Coming off a blast and ready to cruise for a bit?


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PSL Carries Testosterone Undecanoate!


Chemical Name:Testosterone Undecanoate
Comes In: 10ml vial -250 mg/ml
Dosage: 500-1200mg per week
Active time: Approx 15-17 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

With a 15-17 day half life you can easily pin this product as little as TWICE A MONTH and maintain perfectly stable blood levels. Perfect for cruising periods!


-Minimal pinning (2x/month)
-VERY stable blood levels
-Perfect for those who travel often and can't bring their supplies with them.
-VERY affordable
I happen to know a few people currently using this product to cruise with. I'm considering making the switch myself. It just seems so convenient to only have to pin 2x a month! Then I could take my two weeks vacation with no worries :)
Having never used this, if I'm on 200mg/week cypionate, would it still be 200mg/week with this. I could google it but I want to be spoon fed this time. Haha
Having never used this, if I'm on 200mg/week cypionate, would it still be 200mg/week with this. I could google it but I want to be spoon fed this time. Haha

Well seeing as you'd be pinning 2x per would pin 400mg every 2 weeks. Make sense?
Yeah. I guess it was a rookie question. I'm nt smart enough to read and commit to memory all the ester weight to usable mg per concentration or whatever charts the smart guys post up occassionally.

I was womdering if mg per mg this maintains a TT level exactly the same as cyp. Also, I split my 200mg into twice weekly injections now. 400mg e2w sounds like a large dose, but I guess with the slower release, you avoid the huge peak followed by the valley?
Yeah. I guess it was a rookie question. I'm nt smart enough to read and commit to memory all the ester weight to usable mg per concentration or whatever charts the smart guys post up occassionally.

I was womdering if mg per mg this maintains a TT level exactly the same as cyp. Also, I split my 200mg into twice weekly injections now. 400mg e2w sounds like a large dose, but I guess with the slower release, you avoid the huge peak followed by the valley?

Ah...I see what you're getting at. With the ester weight of're getting a total of 61mg of actual testosterone per 100mg dose. With cyp you're getting about 69mg of total testosterone. So yes there will be a difference.
thats the half life not active life. its active for much longer and after months of pinning 2x a month levels will build up and you can actually level it out to go with 1pin every 2 or so months. from what I have seen in hrt research anyway. bigger pin ofcourse but only needing a few pins a YEAR sounds great to me! ha!
maybe ill try this one out over the summer orsometing.
I will point out for cycling this ester sucks, i wont get deep into it but just trust me teste or cyp is better for cycles 12-16 weeks at a time.
BUT for crusing and HRT its a GREAT compound! God send for most.
I dont like pinning myself. so im playing with the idea. but will need to rework how i dose my AI and all that but by logic I already have a plan
Happy you guys have this in!
thats the half life not active life. its active for much longer and after months of pinning 2x a month levels will build up and you can actually level it out to go with 1pin every 2 or so months. from what I have seen in hrt research anyway. bigger pin ofcourse but only needing a few pins a YEAR sounds great to me! ha!
maybe ill try this one out over the summer orsometing.
I will point out for cycling this ester sucks, i wont get deep into it but just trust me teste or cyp is better for cycles 12-16 weeks at a time.
BUT for crusing and HRT its a GREAT compound! God send for most.
I dont like pinning myself. so im playing with the idea. but will need to rework how i dose my AI and all that but by logic I already have a plan
Happy you guys have this in!

Exactly. So knowing that the half life is about 18 days (2.5 weeks), we can assume after about 2.5 weeks, half of the active hormone has been used up. If you wait a month, roughly 1/4 of total dosage is left.....2're pretty much down to nothing by then. I still recommend 2x a month for optimum stability of blood levels.