Cooking Chicken Breast in Bulk??? Advice Needed desperately before I go broke

Can Chip get wives for people too? lol

All things are possible through Chip! Just know that if you ask him to get you a wife that he test drives them before giving them to you to make sure they are in good working order! :)
You guys cooking in the microwave, blending chicken with water in the blender, canned chicken!

Remind me never to come eat at any of your houses :)

this is how I cook chicken.

I'll look at it and then look at it again and realize it's chicken and tastes like nothing. I then proceed to grab a big fat juicy steak and toss it on the grill instead.

I do eat chicken sometimes and when I do I either make it on the grill and eat right away or chicken and dumplings is a nice change from the regular chicken dishes.

Pan fried diced chicken breast with different peppers.

Often times the side dishes are what makes the chicken interesting. Different rices, quinoa. salads.
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You guys cooking in the microwave, blending chicken with water in the blender, canned chicken!

Remind me never to come eat at any of your houses :)

this is how I cook chicken.

I'll look at it and then look at it again and realize it's chicken and tastes like nothing. I then proceed to grab a big fat juicy steak and toss it on the grill instead.

I do eat chicken sometimes and when I do I either make it on the grill and eat right away or chicken and dumplings is a nice change from the regular chicken dishes.

Pan fried diced chicken breast with different peppers.

Often times the side dishes are what makes the chicken interesting. Different rices, quinoa. salads.
Take it easy on me Zeek! I like my canned chicken!
I do all my stuff a week at a time - Sunday to Sunday.

I buy 13-14 pounds of fresh large chicken breast from Sams Club every Sunday morning. It is a $1.79 per pound at my local store. That's pretty cheap.

After trimming the excess I typically have 11 - 12 pounds of boneless, skinless, almost no fat chicken left.

I space them out on 2 large cookie sheets covered in tin foil.

I cook mine in a 60 inch Viking Commercial Gas range at 425 degrees for 30 minutes.

I will let them cool and put them in to two giant ziplock freeze backs that go directly into the fridge.

Fold up the foil, toss it, rinse the cookie trays, and presto - done with cooking chicken for the week.

I do the same thing with my brown rice. Also bought at Sams Club 10 pounds for $4.68. That last me 3 weeks.

I cook up 5 cups of uncooked rice in a huge pot every Sunday and store it in a glass Pyrex dish with a airtight lock lid.

I cook my Egg Beaters every morning with my oatmeal. That is the only daily cooking. That takes about 10 minutes in the morning.

that doesnt sound like much food at all. 5 cups of rice for 7 days?
Take it easy on me Zeek! I like my canned chicken!

Ok Durst, I'll give your canned chicken the benefit of the doubt :biggthump

Would you mind listing all of the ingredients in this can? I'm curious what all is in there

I have tried the blended chicken before !!! ONLY ONCE !!!!!

sometimes you just have to step up to the plate and eat the chicken. cook 3 or 4 days worth and dig in. adding a little water to the bowl when you put it in the mic. it helps add a little moisture. having several miss dash on hand helps too.
Does the chicken taste "ok" after being frozen for 6 days? I might have to start doing that. My work schedule is going to be early as hell until 7-8pm after new years.

I've just been doing the fridge for like 2-3 days or however long it lasts me.
I usually steam my chicken. I try to cook in bulk sometimes, but the taste starts to get bad after the 4th day. Being 290 I definitely need to start being healthy again.
Does the chicken taste "ok" after being frozen for 6 days? I might have to start doing that. My work schedule is going to be early as hell until 7-8pm after new years.

I've just been doing the fridge for like 2-3 days or however long it lasts me.

I don't do anything based on taste. I don't care how it tastes. It serves the purpose in the most efficient way possible.
Contains only three ingredients: chicken, water and salt. There are no extra unknown products in your food.

There are 5 servings in a can, I eat 1/2 can at a time.

Total Fat 1.5g
Sat Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 40mg
Sodium 250mg
Protein 12g
In that case that little can of chicken is really good! 60 grams of protein per can is not shabby either!

Contains only three ingredients: chicken, water and salt. There are no extra unknown products in your food.

There are 5 servings in a can, I eat 1/2 can at a time.

Total Fat 1.5g
Sat Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 40mg
Sodium 250mg
Protein 12g
The way I go about it is..first I usually buy a 10 pound bag of chicken breasts. If you have some type of butcher or meat wholesaler by you..that's your best bet. You can usually get chicken from 1.39-1.69 per pound that way.

I trim all fat off, then filet the breasts into cutlets. I'll take a bunch in a big bowl, coat with olive oil, garlic, black pepper, red pepper and a little sea salt. I'll cook about 8 cutlets at once on my foreman grill. The cutlets that I won't be eating that moment, I undercook a little when I microwave them later that day and the next, they are still juicy. By far the foreman grill cooks the moister chicken out of anything...cant live with out one!!

Now I take the rest of the raw cutlets...load up a bunch of medium size ziplocks and put in the freezer. When I know I'm running low, I'll take out a bag or two in the am and let defrost naturally...and repeat above. Save a ton of $ and it tastes great!
That canned chicken just doesn't taste right to me. And for some reason it gives me the strongest smelling piss I've ever had in my life!!!! If I'm feeling lazy I'll just toss a whole bunch of frozen chicken in the crock pot on low with some water before bed. By the next morning I'll have cooked chicken that I shred, then put in with brown rice and some salsa. Simple, healthy, and tasty.
I don't do anything based on taste. I don't care how it tastes. It serves the purpose in the most efficient way possible.

And that is why my body will not be looking like yours anytime soon :bowdown:

Still might give it a go, mustard or BBQ Sauce should be able to fix the flavor.
Coat it with EVOO and bake, seals in the moistness and even when you microwave later is juicy and not dried out like other ways.