
the only reason why i stayed away from deadlifts is because i am worried about a disk slipping. I don't have back problems, its just always at the corner of my mind. I train hamstrings and forearms i do the same amount for forearms that you stated, and as well as hamstrings(on the hamstring machine). I used to train chest with back, but now i'm gunna start training back with arms now.
For chest i never do decline because it fucks up my shoulder way too
much so i have to stay away from that. My chest is doing well. I'll start doing inlcine dumbell flyes my next chest exersise.

This is my training spilt- Chest, back, abs
tris, bis, forearms,
legs, abs
traps, shoulders, forearms
chest, back, abs
tri's bis

I really wanna have thicker arms (from looking striat on)
I think the way you broke my regime down is good and i will work on as soon as my next work out
when you say 4 sets and 4-6 reps, how many exersises should be in there, like for arms should i do start barbell, then hammer, then machine?
I really hope that i'm not overtraining because that is what i always tried to avoid, hopefully you'll be able to tell if i am or not, i've also been training for 1 year and 5 months if that helps
If you are worried at all about deadlifts, do not do them. Mentally you will not be strong, so an injury is very possible. The same goes for the Decline bench. Shoulders are very easy to injure, so avoid those exercises that aggravate the muscle - I tore my rotator cuff about 10 years ago and I still aggravate it today if I'm not careful. By adding in dips, that exercise will help shape the bottom pec area even if your chest is already developed.

Its good to train back and arms. Also, try the Push-Pull method for arms = 1 bicep exercise followed by a 1 tricep exercise. This way you are working antagonistic muscle groups, which should increase the blood flow to that area, which will increase your "pump" and blood flow to that area. By the way, the "new" split looks better. Good timing between muscle groups and you will be working antagonistic muscles.

Glad to hear the advise was worthwhile. I truly feel that by using only "basic" heavy exercises for your arms or for any bodypart for that matter, you will see an improvement in the thickness and density of the muscle.

The 4 sets is usually for 3 exercises. Start off with the mass builder (straight bar) followed by the other 2 exercises - also be sure to alternate with dumbbells. Since you are determined to get bigger arms, I was worried that you were going too heavy and resting too long between sets , and were potentially over-working the muscle group. Since we use arms in our chest and back routines, it is essential that we allow enough rest for the arm muscles before we use them again. If your arms have grown from 12" to 16" or so, your progress is impressive. But, to get over the next hump, you need to modify the exercises, eliminating those that shape the muscle and concentrate on building thickness first. The arms need at least 24 hours rest before being worked again. The back needs 48 hours as do our legs. The bigger the muscle group or the muscle groups used the most, need the greatest amount of rest. This will help you avoid over-training. Also, your sound nutrition base will asist the body in recovery.
Usually when i'm going heavy for arms i have 2 1'2 mintues of rest between sets and about 3 between exersises. Today i decided to train my back with bis, should i do that today, or just train bis alone?
The rest period is too long between exercises. Rest no more than 45 seconds. This time period allows for continuous blood flow to the muscle, as well as preventing the ligaments, tendons, and muscles to cool down too much, which could lead to any injury. The only person who should rest that long are powerlifters who only do one max reps.

Keep the rest period between exercises to no more than a minute or a minute and a half. Again, you want the body to stay warm and not have the chance to cool down.

If you just trained arms, then do not train them again. If it has been about 24 hours, then try the back and arm routine today, but be sure to let those parts rest for a good day. Also, one should never train bi's alone. Couple bi's with triceps to make sure that the enitre arm is filled with blood and to keep a "balance" between the muscle groups. Too big of tri's makes the bi's look small.
As far as the diet goes its awesome, i look bigger now at 208 then when i was at 218, and i actually have abs now!! Now just time to focus on getting these arms thicker. My strength is still going strong as well, my squats are 350 for 4x6. and i can now lift the 100 pound dumbell for overhead extention without a spotter (and to think last year that i could barely get the 35's up!) max bench is now 235.
I just trained tris and shoulders yesterday, and today i want to train bis and back, is that alright? i haven't traied back for 48 hours and i can't remember the last time i did bis
Sounds like adequate recovery has happened, so you should be good to go. Do you plan on training back and arms or just back and bi's?

Again, its best to train antagonistic (push-pull) muscle groups to provide maximum blood flow to the muscle belly.
After today, try to modify your regimen for the next back workout, couple bi's with tri's and see how this works for you. But, for today, back and bi's are fine.
The original diet is on the first page. My analysis was sent directly to big ferrigno, but I will post it here too.

Diet Analysis

Meal 1 – Instead of just a bowl of oatmeal, use this instead:
2/3 cup oatmeal + 3 tsp. Almonds (slivered) + 1 Scoop Protein powder = 271 calories, 7 grams of Fat, 24 grams or more of Protein, and 28 grams of Carbs.

You can also make Power Pancakes and eat them a couple days of the week instead of the oatmeal. Here is the recipe – 5 egg whites + 1 Scoop Protein powder + 2 Tablespoons Canola oil + 1 cup uncooked Oatmeal + 1 tablespoon vanilla extract. Cook the oatmeal until thick. Put the egg whites, protein powder, Canola oil, and vanilla in a blender for 10 seconds – then slowly add in the oatmeal – blend evenly and completely. Then take the mixture out and cook on the stove. This recipe makes 8-9 medium sized pancakes and each cake has 67 calories, 3 grams of fat, 6 grams or more of Protein, and 5 grams of Carbs.

Also, to replace the vector cereal a few times, eat a wheat bagel with peanut butter and change the eggs to just egg whites.

Meal 2 - Add at least 3 oz. of protein to the pasta, like chicken or turkey chunks and mix with olive oil/vinegar. Cut out the fruit.

