Contest prep, get with it, courtesy of uncle z!!


New member
August 13th

So, I am 9weeks out from doing my show and qualifying for nationals where i hope to earn my IFBB card in Physique. I have been blessed to have Z sponsor me through these trials and tribulations. He sponsored my bulk cycle and now, he has sponsored my show prep cycle. The gear I am taking is a follows: 100mg test prop ED, 100mg Masteron ED, 100mg Tren Ace ED and 4iu of HGH ED. My goal is to be a shredded 215 for my stage weight. I do believe this is quite achievable as long as my heart is in it and I push myself to the highest standard and not give up. Anything worth doing is worth overdoing,,, moderation is for the weak of heart. The gym i belong to has astro turf where I am able to do tire flips, sled pull and pushes and sprints. I plan on doing those in the AM, and later in the evening, doing my normal workout regime. I truly believe I will get my card this year, as I have had quite a bit of an obstacle (torn left peck) and have still been able to push myself to the limit and then some. So boys and girls, get ready to read the most intense log with video and photos you have ever read. I hope to be able to educate you guys on how and why I train the way I do.

Cheers guys,
log starts tomorrow!!!!!

Today was a weird kind of day. i had so much to do, yet so little time. I should have took the day off, but my meals were on target and my body really felt like a beast. So i gave in and told myself i would do biceps. (i hardly train arms, just comes natural i guess). I started out with 90lb bar bell curls for 5sets of 15. im doing more high volume now that im prepping for my show and it seems to be working pretty well. after this, i went to the cable machine and raised both sides and did arm curls with it set on 25. (not sure if you guys know what i mean, ill take a pic nxt arm day)i did 6sets of 15 with this. Now, my arms feel like they want to crawl out from in me. it was a very werid, odd feeling. All this high volume training im doing seems to really be helping me with way more definition and muscle striations. i cant wait for this prop mast tren to really kick in. i think once it does, its GAME TIME. granted everyday should be game time but once you can feel and notice something working, its a whole different thing.
my diet today was
total macros
Today i wound up training shoulders and triceps. i have to be careful that my legs dont get to big for my competition since it is physique and i have to wear board shorts. Used to love doing legs twice a week but now, i stick with once a week.

i started off with triceps. i did the triangle pushdown for 5sets of 15-21 at the max of the stack which on the double pully system is 95lbs. at each extention, i pause for a second and flex them and feel the squeeze all the while keeping my core nice and tight. mind, you, i have had to change my workouts up a bit since my torn peck, but im not letting it stop me. after that set, i did 5sets of rope pull downs at 40pounds for 5sets of 21. This high volume training seems to be working good. really getting a hell of a pump out of it. After that was complete, i did reverse grip cable pull downs for 5sets of 21. by this point, my triceps were toasted. ( i take only a 30-45sec break between sets). i feel the the shorter breaks between sets really makes the blood flow and gives you optimum growth. my triceps were toasted after that workout so i moved over to shoulders.

i got on the smith machine and loaded 185 up and did that for 15, then i bumped it up to 225 and maintained that for 5sets of 15-21. by now, i had veins just popping everywhere and the pump was hella insane. i moved over to the dumbbells and did 5sets of side lateral rasies with 25pounds going super slow and squeezing at the peak. i felt a tweak in my peck, so i bumped it down to 15lbs and did single arm front raises for 5sets of 21 where at the top i would pause for a second then realize it. its all about form i swear.. i see people in the gym doing heavy ass weight with terrible form,and i just laugh to myself. i know im strong as an ox so i dont need to impress anyone. im more focused on my goals and achievments then what others are doing. This show coming up means everything to me so i have to push myself to the limit, because if not, ill only have myself to blame. i still have 2meals left, but i have ground chicken mixed with oats in the oven. (my healthy meatloaf). ive come this far all by myself so if i fail, i can onnly blame myself. however, i dont see myself failing. even HEAVY DEADLIFTS says i have pro potential so its time jon got his shit in even better order and just goto town on those weights. ill post progress pics tomrw since my lady friend is traihing with me. in mean time, here are the photos of the machines i was using.


