues and immune over response...

there of course may be other exogenous factors aggravating system... that is but a partial list....