Can Test stimulate pheromones that attract women?

So the other night I went to a friends engagement party. Mostly it was people I have known for years, but some I had never met. Im running a fair bit of test at the moment and have not stopped thinking about this since the party.

It was really weird to me cause a lot of the girls were extremely nice to me-and i received quite a few compliments. Even from those that have not made a pass in many years. It would not stop happening, maybe it was because I was sober i picked up on it. That is not what it felt like though, its like they could tell i was horny as fuck and thinking about banging each one of know how that goes when on the sauce.

So i was checking wikepedia out and came across the following paragraph.

Is there any truth to this theory that test increases a womens attraction to you through pheromones?

"Other studies have demonstrated that the smell of androstadienone, a chemical component of male sweat, maintains higher levels of cortisol in females,[16] and that the compound is detected via the olfactory mucosa.[17] The scientists suggest that the ability of this compound to influence the endocrine balance of the opposite sex makes it a human pheromonal chemosignal. In 2002, a study showed an unnamed synthetic chemical in women's perfume appeared to increase intimate contact with men. The authors hypothesize, but do not demonstrate, that the observed behavioural differences are olfactorily mediated.[18] This and a previous study by the same authors with the still undisclosed "pheromone" preparation has been heavily criticized for having methodological flaws and that upon re-analyzing there was no effect seen.[19][20]" :kiss2:

haha, bro this is so true. its like women can tell that you have the extra edge. they get very turned on, its almost like you can sense they are getting wet

ahh the power of the juice

its an old thread, but i will post up anyways
well i know this is an old thread,but i will make a comment anyway

Im a research Entomologist,I study Insects behavior,damage they cause,reproduction,you get the idea,and actually there are hormones that attract females to the males,one good example is the Boll Weevil,we extract the sexual hormone out of the male and put it in a cotton swab stick,put it in a trap and within a few days,the traps are full of females,amazing,but I know for sure it works in the insect world,and i would guess the same goes for humans as well
I honestly just think its the way we carry ourselves, and the confidence we have, in addition to not getting hammered. The better you look the more girls are attracted to you, the better you look when you check yourself out in the mirror the better you feel and act.

Remember we're all on this is site cause we put a lot of time and effort in to looking better, so obviously we improve over time and get more attention.

I honestly just think its the way we carry ourselves, and the confidence we have, in addition to not getting hammered. The better you look the more girls are attracted to you, the better you look when you check yourself out in the mirror the better you feel and act.

Remember we're all on this is site cause we put a lot of time and effort in to looking better, so obviously we improve over time and get more attention.

^this 100%
Possibly pheromones, or maybe that you just show more confidence and pride. I notice that women usually touch me more when I'm on... Could be because you're walking around knowing you could destroy anyone there and that you have extremely high testosterone levels. And just being bigger and feeling better in general. Women are attracted to assertiveness and power naturally... from an evolutionary stand point a stronger male would be a better partner to protect them while they carry children.
Not to be another guy to bump and old ass post. But some guy at the gym was saying he noticed this affect as well. Can anyone find an actual study on this? Seems very interesting to me.
Not to be another guy to bump and old ass post. But some guy at the gym was saying he noticed this affect as well. Can anyone find an actual study on this? Seems very interesting to me.

My wife seems to notice it. I think we may be looking into this too much, and let us not forget that causation does not equal correlation. We are running test and we feel better about ourselves and have improved self image and well being, at least I do. We are also more muscular and in better overall shape on a heavy test cycle. Women like size, muscles, and symmetry. Those are other reasons why we may be attracting more women, but we are possibly attributing it to pheromones. It is possible it is the pheromone explanation, but I doubt that any scientific study exists on high doses of exogenous testosterone being able to attract members of the opposite sex. This one will likely remain a mystery, unless one of the smarter members chimes in with some knowledge.