check my tren out fellas!


New member
1st batch of many, what do you all think. i pretty much watched it like a newborn being kinda hurts a bit..ha! used other tren and never hurt:bawling:
it got really dark when i put heat on it but when i put it in the coffee filter and the whatman filter cleared up, its roughly 76mgs a ml

:thinking:cool, tell us, keep us posted, how does it compare to UG that u may have (if ) gotten recently.
I always took my time and stayed away from using a bunch of heat to dissolve it and it was always better- looks like you did also
I always took my time and stayed away from using a bunch of heat to dissolve it and it was always better- looks like you did also

yea i hear ya, i did not wanna use heat trust me, but under the circumstances i had to finish up quick. was leaving for work and in the morning wasnt dissolved all the way. didnt wanna leave it out just incase my wife had company coming 40cc will deff be more potent. i would have liked it to be a lil darker but its working great. feel fuller and rock hard on the third day, cant wait for the near also using anadrol at 100mgs ed, and 1000mgs of Sustanon (sust) ew. ill kepp you all posted. might add some eq towards the end?? thats just a maybe.
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god this shit is amazing, 2nd inject today workouts are beginnig to get nutty, i see alot of eyes wondering..haha! muscles feel full and very hard and noticable now. i will never buy ug tren again, homebrew is the way to go if you do it right and kee. p sanitary. Great cycle so far, hopefully bench will be aroun 400-415 range soon and squat around 400 as well<~~have compartments syndrome in right leg from football, hard to squat:(
dreams are starting to get vivid, freddy kruger was the star last last got the fina cough yet or night sweats, maybe a a tad bit more aggervated at times, workouts more intense and longer, sweating profusely... when do you all tren users usally get the night sweats and what seems to be the highlight weeks for you? i used tren way long time ago but dont remember much as i was young and dumb. alson decided to use it at 75mgs ed.
Good louck bro! Im on my first run of tren with test... ive been on the test for 6 weeks so far. Tomorow will be my third shot of tren at 50 mgs EOD.
okay im an avid user say i use at maximum doesage, keep this in mind when i say that im interested in using some winstrol at the end of this power cycle to dry me the fuck out. Never used wistrol but i know the basics about it. Need to know how i can run this blast at the end at the highest doesage and if it can be run with bold. OAK i know ya got me on this bro!!