Today i had my lady friend come to the gym and take a few pics while working out.. This girl is an MMA fighter with a 7-0 record. lemme tell ya, shes fun to grapple with. tiny thing but still strong as hell.
I started off with dead lifts. I warmed up with 135x10, really felt the squeeze, then i did what i learned in one of arnolds books, jump right into it after a warm up. so i put 315 on and did it for 10 solid reps. felt GREAT. After that, i decided to do 465 for 5. I did that easy as could be honestly. I said to myself, is this tren really kicking in this fast?!! Then i jumped up to 505 and did that for 3. Took a 3.5min break and did 565 for 2. Knees buckled at the half way point and i just got this burst of energy and just RAWRed it up and finished clean. Was a solid deadlift experience. After that, we went over and did isolated lat pull downs on a machine. I dont care what you guys think, but doing a machine for isolated lats, IT BURNS. After doing 5 sets of whatever weight it was, and doing a solid 1second pause while flexing your lat, BAM, totally pumped. Its more isolated on my upper lat,the way i have it, which is great. lower lats are solid, its my upper that needs "work" atleast for competitions sake. so we did them and then did seated row with 190lbs for 5sets of 12-15. towards the end i could only do 8 so i dropped it to 140 and just went to failure which was around 21. I ended the day with failure pull ups. havent been able to do them since my pec tear but it seems to be working with the HGH COURTESY of Z. We Did 5sets of failure on pullups and then called it a day.
Below are pics of that machine isolated lat pull down along with a RELAXED shot of my back.
my diet today honestly, consisted the same as yesterday. i hardly change it up especially the protein. its either chicken breast, ground turkey or tuna or tilapia. my carbs come from oats, brown rice and quina (or however you spell it.)
On a side note, i really feel Zs prop and masterone and tren are kicking in. i have such more strength already. its insane. Best gear i have EVER ran. im not just saying that because im sponsored, im saying that as a person.

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Today i trained with an old friend and we did arms. let me tell ya, when you train with someone as strong as you, it makes me go even harder than you probably should says the guy with compression fractures in his spine from time served in the army on the war on terror and a torn peck benching. DEAR GOD I AM DEAD TO THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Since both of our arms are 19-20inches at 5'10, we really have no need to do heavy weight. Once you get to a certain point, and you arent trying to be a powerlifter, you train for maintenance and maybe work on certain parts of a muscle group that already is big but that one little part could be better.....thats where isolation workouts come into play. Guys, let me tell ya, isolation workouts SUCK but in a GOOD way. The pump is way more intense than when you are doing your big 3 (squat, deadlift, bench). Its always good to have a solid base foundation, meaning your legs. Train them, everything else falls into place.

So, enough about that.
We started with back to the wall EZ bar curls with just 35lbs on each side and did them for 5sets of 15. That last set, we both were only able to do 10, but yeh sure, we coulda cheated and do 5more, but that defeats the purpose. After doing those, we went over to a bench and set it up high incline and put one hand on it and did isolated hammer curls for 4sets of 15. we used 40lb dumbbell except our final set we did 50lbs. At this point, my arms were so goddanged pumped it hurt to extend them. (thank you hgh, tren and masteron and prop). Afterwards, we raised the cables all the way up and did bicep curls (no clue the weight, its different at my new gym) and we did 5sets of 15-21. TALK ABOUT BURN OUT. That was the last of our bicep workout. Now for triceps, both of us are lucky that we have naturally large triceps so we just stick with once again, isolated workouts to hit the tricep head and the lower part of it. We did 5sets of triangle pushdowns with the weight stacked as far as it could go. We did these in the 12-15 rep range because our next exercise is rope pull downs. I will say, doing the triangle push down in an athletic stance while obviously flexing your core (which you should do regardless) really works. AND ALWAYS AT THE PEAK OF WHATEVER EXERCISE YOU DO, ALWAYS SQUEEZE AND FLEX THE MUSCLE...learned that from reading arnold. After the triangle pushdowns, we did rope pull downs and totally burnt our triceps to hell. We did 5sets of 25reps at a medium weight so we were able to squeeze and flex at the bottom. My iphone rang and for the likes of me i couldnt reach it to my fucking ear, it was hilarious. We were gonna do some dips, but we both agreed that we did enough volume that our muscles will feel it tomorw and especially me with my torn peck who has a competition in 8.5weeks. So there ya have it guys and gals. One of the best workouts in a hot minute for this guy.
Looks like you have some good size on you. What you weighing atm? How long have you been on GH? Most likely since your bulk was just curious since obviously 9 weeks out it isnt going to do anything.
Looks like you have some good size on you. What you weighing atm? How long have you been on GH? Most likely since your bulk was just curious since obviously 9 weeks out it isnt going to do anything.

ive been on growth on and off for a year, low dose for back injury sustained in the army on the good ole war on terror.
and thanks, im cutting pretty well, still staying big though lol. my stage weight is going to be 215-220 for physique since its national qual for my pro card. and what do you mean 9weeks isnt going to do anything?

I had to call my leg workout short and goto the emergency room. I took today off from lifting obviously.

I will be good to go tomorrow guys, just have to rest my body.
****the last few days were mini workouts not worth posting up. however, this one is, as is all my others except the last few days.****


Today started off as a great day and ended as one too. Had one of my army buddies over for a few hours, hence the late log. Went to the gym today with my goal set on arms...somehow though, a tingle came about and i belined it to the flat bench. tested the water with 135 and it felt great. So here it goes....Im taking a new approach to posting my workouts, so please let me know which you prefer.