Meal 3- Mix the tuna with 4 teaspoons of light mayo + 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Then eat it in a mini pita pocket with lettuce and tomato (if you like these). Cut out the extra vegetables if you add them to the sandwich. Each pita has 386 calories, 10 grams of Fat, 60 grams of Protein, and 36 grams of Carbs. To alternate foods, you can use whole wheat bread and/or a soft flour tortilla to vary the meal.

Meal 4 – Keep the eggs, but only eat one yolk and the rest egg whites. Cut out the rice cakes and replace them with whole wheat bread or rye bread, crackers and/or Melba toast with the peanut butter. For variety, eliminate the bread and peanut butter and replace with a baked potato with real butter and top it off with some type of cheese.

Meal 5 – Like in meal 3, mix the tuna with light mayo and olive oil and eat it on one slice of whole wheat or rye bread. You could also use a flour tortilla or with a whole grain roll.

Meal 6- Keep the protein, but cook it in some olive oil to add in some good fats and then eat with some brown rice, yams, or some legumes (beans).

Last meal - Keep the protein shake at the end of the night.

The way that I have laid this out for you is to see that each meal needs to be balanced with protein, fat, and carbs. This is an Isocalorie diet that keeps our insulin and glucagon levels steady so you are burning fat, but in the meantime, adding on solid muscle weight and size. I have a number of different recipes for egg dishes for the AM meal and other recipes for lunches and suppers.

A few tips: Add in more fish (cod, catfish, etc…) marinated in olive oil, lemon juice, and butter and either grill it out or use a broiler; add in some red meat and turkey to your meals and not just chicken and tuna – you are trying to gain weight, so you need more protein in different forms; add in some pork, shrimp, cheese (although limit these to an early snack); depending on what time you workout, you should eat 2 chocolate Pop Tarts 1.5 to 2 hours prior to your workout. This is one of the best pre-workout snacks there is – the chocolate acts as a stimulant, and each pop tart has ample complex carbs, fat, and some protein to help stabilize your insulin levels. Eat some pizza too- this is a perfect meal if you eat healthy toppings and stay away from organ meats like sausage.

Keep drinking water and if you like, drink at least two cups of coffee/day to help spike your thermogensis (burning body fat). Also, instead of just peanuts, eat some sunflower seeds, mixed nuts, etc… These are extremely high in good quality protein and healthy fats.

This is a basic analysis – eat right, train hard, and get lots of rest and you should be able to pass your plateau and start gaining some solid weight without the fat.

(This information in no way should replace the advice of a medical professional).
Just giving an update therm. My arms are becoming a lot more defined and the worry of them becoming smaller is over. They are now bigger then they have ever been before. Now when i look in the mirror my skin isn't smooth its nice and hard looking, just need to work a little harder on my abs and then i'll be there. I'll be sure to update in about a weeks time. Oh by the way i'm 208 which is a perfect weight at my height for being leaner.
Dialing it in !!!

Man, nice porgress. See, everything comes in good time and I knew you would look better at a lower weight with a ripped physique.

Glad to hear the arm routine and diet have helped. Keep up the good work and keep me posted.
Hey therm, just an update. I can now see the seperation in my quads, and also from the side which i never could before. Triceps are easily showing now, and i have abs now! People say that i'm looking bigger, and there are some ppl who out weigh me by 10-15 pounds and i look bigger then them! go figure. The only weird comment is from my sister saying that i loook smaller (in heigh that is) I have no idea why. I can't wait for another 1-2 years when i might be able to have the body to compete. I am thinking aobut bulking up to 225 in august, but i like where my diet is right now, considering i'm stronger then i have ever been before, and i look bigger without the fat! so who knows maybe i'll keep this diet for the whole summer
Sounds like a plan! It is amazing how the body responds to proper nutrition and exercise. The height thing has me stumped too, but you hit the nail on the head when you stated that ppl see you bigger now at a lighter weight. Like I said before, the name of this game is size with definition, which seems to me you are achieving.

You've been on this diet for about 45 days+, so it is not surpirsing to hear about the success you are having. Give it another 30+ days and your body should be a fat burning machine that can pack on the lean mass without adding fat. This is more than a diet, its more of a lifestyle. The eating patterns, types of foods, and the breakdown of every meal is very specific - they are done in order to change your physiology and if kept up with, will transform your body (which you are seeing). Try it for the summer and then we can modify it again for the winter months. Right now, with abs....hit the beach if you're near one!

Great job and keep me posted. By the way, how are the bi's coming along?
oh yea i forgot to mention, the viens in my arms now are crazy!! there are so many that i didn't even know that i had before. When i am done a arms workout, and having done some negatives, my veins pop out like crazy when i flex! The bis are coming, still gotta hit some more barbell curls and hammers. Its funny today i bought a shirt from my gym and it was XL i though that maybe it would be a little too big for me. I guess my eyes are seeing bigger then what my body is because my arms fitted tight on the sleves, and this is now with almost all of my other shirts as well!! I'm gunna keep focusing on my arms because i have the strength and the eating habits, so it should take just a little bit to see some progress, they are 16" right now and i would love to get them too 16.5" by the summers end, if possible
Vascularity is a sign that your bodyfat levels are decreasing while your lean body mass is increasing. If we all could have that problem with clothes, right?! Keep up with what you are doing and you should see 16.5" easily.

Negatives, when used properly, will rip you up and add more strength and size than you could believe.

Hit those straight bar curls real hard and heavy - this will turn up your gains too.
As a Pre-workout SNACK, the sugars are used for energy immediately, so they do not have the potential to be stored as fat. Also, the protein and fat help stabilize our insulin and glucagon levels, which help prevent the sugars from being processed.

This is just a power snack that I have come across in my years that athletes have used and have had good results from. When eaten only before a workout, the calories and sugars are used rather than processed and stored.