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I know this will be overly simplistic for the lot, so please excuse this if you are an advance user. Personally, i think this question helps a lot of people and i know it helps....................................... me.......Hypothetically........If you could have only two AAS's or other compounds...........Then which two would you choose???????
Keeping in mind two factors that is you have to use the two for any cutting and bulking phases.........Keep in mind side effects and toxicity.........................................Here is an example Prop/Tren or Enanthate/Eq........
A lot of people will suggest two phases like wk1-12 tren/eq and wk 1-8 tren/prop. I am planing my next cycle as many are so try and limit your choice to two compounds, thanks......................

Keeping in mind two factors that is you have to use the two for any cutting and bulking phases.........Keep in mind side effects and toxicity.........................................Here is an example Prop/Tren or Enanthate/Eq........
A lot of people will suggest two phases like wk1-12 tren/eq and wk 1-8 tren/prop. I am planing my next cycle as many are so try and limit your choice to two compounds, thanks......................

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