Flat bench: 135x15

Incline DB Seated Press: 80x15

Cable machine at a slight incline was a little different. I took the 3 sets of pound per rep. meaning, if i put the weight on 25, i would do 25 reps. Its definitely a great change up and change of pace.
I started at 23 and did 23reps. My peck felt fine, so i upped it to 27. Key to this type of training is the minimal time between sets. I took a 30second break before doing 27 solid reps flexing and squeezing my chest on every rep. Chest was FULL OF BLOOD FLOW since it hadnt been worked on in over a month. I made the call and upped it to 30. I could only do 22reps, solid squeezing reps. Yeh, sure, i probably could have pushed it and do shitty form and run the risk of chest injury but decided to play it smart. After that, i moved over to incline DB flys. Yeh, i realize this is quite a lot of workouts for just getting back into chest, but hey, i have a show where im gunning for my pro card... I HAVE TO DO THIS. i did light weight 3 sets of pound per rep. Im tellin ya, you guys, check this training out. It REALLY WORKS GREAT. started with 25lb DBs and did 25 solid contracted reps. Then i added a curve ball into it and did 50lb for 8 with a 2sec pause on the weigh down. Then I went back to 25lb for 25reps. I had veins running thru my chest. it was rather impressive if i must say so myself. Next on the agenda i did for chest was incline hammer press for 5 sests of 6 reps with 30seconds between sets. this is where i go heavy. It gave me a whole different feeling of PUMP. I really like adding in different rep ranges and sets to my workouts: always spikes the muscle fibers and, in my opinion, minimizes muscle complacency. Last on my chest workout was reverse grip decline smith machine bench press with 10 sets of 3 reps with a 20-30second pause between sets. I used moderate to heavy weight for this exercise. Once again, tossing it up so my muscles dont get complacent. At this point, I called it a day with chest.

Next on the menu was calves!!!!!
I wore my hightop chuck taylors for this purpose. i LOVE training anything leg related.
I did 4 sets of pound per rep. I started with the 30s to get the blood flowing. Felt good, but light. Owell, next set i grabbed the 50s and did 50reps with a nice squeeze at the peak. I kept it at 50,only because i had seated calf press to do afterwards. Seated calf press came and i stacked 2, 45lb plates and did single leg calf raises for 15reps each leg for 3sets. I figured, well, lets train "durty" and stacked on another 45 and a 35 and banged out 2sets of 25 with a nice, almost cramping squeeze at the peek. For some reason, it still felt light (thank you tren). So me being a leg fanatic, i took the 35lb off and added another 45 and a 25 and did 15 SLOW, SOLID, SQUEEZE at the peak reps where i got a mini cramp. (thats how i knew i trained my calves solid). i tried getting a pic of the veins running through my legs but that clenbuterol (thank you superior peptides) had me shaking like a tweaker.

Finally, I maneuvered my way to the ab area. My ab workouts are pretty simple and straight forward. just a lot of HVT. lately, ive been super setting flutter kicks with planks for 5rounds of total 400flutter kicks and 5minutes planks. i do flutter kicks where i lay flat and assume a slight crunch position, then hold arms out forward and begin "fluttering" my legs. Im doing stomach vacuums during this time period. I do 100, then jump over and do 1min of planks, then back and fourth. After the 5 rounds, i do 1minute of side planks each side for 2sets. Then i stretch out my abs, and just take in the burn!!!!!

I can say i truly feel the gear kicking in. My night sweats have begun from the tren, and my skin is tightening up even more than with the HGH with the masteron. And obviously the test prop is working as well. This cycle, whew, Im going to dominate this show. And like rambo said, fuck it, why not do both?! they are only a few days apart. The tren is very smooth, no PIP. Pain free. Im still running Zs blue tops which are amazing. Ive dropped the dose back down to 2-3iu a day. If you guys recall, my doctor advised roughly 8IU for my torn peck. But at that amount, i was developing to much, and i HAD to come back to my normal amount. 3weeks before the show, i talked with Z and he is sending me some winny to run at 100-150mg a day. Myself and heavylifts were talking about it, and thought it would be a good idea. yeh, its a high dose, but shoot, if it hardens me up even more, then im down for it. plus, its only for a short time period, not a full 8wk cycle.

AND THAT GUYS, WAS MY WORKOUT FOR TODAY!!!!! I MUST SAY, IT FELT VERY PRODUCTIVE. Tomorrow, i will be training arms and will do my absolute best on getting some gym shots taken.

not sure how long you've been running the gh... but like mentioned above, gh just is not effective if only being run for 9 wks, no matter what the quality or dosage is

and to be honest, even 8iu is gonna do very little if anything for bodybuilding purposes (even after running it everyday for 6 months). I'm not questioning your physique, I'm sure you're making big improvements week by week, but don't fall into the trap of thinking gh works on a short term basis

10+ ius is a moderate dosage for high level competitors, and 20iu's per day is very common... and that's everyday for 6 months minimum, sometimes years

keep training hard and stay focused on the goal ahead of you, good work